Chapter 84 Pig stain*

**Warning contains Sex material** 

In the penthouse of a high-class hotel in another part of a London a fully naked beautiful women with long born hair and green eyes was being fucked from behind by and older grey haired chubby man who was also naked. 

He was pressing here against the large window that looked out over the city causing her breasts to press against the glass while he fucked her pussy from behind. 

"Fuck yes Joseph your sooo good, I have not had a cock as think as yours in sooo long." Michelle Rodriguez moaned 

"Of course I am Michelle, no one has a cock as think as me." The man boasted obviously enjoying Michelles flattery towards him. 

"Oh yes hard deeper mmmmm Joseph, god your so gooood, I wanted you so badly as soon as I say you downstairs." Michelle moaned more as she breathed on the glass. 

"That was obvious with how forward you were in the bar you dirty slut, I bet any cock will do for you." 

"mmmmm not nay minister I only take the rich and powerful cocks into my dirty wet pussy." 

"Then shut up and let this powerful man ravage your body and make you my toy since you're only a little celebrity." 

"ohhhh yes ravage me Joseph." 

It did not take them long to move to the bedroom where Michelle climbed on top of the man and rode his cock deeply as if trying to suck it dry. 

"Fuck Michelle you have some skills there." 

"hehehe of course mmmmmmm I do, if you treat me mmmmm well in the future mmmmm I will show you mmm more of mmmm my skills mmmmm oh yes right their fuck. 

It did not take long for Michelle to make the man cum and because he was over wait, he collapsed after and fell asleep naked on the bed. 

Once Michelle saw he was asleep she got up and moved to the shower while saying "disgusting fat pig." 

(Now I have to go wash off all the pig stain on me) 

After she had showered, she returned to the bedroom and searched for a bit before she found the man's phone, after gently holding his eyes open, she used the phone's facial security to open it. 

After which she went on to send all the personal and sensitive data on the phone over to her own before she put the phone back. 

"Just a little celebrity huh? We will see who the real toy is soon you fat pig." 

After which she grabbed her bag and coat before leaving the room while sending a text. 

Michelle: Got it 

Barry: Good job, with that we have leverage over another judge. 

Michelle: There has to be a better way, I stink like pig and will now have to wash myself in the bath for hours to get it out. 

Barry: It was worth the sacrifice, now we have leverage on him and maybe others depending on what's in the sensitive files. 

Barry: Send them over asap. 

Jane: Yes yes. 

(God why can't I find someone who can actually satisfy me, even that Mark Philips the supposed world's most eligible bachelor was crap and I had to fake it.) 

(Maybe I should have fucked that bartender after all instead of making up that story, after all it got me nothing in the end so I might have at least got a good fuck for once, plus he was fairly attractive.) 

(What are you thinking Michelle? He is just a lowly bartender you can get any man.) 

While Michelle was having an internal argument with herself, she was approached by four police officers without noticing. 

"Michelle Rodriguez?" The first officer asked. 

"Yes, how can I help you officer?" Michelle answered after coming back to her senses. 

"We will have to ask you to come with us ma'am." Said the second officer. 

"Why exactly is that?" 

"There is a warrant out for your arrest, and we need to take you down to the station." The first explained. 

"On what charge?" 

"'Defamation of Character'" The third officer answered. 

"WHAT? against who?" Michelle shouted. 

"Michael Vandal." The first officer answered 

(What? Him? How?) 

After which the officers put handcuffs on Michelle and walked her towards a waiting police car. 



"Ladies and Gentlemen, if you thought the celebrity news was over for the day you were wrong, that's why the Entertainment News Channel runs twenty-four, seven." 

"Within the last few minutes video footage has been provided to Entertainment News as well as on all social media platforms about an incident that took place at London's Nusr-Et Steakhouse." 

"As has been all over social media for the last couple of hours the most popular celebrity in the world and most beautiful woman Lexi was seen entering Nusr-Et Steakhouse along with the other three queens and the new talk of the celebrity world Michael Vandal." 

"Sources from inside Nusr-Et Steakhouse tell us that all five went there to enjoy a meal, but the world-famous Salt Bae owner of Nusr-Et Steakhouse insisted on cooking for them personally as it is well known he is a huge Lexi fan." 

"After looking at the drinks menu while Waiting for Salt Bae to arrive Michael Vandal did not find anything to his liking, according to sources his exact words were 'Too posh and high class for my taste'" 

"Now normally people would question what sort of person refuses free high-end alcohol but some of you might have somehow forgotten that only this morning we revealed that Michal Vandal is a bartender and is there very knowledgeable about drinks." 

"He is so knowledgeable in fact that he requested from the waiter to be allowed to mix his own drink, the waiter agreed because Salt Bae had apparently ordered his staff to fulfill any possible requests Lexi's group may have." 

"After inspecting the selection of ingredients available it seems Michael Vandal decided to mix the drink 'Ramos Gin Fizz' for himself which shocked the other bartenders." 

"Our viewers who are not so well informed on drinks will not know that the Ramos Gin Fizz is in-fact recognized as the hardest drink in the world to make." 

"We won't go into detail here as to why that is however a video can be found on our website of Michael Vandal explaining how to make the drink and as well as him actually making it."

"Upon learning of the drink, The Four Queens all asked Michael to make them one as did Salt Bae who just arrived at that time." 

"After successfully making the Ramos Gin Fizz and Salt Bae reciving the first. Salt Bae then classified the Ramos Gin Fizz as the best he had ever had, and letter went on to say that with his skill Michael Vandal could be the best bartender in the world." 

"Michael Vandal replied he could not because he was blacklisted in the industry so the organizes of the Bar tending World Cup would never allow him to compete after the incident with Michelle Rodriguez we have spoken about on Entertainment News." 

"Michael Vandal then revealed he is actually The Bartending World Champion of 2020 but that his title was revoked after the incident, something Entertainment News can confirm happened." 

"It was after Salt Bae left to prepare the food for Lexi's group that Michael who was still preparing drinks at the bar was approached by the actor Greg Stevens who plays a major role in the new movie 'Space Fighter X' which releases next week." 

"According to sources Greg Steven's attempted to pressure and embarrass Michael Vandal using his status because he was here with Greg Steven's ex-girlfriend Jane Ventor one of the four queens and manager to Lexi." 

"Michael Vandal apparently replied to Greg Stevens with the following 'Is that so, your one-off Jane's ex's, and here I thought you might off just have been able to pass as one of Jane's one-night stands." 

"Naturally Greg Stevens did not take kindly to this, so he informed Michael Vandal that he ended his relationship with Jane because he got bored of her." 

"How did Michael Vandal respond to this? Find out after this commercial break."