Chapter 23 Your naked

Michael nodded before he kept eating and the ladies did the same with the occasional spark of random conversation.

"That was delicious thank you." Michael said when I had finished his food.

"I agree, now I know why you spoke so highly of it last time." Sarah added

After food they moved bad to the living room where they turned on the tv to the news channel.

After a few minutes the entertainment news started "as I am sure everyone knows the final concert of the year long tour by Lexi is tomorrow and the highly anticipated after party that is expected to continue late into the night."

"Fans are hoping for a repeat of the second part of the showing she put on at Nottingham's new club Olympus."

"The after part is this years must attend event and there is even a saying that has cropped up on the internet about it 'anyone who is anyone will be there, but if your not there your not anyone"

"There you go Michael it seems you're now someone." Gracie laughed back in the living room causing the other girls to giggle.

Not long after that they all went to bed as they would have a busy day tomorrow.


The next day Michael woke up early as was his routine as he liked to go for a run in the mornings if he could.

However since he did not know if he would be able to get back into the penthouse again if he left, or even if he could leave because of the voice assistant he decided to check out the gym on the roof.

As he enters the gym he saw Gracie and Sarah on the running machines so he went over to join them wishing them good morning.

"Good morning Michael did you sleep well?" Gracie asked.

"Surprisingly yes, normally it takes me a few nights to get used to a new bed or mattress, last night however I slept very well." He replied as he started jogging on the machine

"That's good to hear, don't work out for too long tho as we have a busy day." Sarah advised

They all continued jogging at their own pace in silence before Sarah and Gracie left to have a shower.

A little bit later Michael finished a short jogging session and decided to go get a shower also.

Just as he was washing himself off he heard a knock on his bedroom door so he got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist before heading to the door to open it.

As he did so he saw Jane who started to talk but stopped half way. "Michael, Francis is here…."

It took a moment for Jane to realise Michael was only wearing a bath towel before her eyes traced over his body checking it out.

"You're naked" was all she could say as she kept eyeing his body.

While it did not contain a six pack or anything like that it was obviously well looked after and had muscles in all the right places.

"That's what happens when you get out the shower." Michael replied with a small smile.

At this point the door near his opened and Gracie walked out having just had a shower and got changed herself.

She froze upon seeing Michael and her eyes began to check out his body the same way Jane was.

"Michael you're naked" Sarah eventually said to which Michael just rolled his eyes before going back into his room and closing the door.

After a few seconds Gracie said "he has a nice body" to which Jane could only nod in agreement before they both left to tell Alexia and Sarah downstairs.

After Michael dried off and got dressed he left his room and went downstairs where he saw Alexia being worked on by a man who was trimming her hair.

As he reached the bottom of the stairs he heard a wolf whistle and looking over saw Sarah grinning while Jane and Gracie pretended not to notice him.

"Michael just shook his head and said "good morning Miss Demonte."

For some reason that Michael was not sure of Alexia seemed a bit shy as she said "good morning Mike I trust you slept well."

"Ohhhh so this is Michael, Lexi darling you're right here is indeed rather handsome" the man cutting Alexia's hair suddenly said turning round.

The man walked over to Michael while swaying his hips to get a better look.

"Hmm no no no no no this just won't do, a full makeover yes, we need to give you a full makeover if you're going to be seen together with the famous four queens." The man suddenly said.

"Excuse me?" Michael said part bewildered part offended

"Don't mind Francis Michael, he gets this with everyone he meets for the first time."

"Francis we don't have time for a full makeover just give him a trim and sort out something for him to wear tonight." Alexia said.

"Butttt Lexi darling" Francis whined.

"Francis" Alexis said in a tone of voice he had never heard from her before. It was a tone of voice that was used to be obeyed.

"Fine fine no need to get so grumpy we just did your makeup." Francis said before returning to Alexia to finish her hair.

"Come grab some breakfast Michael it will be some time before it's your turn." Sarah said as she beckoned him over towards the bar where the three ladies were eating since the dinner table was being used by Francis.

Michael went over to join the ladies and helped himself to some breakfast.

After he finished eating he chatted a bit with the ladies about how today would go and if he needed to do anything special which apparently he didn't.

After a couple of hours the four women had all be stylized by Francis and it was finally his turn so he went up to the chair and sat down.

As Francis inspected Michael's hair and ran his hand through it he started to criticize " oh my god what a mess, do you even look after this? What do you use to wash it?"

"Err shampoo from the supermarket". Michael replied

"OH MY GOD" Francis screamed.

"You know you're just killing your hair with that of the shelf rubbish right? It's all advertisement bull shit because it's basically cow poop with colouring."

For the next few minutes Michael was forced to endure Francis explanation of why of the shelf shampoo is bad, however even as he complained Francis worked on Michael's hair.

Michael noticed from the mirror that the girls were giggling to each other quietly behind him.

"It seems four are enjoying yourselves Michael said as he looked at them in the mirror."

"Oh we are" Sarah replied for the group as they carried on laughing.