Chapter 92 June's Secret


The sound of the gun being fired 

The sound of the bullet hitting flesh 

The sound of a body hitting the floor 

"MICHAEL!" The sound of Four different women screaming his name. 

"What the fuck is fuck is going on Gracie?" The sound of Alexia the woman with the most beautiful voice in the world speaking in anger. 

The sound of a bird's cry 

Then…. Nothing 


In the penthouse in London several hours later eight women sat in the living room with two of them on the opposite side of the table to the other six as if an interrogation was about to take place. 

After being shot by June because he dived to protect Gracie, Michael hit the ground and shortly after lost consciousness. 

The eight women immediately brought him back to the penthouse because there was a medical room here with the latest medical technology and they did not want to answer questions about why a gun was used in England that had strict gun laws. 

As soon as they entered the elevator at parking level Athena went nuts. 


"Primary user Michael Vandal detected to have been shot." 

"Upgrading to Alert Condition Black" 

"Initiating code black protocol" 

"Emergency Elevator assent initiated" 

After which the elevator rose so fast that everyone had to hold on to something as it took less than five seconds to reach the penthouse. 

Once everyone stepped, they helped to carry Michael towards the medical room.

"Initiating Penthouse lockdown protocol." 

The lights on the walls came on but not red this time but black. 

Like last time all the shutters came down isolating the penthouse. 

"Disconnecting penthouse from main grid and activating backup power generator" 

"Closing off all external air vents and activating internal air filtration system." 

*Temporarily disconnecting all external communication* 

*Recommend that you take primary user Michael Vandal to the medical room for immediate medical treatment* 

"Athena cancel code red." Jane said. 

"Unable to comply, code back initiated." 

"What is code black?" Sarah asked. 

"Code black is initiated when the primary user is seriously injured and Athena be-leaves there is a threat to primary user's life." 

"Primary user was shot but still lives, therefor threat to life may still exist." 

"Athena, Michael was shot by June here by accident." 

"Code black locks down the penthouse more securely than code red and can only be disabled my primary user." 

"What happens if primary user dies?" Gracie asked, getting dark looks from the other girls except June. 

"If primary user dies the penthouse will stay locked down until the local authorities arrive to investigate the cause of death." 

"I see well for now let's get Michael to the medical room to get fully checked out and then provide any needed medical treatment." Alexia said. 

By the time Michael had been scanned by Athena and then given the recommended treatment a couple of hours had passed and Michael was not resting peacefully in the medical room. 

The girls gathered in the living room to get some answers. 

"So, who wants to explain what just happened and why Michael was shot?" Jane said with narrowed eyes and a cold tone. 

"Allow me." June answered getting everyone's attention. 

"First off I apologies but what we did was necessary…" June started but was interrupted. 

"It was necessary to shoot Mike?" Alexia asked in a dark tone that she had never used in public before. 

"No, Michael protecting Gracie and getting shot was actually the best result possible." June answered. 

"Excuse me?" Sarah asked. 

"Maybe it would be better to start from the beginning June." Gracie said catching everyone expect June by surprise. 

"This is why I wanted to start with an apology, you see I am not just June one of 'The Four Shadows' who primarily protects Jane." 

"I am also Priestess June, 'Priestess of the Society of balance'." 

"What!" All the girls except Gracie said out loud. 

"You knew?" Sarah turned to look at her cousin. 

"She did." June answered before Gracie could and then continued. 

"That's not possible, it is well known that your mother Head Priestess Karen disavowed you from the Priestess's when you became one of 'The Four Shadows'" Jane Started to explain. 

"She was so outraged that you chose to become a shadow and not take over her role of Head Priestess that she disavowed you in public and said she never wanted to see you again." 

"This caused such a huge commotion in the society that everyone knows of it." 

"That would indeed be the case if it was true." June answered with a smile before continuing. 

"Everything that happened that day was prearranged so that nobody would suspect I am still a Priestess and in fact still inline to take over from my mother as Head Priestess." 

"But why?" Alexia asked 

"For my secret missions, did you think 'The Four Queens' are the only ones who receive an individual secret mission each? Ones that only the council is aware of? June answered with a smile before explaining. 

"My secret mission is now complete so I can reveal it to you all my sisters." 

"As you know each generation 'The Four Queens' are selected anew when the current ones die, or they decide to step down." 

"The first main goal of 'The Four Queens' is to find a candidate who is suitable to be 'The One King' but as you all know ever since the original 'One King' no other king has appeared." 

"While the priestess role is of course to offer spiritual support to all members of the society while also holding and presiding over the numerous festivals and events the society holds including our most important festival 'The Founding'."

"After 'The Four Queens' are chosen they are each given there own individual secret mission, however we will come back to that later."

"The Four Queens' are not the only one's given secret missions, the priestess that is next in line to become head priestess is also given a secret mission that has two parts to it,"