Chapter 7 The Good Night Shock

As Mike continued to make the drinks Lexi never took her eyes off him and she tried to figure out what it was that made him so different.

Just as Mike turned around to place the drinks on the bar Gracie arrived and sat next to her.

"Ohhh nice timing… wait what is that?" Gracie asked as she looked at the drink in front of Alexia that was emerald green the same colour as her eyes.

Alexia also looked at the drink quizzically before looking up at Mike with a questioning gaze.

"Ha ha don't worry it's only colouring I added to make it look like your eyes." Mike laughed.

"Woo there Casanova you do realise who you're hitting on don't you?" Gracie asked slightly aggressively.

"I am not hitting on anybody Miss I am just answering why it's green."

What both failed to notice was that Alexia suddenly had a slight blush on her cheeks (wait am I blushing? Seriously?)

"Hmm…. So Alexia why are you here you know you're back on stage soon right?" Gracie asked before turning back to her friend.

"I got a bit lost and ended up here when I heard 'Always With You' playing in here." Alexia replied while still studying her drink

"Always With You? As in that song you wrote years ago? I am sure I told Sophie not to play any of your music for tonight since you're here."

"I am afraid that might be my fault, since the lounge was empty because of Miss Demonte I decided to change the music for a little while." Alex confessed slight guilty

"Hmm I suppose we can let it slide…. Wait Miss Demonte?" Gracie replied before showing a surprised expression.

"Yes is there a problem to address her as that?" Mike asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No no it's fine" Gracie replied quickly still slightly shocked.

Then as if to change the subject she asked something else.

"So how do you like working here?"

"The club is very high end and has great potential, if only it had a better name." Mike replied honestly

"That's good to…. Wait what's wrong with its name?" Gracie started of happy before questioning.

"Olympus really? Don't you think it's a bit ostentatious?"

As Mike replied to Gracie they both heard a giggle come from the beauty who was still inspecting her drink.

"See I told you it was ostentatious" Alexia replied.

"Oh for heavens sake it is not ostentatious and are you going to drink that or just keep looking at it?" Gracie replied in exasperation

"Hmm you sure this will do what you said?" Alexia asked while looking at Mike

"What! Are you serving my friend a suspicious drink?" Gracie said aggressively.

Mike replied after signing "the drink is perfectly safe, while the amount of time you're energized and then asleep varies for each person."

Alexia studied Mike for a few seconds while Gracie looked at the drink suspiciously.

"Fine" Alexia said before grabbing the drink and taking a sip

"Alexia Wait…" Gracie started but to late

"Yum it's actually really good" Alexia said with a smile.

"I am glad to hear it, make sure to drink it all and remember after three hours of being energized your body will shut down and you will sleep for the next ten." Mike replied smiling

"What there is no drink that does that." Gracie replied to which Mike just smiled at her.

Gracie was just about to chew Mike out for not answering his employer when her phone rang.

"It's Sophie" she said before answering.

Neither of them noticed that Mike froze for a second on hearing Sophie's name.

"Sophie hi I found Alexia let Jane know not to worry".

"Oh thank god, I am with Miss Ventor now, where are you both and we will head over to you?" Sophie's voice came from the other end of the phone and when Mike heard her question he glanced at the door.

"We are in the Artemis Lounge I will get you both a drink in before Alexia needs to get back on stage." Gracie replied before hanging up.

"Hey bartender can I get a margarita and…"

"A sex on the beach" Mike replied before Gracie could answer.

"Ohhh you know your boss's drink choice very good." Gracie commented.

"So how is that drink? Any problems" Gracie asked becoming suspicious again.

"No in-fact it's really nice and I can feel my body being energized."

"See I told you so Miss Silver, however as Miss Demonte's friend I will remind you that in three to four hours her body will basically shut down as she sleeps for another ten."

"Oh you know who I am and don't worry I got it."

"It's not hard to figure out since you know Miss Demonte and Sophie called you."

"Hmm" Gracie replied while watching Mike work and taking a sip of her drink.

"Wow that's a really good JD on the rocks" Gracie replied surprised at how good her drink was.

Mike smiled and turned around to place two more drinks on the bar.

"Thank you here are you Margarita and Sex on the beach, now if you will excuse me for a few mins I need to top up the ice machine."

"No problem" they both replied as the continued to drink their drinks.