Chapter 28 Annoying Neighbour

Finally I get to see my Alexia in action again."

Upon hearing the voice say Alexia both Sarah and Gracie unconsciously tightened their grips on Michael's arms.

"Is that Liam Nelson?" Michael asked since he knew the name of the only other person who had Alexia's permission to call her that in public.

"No unfortunately not." Sarah replied with a cold voice.

"He has some balls calling Alexia by that name even if he is in a private booth." Gracie added.

"Ah let me guess, Jake Daniels?" Michael guessed after hearing the two ladies side him.

"Correct, even tho there is no law to stop someone from addressing Alexia as Alexia it well know that it is an important name to her because of her grandmother."

"Out of respect for Alexia because of her place, experience and seniority in the entertainment world and also because of the countless fans she has who respects her choice nobody dares to call her Alexia in public other than the four of us." Sarah replied.

"You're wrong about one point darling." Gracie replied.

"Oh what would that be honey?" Sarah asked.

"It's not just the four of us anymore." Gracie said with a smirk as both ladies looked at Michael.

As if to change the topic Michael asked a different question.

"I may be wrong here but this Liam Nelson does not seem to be as close to you all as you four are to each other?"

"You are correct about that." Sarah replied before explaining more.

"While Liam is a close friend to Alexia for reasons I won't go into as that's her story to tell, he is also a friend to Jane as they work together often."

"However for myself and Gracie he is just a casual acquaintance as we don't interact with him much, in fact I would say we are closer friends to you now Mike than to Liam." Sarah finished patting him arm with her small hand.

Gracie nodded in agreement and was about to add something else when they heard Jake Daniels again."

"Oh come on when will it begin so I can see my Alexia in all her beauty."

"I can't wait till the party later ether where I will have the first dance with her."

"We have never received confirmation regarding the first dance Jake" another man's voice replied.

"Of course not Harry, they can't confirm it because they don't want rumors to spread so it will be a surprise." Jake replied.

"It will be a surprise alright." Gracie said with a giggle.

"What's the chances Jake will win the auction for the first dance?" Michael asked.

"Unlikely, while he is wealthy from his movie work he is no where near the wealthiest man to be at the party tonight." Sarah replied.

"Couldn't a lady win the contest?" Michael asked curiously.

Sarah and Gracie studied Michael for a moment before Sarah answered "while it's not against the rules as the bidding will be open to anyone it is an unwritten rule that the first dance must be a man and a woman."

"That's stupid in this day and age."

Michael retorted

"Oh why do you say that Mike?" Gracie asked.

"In this day and age where it's legal and accepted by most people for same sex relationships and marriage why would they hold onto a rule like that?" Michael replied

"Who knows but that's just how it is, and besides it's not that important and the top few wealthiest people at the party are all men." Sarah said

"As long as they get permission from their wives." Michael added with a chuckle.

"Oh it seems you know how the world works even tho you have never had a serious relationship Mike."

"Tell me what's your opinion on a woman

Being the more dominant in a relationship?" Gracie asked.

"Hmmm I don't really have an opinion on it to be fair, personally I am open to the idea but only if it's what makes the relationship healthy, weather that's in the relationship as a whole or just in the bedroom." Michael replied.

Gracie nodded before asking another question "and since you touched upon it briefly before what about same sex relationships?"

"If that's what makes someone happy then I have nothing to say about it, I have no problem with same sex relationships such as yours and Miss Michael's as long as you're both happy…. And you don't try to set me up with a guy hahaha." Michael replied with a laugh at the end.

Gracie and Sarah smiled and laughed at Michael's joke at the end before they heard their neighbors annoying voice again.

"After I get the first dance tonight everyone will know who Alexia belongs to and it won't be long before I get her body in my bed hehehe." Jake said finishing with a perverted laugh.