Chapter 80 Star Fighter X*

*Warning contains light Sex material*

The TV turned from a black screen to the display shown on Jane's phone which was currently displaying a text history between her and 'Dickhead Greg Stevens'. 

"That's an interesting contact name their Jane sweetie." Michael Smiled as people chuckled. 

"Ok let's see what we have here, we will start from the breakup because we're not interested in before that." Michael said as he started to read the message history. 

Dickhead Greg Stevens: Jane why? Why did you end it, what did I do wrong? 

Jane: If you don't even know the answer to that then I was right to end it. 

Dickhead Greg Stevens: Baby please I am sorry ok, don't leave me I can't live without you. 

Jane: What you can't live without is me as your arm candy and my sexual expertise in bed. 

Dickhead Greg Stevens: That's not true I love you. 

Jane: Oh, really then tell me the last time we went out on a date. 

Jane (five minutes later): See you can't, you only ever wanted to see me when you were going out and needed a date on your arm, or when you wanted your me to ride your cock that's the size of a shrimp and looks like one also. 

Dickhead Greg Stevens: Jane baby that's harsh you know that's not true and besides we had great sex. 

Jane: No, you had great sex I never climaxed once because of your shrimp cock and shit skills, I had to go find my relief elsewhere. 

Dickhead Greg Stevens: What you're saying you slept with someone else behind my back. 

Jane: Oh, please don't act all innocent and heart broken, you cheated on me first, I know you have been fucking Michelle Rodriguez on the set of the new movie you're filming with her. 

Dickhead Greg Stevens: What that's not true. 

Jane: Oh really? 

Jane: ((Video Link Click to Open)) 

As Michael clicked the link the TV screen showed a recording that was obviously done in secret off Greg Stevens fucking Michelle Rodriguez with only her top wrapped around her stomach as her tits hung out and Greg Stevens sucked on them while the rest of her clothing, her bra, thong an trousers where thrown to the side as they fucked against a wall somewhere, after which she got dressed before saying "God your shit, I would never of fucked you if I knew your dick was so small." and then left. 

"Well, that was interesting and proof of cheating if even I saw it." Michael said while the rest of the people in the restaurant all looked at Greg Stevens with blank disapproving looks. 

Mark Philips was also surprised about the video as he knew that Greg and Michelle fucked as Michelle told him while he was having sex with her, but he did not realize the two idiots got filmed. 

"Anyway, back to the messages., damn I feel like Michael McIntyre right now." Michael said, getting a laugh from the girls and the audience, before switching the screen back to the message history. 

Dickhead Greg Stevens: WTF Bitch how do you even have that? 

Dickhead Greg Stevens: Did you send someone to spy on me you slut? 

Jane: I did, and it's a good job too, wouldn't you say? 

Dickhead Greg Stevens: Damn bitch you will regret this. 

Jane: Oh, please you're nothing compared to me, even if I was not Alexia's manager, I am still one off 'The Four Queens', you can't do shit to me, but if you want to try go ahead but you know what will happen right? 

Jane (2 minutes later): I take your silence as a confirmation, good boy now fuck off and leave me alone. Oh, I will keep the video as insurance but don't feel too bad as you're not the only one who was caught that day, it seems you really where crap with everyone not just me, here a parting gift for the man with the tiny dick. 

Jane: ((Video Link Click to Open)) 

"Oh, what's this?" Michael asked looking at Jane who smiled and winked at him before he clicked the video to play it. 

Once again, the TV switched to a video that was obviously recorded in secret and still showed Michelle Rodriguez being fucked, but in a different location and not with Greg Stevens. 

Instead, it was Mark Philips who was sat in the cockpit of what looked like a space fighter from the trailer of their new movie with Michelle Rodriguez bouncing on his cock as he sucked her tits. 

"Fuck yes Mark you so much bigger and better than that shrimp dick Greg, ohhhhh shit I had to fake all my moans for him, but you your dick is amazing oh fuck yes go deeper." Michelle moaned in pleasure. 

"Of course I'm better, I'm not only the best-looking man in the world but I also give the best sex, you're lucky to have me, any women are lucky if I even look at them because only Lexi is worthy of me. 

Now shut the fuck up and just fuck me you slut we are due back on set in ten minutes." Mark Philips replied. 

As they continued to fuck and moan, they eventually climaxed together before Michelle fell onto marks chest. 

The camera then panned to the side slightly so that both where still in camera shot but it also showed a logo in the background with the words 'STAR FIGHTER X' it was obviously the name of the new movie and before the video cut out people heard Mark say "Get off me bitch, shit your as bad as all the other slutty women out there I have fucked." 

As the video ended the TV went dark and the restaurant was silent as everyone was now looking at Mark Philips in a totally different light. 

"Well, it would seem that we have proven that not only is Mr. perverted potty mouth number one a liar but so too who Mr. pervert number two." Michael said. 

"Here you go Jane honey thank you. Michael said, handing back Jane's phone. 

"Your welcome honey." Jane replied with a warm smile as the other girls also showed Michael warm smiles after how he just helped them again.