Chapter 41 His past part 2

"A week or so after and no one from that company had bothered to come but we still lived our poor lives like we had until that night it happened."

"Something awake me in the middle of the night and for once it was not my bladder instead it was because it was so warm, it was not summer so it had no reason being that hot."

"I left my room I shared with some other kids and went towards the ladies office in case they were there to ask if they knew why it was so hot."

"As I turned the corner into the corridor outside there office I saw an orange glow coming from the office door window and from the crack other door left open."

"As I got closer I felt the heat coming from the room and I saw the flickering of flames."

"Now I had seen on the old TV we had in the home that sometimes worked a TV show in the past about never opening a door that has fire behind it because you will give it more oxygen."

"So I just peered through the crack in the door and there I saw the two elderly ladies dead on the floor, they each had a hole in there head and the flames where licking at there bodies"

"I immediately turned around and ran back the way I came and on my way I woke everyone up in the beds and told them about the fire and to get out, they told more people so eventually all the kids where escaping outside."

"I did a last quick check to make sure I did not miss anyone when I thought I heard voices coming from one of the rooms."

"As I approached I listened through the door as one of the voices was a grown man and we had no grown men in our orphanage."

"The female voice I recognized as they younger lady and as I was about to warn her about the fire I heard her saying that she did everything she was told, she helped the strange man enter the orphanage, drugged the ladies to sleep so why did he have to shoot them and even helped him start the fire so when would she get paid."

"That's right in the end the elder ladies died and we lost our home because someone was tempted by money."

"I don't know how the strange man figured out I was on the other side of the door but it suddenly opened and the man kicked me in the chest and I was so skinny and light back then I flew and hit the wall on the other side of the corridor before sliding down coughing."

"The lady screamed and said that the deal was the children would not be hurt and they would get out unharmed"

"The man told the lady to shut up as said that I knew too much and he had to get rid of me."

"He raised his gun which had a suppressor on it and I remember thinking how black and cold looking it was, however before the man could pull the trigger the lady talked the man, and the gun fell from his hand as he wrestled with the lady on the ground."

"The man was bigger and stronger tho and over powers the lady before kicking her as she was on the floor."

"He then turned to find his gun and found me holding it and aiming it at him, the gun had landed near me and my body just seemed to reach out and pick it up automatically."

"The man looked at me and laughed before telling me to hand it over, I did not respond and kept aiming it at him so he walked closer to me, he obviously thought I would not have the courage to take shoot, he was wrong."

"I pulled the trigger and a phat sound escaped the suppressor along with the bullet which hit his shoulder."

"The man staggered back swearing and looked at me with a mixture or rage and fear, he opened his mind to speak but I pulled the trigger and kept pulling it until the gun stopped making phat noises and started clicking instead."

"The man was dead on the floor in his own blood when I realized I had used up all the bullets, I dropped the gun and staggered to the lady but found her dead as well, it seams the gun went off when she talked the man and then with him kicking her."

"A little while later I heard sirens and the fire brigade began to put out the fire and then when they entered they found me besides two dead bodies with bullet holes and a gun."

"The police immediately did what the police always did back then when it came to homeless kids they put two and two together and got seven,"

"I was arrested and taken down the station, it seems they had at least one good cop who knew there job however because after investigating and interviewing all the other kids and hearing my story he determined what really happened."

"In the end since I was so young and because of the situation the chalked it up to self defense and through me out on the street to fend for myself."