Chapter 35 Would you like one now?

"If this keeps up Alexia will be forced to dance with him, while she can buy time by dancing with other guests there is only so much she can do if Jake won't give up. Sarah said with a sigh

"Geez can't the guy take a hint? It's obvious Alexia does not like him" Gracie said in frustration.

"Unfortunately this was kind of expected, we escaped giving him the first dance but we know he would not leave her alone." Sarah said with a sigh.

"Err what's Michael doing?" Jane suddenly asked causing the other two to turn and see that Michael was heading towards the crowd around Alexia.

Alexia was in a dilemma she knew that this was bound to happen but she just did not want to dance with Jake.

Normally she would just accept it but the fact he kept pressuring her time after time was starting to annoy her.

As she resigned herself to accept someone else request to dance so she could avoid Jake she caught a glimpse of Michael out of the corner of her eye.

She turned towards him wondering why he would approach when Sarah and Jane were supposed to be looking after him tonight.

As he got close he held his hand invitingly and asked "Alexia, may I have this dance?

"Eh" a small noise escaped her mouth as it opened into a small O shape and she stared at him stunned.

Alexia was not the only one the entire crowd around her went silent from shock, the first person to recover asked "what did he just address Lexi as?"

"Alexia" someone replied almost automatically.

After that everyone in the crowd started to whisper to each other "did he really just address Lexi as Alexia?"

As more people whispered this the news seems to spread like the ripple you get from throwing a stone into a pond.

Eventually the whole room was aware even the band who stopped the music mid performance due to shock.

"Did he really just do that?" Jane asked in shock

"He did" Sarah replied just as shocked

"He just went right up in front of everyone here and addressed her as Alexia.

Does he realise what he just did to himself? Gracie asked.

"Knowing Mike I am sure he is fully aware, what's most interesting is that by addressing her as Alexia he finally recognizes her as his friend." Sarah replied

"Ugh" Jane moaned as her shoulders slumped

"What's wrong Jane?" Sarah asked confused

"My day off is ruined, you know what will happen when the press here's about this." Jane replied in a sad voice as Sarah and Gracie gave her reassuring looks.

Back in the crowd Alexia was still in a stunned state.

"Alexia" Michael said again.

"Ah yes… yes of course's Mike I would be delighted" she said after she came to and the smile that blossomed on her lips was dazzling.

She retested her hand on Michael's outstretched and allowed Michael to slowly lead her to the dance floor where everyone who was still then stunned seemed to automatically move off the dance floor so only Michael and Alexia remained.

"I never asked, do you know how to dance?" Alexia asked in a hushed tone.

"A little, if it's just a slow dance am sure I can manage." Michael replied with a charming smile while he held one of her hands and rested the other on her waist.

As all eyes in the room were on them they both realized there was no music.

"Well this is a bit awkward." Michael said with a grin.

"I will inform the band to start playing." Alexia said about to turn and address the band.

Michael however stopped her "don't it's fine."

"But there is no music." Alexia questioned.

"We have our own music, we can dance to 'always with you'. Michael replied with a warm smile.

As Alexia heard this her eyes fostered and the smile returned to her face.

And so they began to move around the quiet dance floor as if there was music only they could hear.

The crowd that was already mesmerized became even more enraptured from seeing a music-less dance.

It was as if they were both in perfect harmony as Michael lead Alexia around the dance floor their eyes never leaving each others.

"Wow just wow" Gracie said her eyes like bonfires never leaving the pair.

"They look very good together, also the fact that they are dancing without music, how is that possible?" Sarah asked her eyes sparkling

Jane just shook her head as she already had her phone out recording the whole thing while her eye sparkled never leaving the pair.

Jane was not the only one recording this as many people pulled out their phones and started to record it so they could upload it to social media once they finished.

Jake who had just recovered from hearing a man other than Liam Nelson addressing Alexia as Alexia recognized the individual as the man who came into his booth earlier before the show.

His hands turned into knuckles as he clenched them and his face showed pure rage and anger.

"Sarah who just happened to notice this from the corner of her eye looked over before saying "Gracie darling release the footage of Jake Daniels."

"Already, is it not still too early?" Gracie questioned

In response Sarah just pointed in Jake's direction where Gracie and Jane saw how Jake was reacting.

"Understood babe." Gracie replied and immediately pulled out her phone and uploaded the footage of Jake onto social media and forward it to all major news outlets.

While that happened another woman on the other side of the room was staring at the dance floor in shock.

She had long brown hair and green eyes.

It took Michelle Rodriguez a while to recognize the man dancing with Lexi as she had seen him enter the room with two of the four queens.

But other than thinking he looked familiar she did not connect him with that former bartender she ruined.

It was only after she heard his voice and Lexi addressing him as Mike did she realise who he was.

"How can he be here, that guys a nobody and I made sure to ruin him when he refused to give me the recipe."

She pulled out her phone and made a quick video of the two dancing before sending it to her manager with a message

Michelle: ((Barry watch this video, the guy dancing with Lexi is the same one we spread false rumors about when he would not give me the recipe for that drink.))

Barry: ((I will look into this))

Back on the dance floor there dance finally came to an end before applause came from all around with people congratulating them on a marvelous silent dance.

Michael lead Alexia off the dance floor towards the three others as people parted to let them past.

The band finally resumed playing and guests decided to invite there partners to dance

"Well I must say Mike the surprises just don't stop coming with you." Sarah said with a happy smile.

"How was it?" Gracie asked as she pulled her best friend next to her.

"Amazing, I have danced with many people over the years but nothing was like that." Alexia replied with a smile.

"Well of course even you have never done a silent dance before." Jane commented to which Alexia smiled

"So Mike when do I get a dance?" Sarah asked as a joke.

"Would you like one now Sarah?" Michael responded naturally with his hand out to invite her

This caught the girls off guard because he not only called Alexia by the name she wished but he now addressed Sarah by her first name.

"Of course Sarah replied." Michael mischievously took her hand and lead her to the dance floor while Sarah looked back over her shoulders at her friends with wide eyes.