Chapter 21 Dating history

Eventually Michael responded "are you?"

All four girls laughed before Sarah replied "Touché".

"The only virgin here is Alexia" she then added with a smile and wink.

"SARAH" Alexia shouted going beet red.

"What it's nothing to be ashamed of Alexia." Sarah replied before turning back to Michael.

Michael turned to Alexia and spoke" Miss Michael's is correct Miss Demonte, there is nothing to be ashamed of for waiting, in fact I wish I had waited now that I look back on it."

"So to answer your question no I am not a virgin."

"Why do you say you wish you waited?" Alexia asked still red

"Because i was drunk and its something I feel I rushed." Michael replied.

"Why" all four ladies asked together.

"Do I have to answer?" Michael asked

"Yes" they once again all replied at the same time.

"Fine" Michael said rubbing his forehead.

"It was disappointing because the women never made climax the first time I had sex."

"I wish I had waited because back then I was eager to lose my virginity to be able to say 'yeah I had sex' to my mates."

"I was young and stupid, now I look back I wish I had waited for that special someone even if I was still a virgin now at 29". Michael finished.

"So yes even tho you may still be a virgin at whatever your age is, it is nothing to be embarrassed about because I wish I still was one myself." Michael decide to add as if trying to comfort and support Alexia

"Thank you for saying so" Alexia said still slightly red but with a bright smile.

"And just so you know I am 27" she added.

"Also 27" Gracie said

"29 here" Jane said

Everyone then turned to look at Sarah who humphed and turned her head away before saying "not telling".

"She is 30" Alexia said to which Sarah glared at her.

"Serves you right for telling Mike about my virginity" Alexia responded before sticking her tongue out.

"Fine fine I am the oldest, they're happy now?" Sarah said while huffing.

"Nothing wrong with that, older means more experienced." Michael said without thinking.

All the girls looked at him again before a teasing look appeared on Sarah's face and she spoke in a sultry tone "oh would you like this older woman to show you how experienced she is?"

Michael just shook his head while Gracie pinched Sarah's sides.

"Ouch sorry sorry just a joke, just a joke."

At this point Michael's stomach grumbled causing all the girls to look at him and giggle.

"Sorry I have not eaten since breakfast." Michael said while scratching his head embarrassed.

"Wow look at the time, what bad hosts we all are for not offering you anything to eat. Sorry Mike." Alexia apologized

"I think it's to late to go out to eat now especially with our busy day tomorrow, so what should we order in and requests?" Jane asked turning her attention back to the laptop.

"Let's get Indian from that same place as last time, it was really nice and Sarah has still not tried it. Are you ok with Indian Michael?" Gracie suggested

"That's fine with me" Michael agreed

"Indian it is I will order it now." Jane said as she focused on ordering the food.

"So may I ask a question this time?" Michael asked

"You just did" Sarah said laughing "ah the old ones are still the best."

The others all rolled the eyes before Alexia spoke, "go ahead Michael feel free to ask us anything you like at any time tho please understand if there are some things we can't answer."

"I am guessing you're all originally from the US with your accents?" Michael asked

"Originally yes tho these days we don't really have a mane home since we all travel so much, we do have houses or apartments like this in several countries tho.

We each hold citizenship in several countries as a result of our work on good causes and bringing jobs and employment to those countries." Jane replied

"I see and what about your own history with dating? Tho I can see two of you are already in a relationship." Michael said while smiling at Gracie and Sarah.

"Indeed me and Sarah have been together for some time tho we have not made it public." Gracie said with a smile before continuing.

"Jane has just ended a relationship and Alexia has no dating experience at all because of her identity."

"It's not like I don't want to date but because of how popular and well know I am it's hard to find someone who does not care about my status and wealth and instead likes me for who I am." Alexia said with a sad look on her face.

"In my case I ended the relationship because the guy could not handle being with a woman who was more successful than him, yet he still wanted my money." Jane added slightly angry.

There was silence as Gracie and Sarah looked at their friends with sad eyes.

"I did not mean to upset anyone my apologies." Michael said

"It's fine Michael we are well aware of how difficult it will be to find someone to spend the rest of our life with.

But tell me what's your opinion on mine and Alexia's problem?"

"What problem? Michael started causing the girls to look at him with interest before he continued.

"I cant really give an opinion on what you believe is a problem for you Miss Ventor or for Miss Demonte because I don't know what it's like to be in your position."

"I can only try to give some general advice."

"There are millions of people in the world and they say that your perfect partner is out there somewhere for you."

"However I personally believe there is no such thing as a perfect partner as am sure Miss Silver and Miss Michael's can attest to." Which caused Gracie and Sarah to smile at each other.

"This is because there is no such thing as a perfect person, everyone has something that someone else thinks is wrong about them, the best you can do is try to be the best version of yourself that your happy with."

"I hope you find someone in the end who can look past Miss Demonte's celebrity status and see the real her, or does not mind the fact that you're more successful than them Miss Ventor."

"However if you don't find someone then so what, you already have three ladies here who obviously love you and care for you in a way no partner ever could."

As Michael finished there was silence in the room as all four girls looked at him as if he was some such of strange creature.

Honestly it kind of scared Michael to be looked at in that way so he said with a nervous chuckle "err can your turn down the looks your giving me as it's a bit scary when you all do that."