Chapter 103 Issues

"Yes, Michael it's what you are thinking." Gwen answered before he could say anything. 

"If you accept 'The Choice' and become there fifth you can enter a relationship with anyone of them or all four off them if you all agree." 

"You will also be the only man who gets use of their mouth pussy's whenever you wish." 

"Oh, and not to forget you will be the man who claims, 'The most popular celebrity in the world', 'The richest women in the world', The most beautiful women in the world' and 'The Virgin Queen' Lexi's virginity" 

"Thus making 'The Four Queens' your sole property as they will never touch another person other than those people in this room." 

"Good deal don't you think?" Gwen finished as all the four queens where bright red in the face but were looking at Michael with lust filled eyes 

Everyone was quiet as Michael looked at them in shock with his mouth hung open, while the four queens all had bright red faces and lust in their eyes and the four shadows looked on curiously to see what would happen next. 

Finally, Michael could only reply with. 


"Seriously, oh and let's not forget the four shadows, while one of us is still on the fence." and here Gwen, June and Sophie all looked at Alex. 

"The rest of us have already stated that we would be happy to fuck you." Gracie finished. 

"Err...." was all Michael could say for a couple of minutes as his brain short circuited under the epic news that if he wanted, he could have seven lovers, maybe eight if Alex came around and even better have them all at the same time. 

June sighed before saying. 

"Gwen seriously? How could you not realize that information would break any man's brain, not to mention you did not mention the issues us four have. "

"Haha of course I knew that would happen I just wanted to see how cute he was when he is broken, I must say I am starting to like him more and more I can see why our queens all fell in love with him." Gracie replied. 

Eventually Michaels brain rebooted, and he asked. 

"What issues?" 

"Oh, you heard that?" June asked before explaining. 

"Well let's get over the fact that you are unlikely to want me after what I did to you." June started with a sad smile, but before she continued Michael spoke up again. 

"Forget about it, I know why you did it now and it's not like I have never been shot before, also your as hot as your sisters so why would I ruin my chances with you over a silly thing like being shot?" 

At this point all the girls froze in surprise at Michael forgiving June just like that. 

"Haha pervert you just want her virginity don't you." Gwen said laughing. 

"GWEN!" June shouted red in the face, but Gwen only laughed. 

"No, I don't." Michael replied in his serious voice stopping Gwen's laughter and make June show a sad look in her eyes as she thought. 

(Even though he said that he still does not want me.) 

"I won't fuck June just for her virginity, I would never fuck anyone just because, after my past, if i can get over this mental block I will only sleep with those I have consent from and I am in a relationship with." Micheal explained. 

June's face changed from sad to happy as she realized she was wrong, while Gracie said. 

"See Gwen told you." 

"Told her what?" Michael asked. 

"Hmm Gwen's situation is a bit.... unique so how about I answer your question about the issues first as that will also cover what I told Gwen." Gracie suggested to which Michael nodded. 

"Ok so first off even if 'The Four Shadows'...." Gracie started but was again interrupted by Alex. 


"Ok three shadows." Gracie corrected herself with a sigh before continuing. 

"Even if 'The Three Shadows' do want a relationship with you they can't unless you agree, and they get our 'The Four Queens' permission." 

"Why?" Michael asked. 

"I suppose the best way to explain would be that 'The Four Shadows' role is to serve and protect 'The Four Queens' but also eliminate them if needed, this is extended to our 'Fifth' if we ever find one." 

"It is 'The Four Queens' and their 'Fifth's' 'choice on weather to let 'The Four Shadows into their relationship or not and it must be a full unanimous vote off all five." 

"Hmm if I'm honest I am not a fan of slaves." Michael replied. 

"We are not slaves." Surprisingly it was Alex who spoke this time. 

"We have free rein to deny any order or request that our queens give us, though it is preferred that we don't refuse any that lead to the completion of the queens main mission." 

"Before you ask Mike, we can't tell you our main mission, you can only find that out in the distant future." Alexia said before Michael could ask and so all he could do was nod in understanding. 

"Back to the shadows issues." Sarah started to explain some more. 

"Aside from the fact they need the queen's permission, they also have their own issues, well most do." 

"Alex as you know does not like men, so good luck there." 

"Sophie does not really have a problem, though you won't get to be with her unless you prove her wrong about something though I won't mention what." 

"June has a special position in our society that I can't tell you until she decides to reveal it herself, but let's just say that if she wanted to, she could make you her lover without our permissions, though I doubt she will as she respects the shadows way." 

"I don't know, if he keeps impressing and attracting me to him as he has been then I don't think I will be able to resist." June said with a flirtatious look as she bent slightly forward showing Michael her large cleavage that was the largest of all eight women." 

"Show off." Alex said quietly while looking and touching her own small breasts. 

Michael noticed this and decided to say. 

"There is nothing wrong with small breasts, they have their advantages just as large ones have their disadvantages." 

Alex was surprised that Michael actually tried to comfort her, so she smiled a little and said "Thanks" in a small voice that made the other girls look at each other knowingly."