Chapter 11 He does not trust celebrities

"Sophie hi what news?" Gracie asked putting the phone on loud speaker.

"Good morning Miss Silver I have finished my investigation by asking Tommy who he hired and looking at the CCTV for The Artemis Lounge.

I can honestly confirm it was indeed Mike that you and Lexi met yesterday." Sophie explained over the phone.

"Good work Sophie now would you explain why he was there if he was not supposed to be like you hinted and also why you never hired him in the first place when he is obviously a good bartender."

From the other end of the phone the three friends heard Sophie sigh before she continued.

"With all due respect this is not a conversation for over the phone, not only does it involve Mike's personal history but also involves the entertainment industry."

"The entertainment industry?" Alexia asked curiosity in her voice

"Yes indeed Lexi" Sophie replied.

"Very well come here to where we are staying and tells us in person, Gracie will send you the address." Alexia responded as she shifted into her lady boss mode.

"Very well I will be there within the hour" Sophie replied before hanging up.

"Well this got more interesting if it involves the entertainment industry." Gracie said while messaging Sophie the address off there penthouse.

"Indeed, I am going to take a quick shower and get dressed before she arrives, I have a feeling that I am going to have to make an important decision today" Alexia said before moving towards the bathroom.

Gracie and Jane looked at each other because they both knew that when Alexia made important decisions it could change the direction of entire industries.

Almost an hour later the three friends were sitting at the table eating breakfast when the door bell rang to announce the arrival of Sophie.

Jane got up and moved to the door camera on the wall to make sure before letting her into the penthouse.

"Good morning Miss Silver, Lexi and Miss Ventor" Sophie greeted.

"Good morning Miss Philip's would you like some breakfast before you start?" Lexi asked.

"Please Lexi I have not had time to eat yet and please call my Sophie."

"Of course Sophie help yourself" Lexi replied with a smile.

Once Sophie got herself some bacon, eggs, toasts and a cup of coffee she sat down at the table and ate a few minutes fulls before starting.

"Where would you like me to begin ladies?" Sophie asked.

"Tell us about Michael Vandal" Alexia replied so quickly and eagerly that all three ladies looked at her curiously.

Sophie took another drink of coffee before she began.

"Michael Vandal or Mike to his friends is someone who I believe is someone you have all heard the name off before tho you probably don't remember it."

"Oh? Please elaborate" Lexi said her interest mounting.

Sophie nodded before continuing "Mike used work together with myself and Tommy, while I managed the club or bars and Tommy was the head of personal, Mike was always the head bartender".

Sophie took another drink before continuing "Mike is the best bartender I have ever worked with, you experienced yourself last night how good and unique his drinks are and that's after not being in the business for over two years."

"He was always a consummate professional when working but knew how to joke around and have fun when needed, he was also a great teacher always willing to guide and train the new bartenders to help them improve."

"If he is so good at his job why was he not hired to work at Olympus" Gracie asked clicking her tongue.

"I am sure when Miss Silver recruited me for the job as manager you did an in depth background check, if so you would of seen that the name of the head bartender I always worked with from before two years ago was Michael Vandal." Sophie replied.

"Indeed now that you bring it up the name does ring a bell, so what happened did you two have a falling out?" Gracie answered

"No Miss Silver and this is where Lexi and Miss Ventor have no doubt heard his name from and how it's related to the entertainment industry." Sophie replied before sighing

"Lexi is not the first celebrity Mike gave 'The Night Shock' too, just over two years ago he gave it too Michele Rodriguez:" Sophie finished waiting for the obvious explosions and then it came.

"WHAT!!!" Jane yelled standing up and slamming her fist on the table.

"The spiking incident? The one where Michele Rodriguez claims a bartender spiked her drink to get her into bed? That Michael Vandal?"

"Oh I remember that, it blew up in all the papers and entertainment websites because it was the after party for her hotly anticipated new movie." Gracie commented

Alexia did not comment and just sat with her head resting on her hand, obviously in deep thought.

"You let a known spiker work at Olympus and even worse serve Alexia a drink?" Jane asked her tone ice cold staring daggers at Sophie.

"Jane sit back down and calm yourself, I believe we have not heard the full story as Sophie does not catch me as someone who would remain friends with a known spiker." Alexia commented before looking back at Sophie waiting for her to continue.

"Tsk fine" Jane said clicking her tongue.

"Lexi is correct, the Mike I have been friends with would never do that as I said before he was always the consummate professional and besides there was no evidence he ever did anything only that bitch making accusations." Sophie hissed the last words.

"So what does Michael say happened?" Lexi asked

"According to him Michele Rodriguez was in a very tired state similar to yourself last night, so after speaking with her he decided to offer her 'The good Night Shock'"

"Apparently it worked so well that a couple of days later her manger having somehow got Mikes contact info called him up telling him Michele wanted to purchase 'The Night Shock' recipe."

"Mike naturally refused and apparently the manager warned him that not selling was a bad idea."

"Mike still refused but the next day the press learned that Mike had supposedly attempted to spike Michele Rodriguez at the after party for her new movie."

"Damn what's the likely hood that they made up this story?" Gracie asked turning to Alexia and Jane.

Alexia looked at Jane and nodded.

"Very high I am afraid, Michele Rodriguez and her manager Barry White have a very murky reputation that the public don't know about."

"Rumours run from drug use to affairs with married men." Jane informed them.

"So what happened to Michael after that?" Alexia asked in what Jane and Gracie picked up as a slightly concerned tone of voice.

"He left the bar-tending business, since there was no proof or evidence no charges were brought and he still has his license to work behind the bar."

"However after that he became a hot potato that no owner would dare employ, our employer at the time fired him and he could not get work elsewhere."

"He now works as a bus driver." Sophie replied with a sad sigh.

"And that is the reason for my reaction last night, also because of the shock he offered you 'The Night Shock' after all, after that incident he does not trust celebrities."