Chapter 16 Your not so bad yourself

"Date" the other three shouted.

"Yes is there a problem?" Alexia asked curiously.

"Alexia are you trying to starts mass panic? What do you think will happen if you turn up on Michael's arm? The press will go crazy and have a field day, celebrities will wonder if your making a big move, your fans will just go crazy and everyone will do everything they can to get all of Michael's information." Jane said in a panic

"Hahahaha relax I was just joking, the long on your faces." Alexia said while holding her side and laughing.

"Good lord Alexia don't do that to us you almost scared us all shitless." Gracie commented while the other two side in relief.

"He he it's fine it's fine I was just joking… it's not time for that yet." She said with a smirk.

"What do you mean yet?" Gracie asked.

"Who knows" Alexia replied with a twinkle in her eyes."

"But in all seriousness Mike you will also attend the after party and let your hair down with the rest of us."

"I am not sure if that's a good idea Miss Demonte, I have seen what people wear at those sorts of things and I do not own anything fancy enough." Michael replied honestly.

"Oh don't worry about that we will sort you out with a suit tomorrow before the event."

"You're my guest Michael and you're free to stay as long as you wish, just relax and let me get to know you better." Alexia smiled

"I don't plan on staying with you for very long and I will point out now that I have no intent on giving you the recipe for 'The Good Night Shock'." Michael said rather coldly.

There was silence that followed before Alexia spoke in a softer tone.

"I see now, so that's why you're so defensive around me? You think I am only after the recipe like that Michele don't you?"

Michael just looked back at her and did not admit or deny that fact.

"Michael I have not invited you to get the recipe, I invited you because I enjoy your company and I plan to prove that and the fact I truly want to be friends with you." Alexia said with a warm smile.

As Michael continued to look at her as if trying to tell if she was lying or not Jane spoke up.

"Michael listen, Alexia is not someone who resorts to those sorts of tricks, sure she has resorted to some underhanded means in the past against rival companies, but only after they made a move against us first."

"The biggest proof I think I can give you to this is the fact that she wants you to call her Alexia, this is something she has always maintained only her true friends can call her do you know why?"

"I do not" Michael replied.

"Because it's my grandmothers name." Alexia answered with a sad smile.

"I won't go into to great a detail yet after all we barely know each other but what I will say is that my grandmother was the person I was closest to and loved the most in my family when i was younger."

"The song you were listening to when I came into The Artemis Lounge 'Always with you' was one I wrote after she passed away."

"I am sorry I had no idea" Michael reply in a low voice.

"There is no way you could know, apart from the four of us the only other person who knows this story is Sarah." Alexia replied as her smile came back.

"But tell me Michael why were you listening to that song? We both know you're not really a fan of mine." Alexia asked curiously.

"It's part of your album with the same name, I enjoy the whole album to be fair tho I do admit that 'Always with you' is my favorite song of yours." Michael replied with a small smile.

"Thank you for enjoying it so much, it makes me happy that people still enjoy that particular song."

Just as Alexia was about to say something else Dennis spoke over the intercom "we have arrived at the airport ladies and sir."

As they looked out the limo's windows they saw hundreds of people all cheering at the limo, they held Lexi signs or wore Lexi promotional items.

"Michael I suggest you wait a few minutes before getting out of the limo with Gracie, this next part is going to be a bit crazy and am sure you don't want people seeing you getting out together with Alexia

"Understood" Michael agreed.

After that Jane opened the limo door and stepped out followed by Alexia causing the crowd to cheer and shout even more before Jane closed the door again.

As Michael and Gracie watched through the tinted windows they saw Alexia smile and wave at the crowd before making her way towards the entrance while she stopped for photos with her fans or to sign items for them.

"I honestly don't know how she does it." Gracie said.

"I could never handle being the perfect woman in front of all her fans and the press."

"In the end no one is perfect and everyone has there flaws, I am sure Miss Demonte has hers as well" Michael replied.

"Oh sure and I can tell you all about them if you wish he he." Gracie replied with a giggle.

"What I mean is compared to her I sometimes feel like even I who has been her best friend for years am not worthy of that title."

"Does she know you feel this way Miss Silver?" Michael asked as he turned to look at her.

"Oh sure, we have spoken about it in the past and she just says I am silly for worrying about silly things."

"Then with all due respect Miss Silver I think your worrying for no reason, as you have all pointed out to me already, the fact that you can call her Alexia shows the place you hold in her heart and I am sure nothing will take that away."

Michael originally planned to end his answer there but as if pushed on by some unknown power he added

"And besides from what I have seen of you, you're not that bad yourself and any man would be lucky to have you."