Chapter 59 Sisters

"So, as you know Mike the four of us are originally from the US and we have in fact known each other and been friends since we were old enough to remember." Alexia began to explain. 

"Our parents worked closely together you see, my parents where majority shareholders of a successful talent agency that had contracts with some of the biggest celebrities of their time." 

"My parents encouraged me to become a celebrity, though one day they of course planned for me to take over the company. I have always enjoyed acting and singing while performing in front of people, so I was never against becoming a celebrity and under my parents' guidance and using their connections it did not take long before I was a popular child star." 

"My parents and Alexia's had known each other for years and worked in the same company. They worked as talent managers to the top celebrities the company had contracts with and were also board members as major shareholders." Jane began to explain her history a bit. 

"All four of us always played together as kids but when Alexia started training to become a celebrity my mum became her first manager, if it was not for our parent's friendship there was no way a newbie like Lexi could have had one of the best managers in the industry like my mum." 

"As Alexia trained to become a top celebrity, I was being trained by my parents to become her manager, back then the corruption of the celebrity industry was far worse than it is now." 

"There was no social media so people got away with stuff a lot more. If a manager wanted to do something inappropriate with their artist, then it would only be the artists word against there's, and unless the artist was a top level one the manager's word carried more wait." 

"This was unfortunately a common occurrence back then, so to protect Alexia she was first put under my mum who of course was already best friends with her mum, and I was also trained to replace my mum one day so that nothing would happen." 

"In my case my parents where still members of the same entertainment company as Alexia's and Jane's being major shareholders and board members also." Sarah began. 

"But where Alexia's parents focused more on the celebrity and new talent side of things, and Jane's on the management and training of the celebrities, mine handled almost everything else from promotions to forming partnerships and acquiring contracts." 

"It was my parents that handled the public face and image of things so that when a new talent appeared they would want to join their company and when TV stations to movie directors or theaters and major multi artist concert organizes needed celebrities they would think of the company first." 

"I like my two friends here trained under my parents in management and was trained with the idea to replace them in the future like Alexia and Jane." 

"Mine is a little bit different, my parents where lawyers and although they did not own the law-firm they worked for they did represent Alexia's parents' company whenever it was needed." Gracie started her turn. 

"That's because my mum and Sarah's mum are actually twin sisters making me and Sarah cousins."

"So, when Sarah's parents became major shareholders and board members, they arranged for it to be my parents to be they go to lawyers because after all blood is thicker than water." 

"With all that linking them together all our families quickly became close and although my parents never owned shares in the company because it would class as a conflict of interest." 

"Now unlike my sisters here my parents never pressured me to go into law and instead wanted me to choose my own path in life."

"I however wanted to be like my sisters and become part of the company in the future so like Sarah I studied business as university." 

"Also, since you now know about the blood relation between me and Sarah, I can fully address these three as to what they are, my sisters. Maybe not in blood but we have been together for so long and we are so close we basically are sisters." 

"The company thrived, and we all learned quickly and were progressing well in our chosen studies and life goals which made our parents happy and proud." Alexia took over again. 

"However, there was one variable that no one knew about and that was my grandmother, Grandma Alexia." 

"For a time when we were really young before, we started to be trained in our selected fields my grandma was the one who took care of us most of the time." 

"As you can imagine our parents where always busy with their work because of how successful they were and because grandma was lonely having lost grandpa just before I was born to an illness and with having no other children than my mum, she volunteered to take care of the four of us." 

"All our parents where fine with this as they all knew and got on well with grandma, also the rest of the family was spread out across the US or in other countries, so grandma was the logical choice and also she was better than babysitters." 

"So, grandma raised and looked after us while our parents worked and that's how the four of us grew our bond of sisterhood because we were always together." 

"Then when it was decided we were old enough to learn our trades we went our separate ways though we always remained in touch and informed each other about everything, we saw each other on holidays and at large company events." 

"Everything was going well and as our parents had planned in our training to one day take over there legacies, but as I said before they failed to take into account one variable and that was Grandma Alexia, whose own plans for the four of us would ruin what our parents had worked on for many years."