Chapter 3 The average bus driver

"Michael how's it going just starting?" A man called out from a table across from the door.

"Hey George, nope did some overtime before my shift started and I have the midnight finish tonight." Michael replied as he sat down across from George.

"Ouch long day for you then mate" George replied with a laugh.

"So how is it out there today mate?" George asked as Michael took out his packed lunch.

Michael was just about to respond when his mobile phone started to ring. Pulling it out and looking at the callers name he showed a surprised expression before accepting the call.

"Tommy this is a surprise how are you mate?"

From the other end of the phone laughter came before Tommy replied

"Ha ha Mike buddy I am good thanks, what about yourself?"

"Ha ha you know busy with work doing extra hours for the money as always."

"Still driving busses mate?"

"Yup, but I know that's not why you called out of the blue so what's up buddy?" Michael asked as he took a bite of his sandwich.

The phone was quiet for a few seconds before Tommy answered slightly hesitantly.

"Mike mate I need a favour."

"What's this? Tommy Jones needs a favour? It must be bad ha ha"

"Am sure you have heard of the new club opening tomorrow that u am managing?" Tommy asked.

"You mean Olympus? Honestly what's with that name so ostentatious ha ha" Michael laughed at the name.

"Ha ha that's the one and no idea about the name it's apparently what the owner thought up"

"Anyway I need your help tomorrow night, one of the new bartenders Joey was arrested earlier and now we need to replace him asap."

Michael was silent for a while before he sighed and responded.

"Come on Tommy why did you have to ask that mate?"

Tommy sighed in response "look Mike i know it's a hard ask after what happened but I seriouslyneed your help here."

"Normally we would be fine with only one body down even on opening night however the owner has somewhere managed to get Lexi to perform there tomorrow night."

"Who?" Michael asked.

"Oh shit I forgot you don't follow or care about celebrities, but even you must know about Lexi, you know Alexandria Alexia Demonte."

"Hmm" Michael replied down the phone as if thinking.

"Wait isn't that the woman on the Liam Nelson show right now?" John replied turning to look at the TV.

"Wait you watch the Liam Nelson show" Tommy asked sounding shocked.

"No it's on the TV in the canteen, she's the lady with the sad eyes currently being interviewed"

"Sad eyes what the fuck you on about? Lexi is known the have the most beautiful eyes in the world, there is a reason they are called 'The Twin Emerald Lakes'"

"Err what?" Michael replied sounding confused.

"Well she is regarded as the world's most beautiful and successful woman" Tommy replied.

"Hmm I admit she is very attractive"

"Ha ha 'very attractive', Michael there is no hope for you if you only find Lexi 'very attractive'" Tommy laughed again before moving the topic back.

"Look I know this is something you said you would never do again after what happened, but you are one of the best bartenders I have ever met Mike.

If it helps sweeten the deal I can offer you pay at triple the normal rate since we are so desperate."

Michael whistled "triple? damn you are desperate."

"Fine but you need to put me away from the crowd not only because I don't want to do this but for your sake as you know how this could come back to bite you if it's found out I was bar-tending for you right?"

"Don't worry none of the other staff have ever met you apart from Sophie."

"Sophie? Really? That's surprising she always said she would never leave ghost, how did the owner manage that?" Mike replied with genuine surprise in his voice.

"Apparently they made her and offer she couldn't refuse" Tommy replied in his attempt at 80s Mafia impression.

"Ha ha OK there Don Corleone" Mike replied laughing.

"Still you can't tell me that Sophie is fine with this right?"

"Ha ha what she don't know… Sophie only told me to find a replacement asap at any cost and that's all she will know."

Mike sucked in his breath before replying "damn Tommy that's a big gamble, you know if she finds out you're sleeping on the sofa for a month… at least right?"

"Then we don't let her find out, look I have it all planned out."

"I will set you up in the Artemis Lounge as that is the furthest from the Apollo Stage where Lexi will perform, once she goes live that place will empty out and Sophie won't bother with it after that and before that I just have to offer to check it myself."

"Ha ha Apollo, Artemis damn Tommy they're really doing the whole Greek god aspect, what about Zeus and Poseidon?" Mike laughed

"Oh there a thing, Zeus being the head god of Olympus has the Zeus Lounge which is only for Super VIPS and that's where Lexi will stay before and after her show."

"As for Poseidon his is the swimming pool in the basement called Poseidon's Ocean."

"Shit that's crazy ha ha, ok fine look I need to get back to work as I am on break so text me the details of anything else you think I need to know and I will catch you tomorrow at Olympus."

"Nice thanks Mike you're the best I will see you tomorrow."

"Cool bye Tommy"