Chapter 82 Pro bono Publico

The restaurant was silent with the mixed disbelief at what the had seen Mark Philips and Greg Stevens discussing, but also at the fact that Michael had somehow obtained the security footage of the incident so quickly. 

"Well Chief Smith does that prove my point that I have evidence to prove that both Mark Philips and Greg Stevens are perverts? Not only that but everyone saw the lecherous look on his face after he said, and I quote ' Once I claim Lexi and claim 'The Virgin Queens' virginity for myself I will call her whatever I please." 

"It does indeed Mr. Vandal though I am now obligated to ask where you go such a video from because it is clearly off this restaurants security system." Chief Smith asked with suspicion. 

"Of course Chief Smith, your duty bound to investigate this possible breach of data protection." 

"Unfortunately, all I can tell you is that someone anonymous decided to play the good Samaritan and I received it from a withheld number." Michael explained. 

"You can't withhold numbers on a text message Mr. Vandal." Chief Smith pointed out. 

"While normally I would agree with you on this point Chief Smith, I am afraid this time it appears that is not the case look." 

At which point Michael closed the video on his phone which now showed a black screen on the TV and what appeared was a short text message history. 

UNKNOWN NUMBER: Mr. Vandal I can see that you at present in Nusr-Et Steakhouse and it appears you may need this. 

UNKNOWN NUMBER: ((Video Link Click to Open)) 

UNKNOWN NUMBER: Consider this a gift from a Lexi fan. 

Mike: Who are you and how did you get my number and this video? 



As everyone looked at the TV to see the message history, they could not believe Michael's luck to just happen to receive a video proving his innocence from a random person. 

Of course, there were four beautiful women present who suspected that a certain hacker friend ok Michael's had helped him out. 

"I see well we will be sure to investigate the unknown messages you have received Me Vandal." Chief smith said before continuing. 

"Now if everyone will excuse us, I believe our work here is done." 

As everyone watched the police turn to leave, they were all still trying to come to terms with the fact that not only had Michael gotten away with calling Mark Philips and Greg Steven's perverted in public, but that he had even turned it on them so that they were basically ruined now. 

"Hold a second please Chief Smith." Michael suddenly called out making everyone turn back to him. 

"Yes Mr. Vandal" 

"Chief Smith I would like Mark Philips and Greg Steven's arrested and charged on the grounds of 'Defamation of Character'" Michael suddenly proclaimed catching everyone off guard again and making people ask their friends about this. 

"Wait can he do that?" 

"I'm not sure." 

"Legally he has the right, Mark Philips and Greg Steven's did try to have him arrested on slander which he managed to prove his innocence off, so that being the case he has indeed had his name falsely accused of something." 

As the people started to discuss this the two parties in question already white faces turned even more pale. 

"You can't be serious? You can't do this." Mark Philips protested. 

"Agreed you can't have us arrested; we have done nothing wrong." Greg Steven's said. 

"That's where your wrong, Mike can indeed do this." Gracie Said before continuing 

"You called the police here with intention of arresting Mike and charging him with slander against the both of you, however Mike was able to prove his innocence and because of that he is now well within his right to have you both brought up on charges of 'Defamation of Character' and he can even sue you if he wishes." 

"Actually, that's not a bad idea, Mike what about Michelle Rodriguez?" 

"What about her?" Michael asked with a frown. 

"Why did you never bother to have her arrested and charged with 'Defamation of Character'?" Gracie asked. 

"Simple, there was no point. Even if I was technically in the right after the charges she placed against me were dropped because of lack of evidence I had no evidence against... oooohhhh I see where you are going with this." Michael started to explain before he understood what Gracie's idea really was, this made Gracie smile because he understood her meaning. 

"Chief Smith, along with these two." Michael said pointing at Mark Philips and Greg Stevens before continuing. 

"I would like you to send officers to arrest Michelle Rodriguez for 'Defamation of Character' also." 

"Pardon?" Chief Smith said trying to keep up. 

"Alexia what about Jake Daniels?" Gracie asked turning to her sister. 

"Jane I am right in thinking he has still not made a public apology like we requested in the press release, correct?" Alexia asked her manager Jane. 

"Correct Alexia, in fact no one has seen and heard anything from him since the press release." Jane replied 

"Very well Gracie you know what to do." Alexia said turning back to Gracie. 

"But of course." Gracie replied with a smile before turning to Chief Smith. 

"Chief Smith as the owner of 'The Silver Law Firm' and one off the four owners of 'The Emerald Lake Corporation' which 'The Silver Law Firm' is under the umbrella off and subsidiary to we here by request the immediate arrest off one Mr. Jake Daniels on the charges of 'Defamation of Character' against one of 'The Emerald Lake Corporations' four owners Miss Alexandria Alexia Demonte." 

"Along with such we would inform you here and now that 'The Silver Law Firm' be taking on the following cases." 

Mr. Michael Vandal vs Mr. Mark Philips on the grounds of 'Defamation of Character

Mr. Michael Vandal vs Mr. Greg Stevens on the grounds of 'Defamation of Character

Mr. Michael Vandal vs Miss Michelle Rodriguez on the ground of 'Defamation of Character

Miss Alexandria Alexia Demonte vs Jake Daniels on the grounds of 'Defamation of Character. 

"Mr. Michaels Vandal will also be represented by 'The Silver Law Firm' Pro bono Publico." Gracie finished shocking the audience one again.