Chapter 107 June's Proclamation

As they all looked up upon hearing the bird cry, they saw a huge golden eagle circling above them flapping its wings only occasionally. 

Though it was hard to tell exactly how big it was from there distance they could tell this eagle was far larger than what was the common size. 

It was primarily dark brown in color, with some grey on the inner wing and tail. 

When it turned in the air, they could see it had a paler, golden color on the back of its crown and nape. 

The tarsal feathers were light golden, and it had white epaulettes on the upper part of each scapular feather tract. 

It had a yellow bill with a brown tip and its talons were also yellow. 

As it occasionally flapped its wings it appeared as if small flames were left behind for an instant before vanishing. 

"It can't be?" Jane whispered in shock as she watched the eagle circling about them. 

"Is that?" Sarah asked 

"Kaleisha" June answered with surprise and wonder. 

"But how? She has not been seen in hundreds of years." Gwen asked. 

A few moments later Kaleisha fly up above the clouds and vanished. 

They all stood starting up at the sky before almost as one, the girls all turned to stare at Michael with mixed looks of shock, awe and wonder on their faces. 

Michael seeing the girls all looking at him with such strange looks of their faces got nervous before asking. 

"Err is everything alright?" 

The girls continued to stare at Michael before Alexia said. 

"Mike you're the one prophesied about in legend." 

"Pardon?" Michael asked confused. 

"We must report this." June suddenly spoke up. 

"Agreed but first." Sarah said before asking Michael. 

"Mike did you mean what you said before that you accept the choice? You know what that means for you right? 

"Yes, I accept the choice and I understand that unless I pass whatever the next test is my freedom will essentially be taken from me." Michael confirmed. 

"Very well, we should return to the living room and report this." Sarah said as she moved towards the door leading off the roof and back downstairs. 

The other girls followed her, but Alexia stopped when she realized that Michael was not following. 

"What's wrong Mike?" She asked. 

"What was that jut now Alexia?" Michael asked looking up in the sky again.

Alexia smiled before saying. 

"Now that you have accepted 'The Choice' we can tell you far more than we could before, but first." 

Alexia took Michael's hand before adding. 

"Come we need to be there when they report this to the Council and Head Priestess." 

After which she pulled Michael along back downstairs. 

Downstairs the girls were all stating to get seated as Alexia pulled Michael over to one of the sofa's and sat down before leaning her head on his should while still holding his hand. 

"What's this? He has only just accepted and you're already marking your claim on Michael?" Gracie asked with a smile. 

Alexia only smiled happily in return before she closed her eyes. 

"Girls focus please, we should begin." Jane said before nodding at June who nodded back and pulled out her phone before starting a group call with two numbers on loudspeaker. 

The call was answered in only two rings and a woman's happy voice came through the speaker. 

"June, you called mummy for once, what's with the rare occasion it's not my birthday yet". 

However, before June could answer another women's voice answered. 

"Priestess June it the middle of the night, this call had better be of significant importance." 

"What you called the Council Leader Samantha as well?" June's mother said surprised. 

"Head Priestess Karen you're on the call as well?" Council Leader Samantha said, also surprised." 

However, before ether women could ask questions June made Kaleisha's Talon gesture over her heart as the other girls did before proclaiming. 

"I June Morticia Grande 'Priestess of The Temple of Balance' and 'One of The Four Shadows' to 'The Four Queens of Balance' hereby make a proclamation in my authority as the next 'Head Priestess of the Temple of Balance'." 

"The one named Michael Vandal has accepted 'The Choice' as given by 'The Four Queens of Balance, and in the near future he will be taken before 'The Council of Balance' and 'The Head Priestess of Balance' to be tested to see if he is worthy to become 'The One King'. 

"Should he succeed and become 'The One King' he will stand beside 'The Four Queens' and be granted the same rights and privileges that they possess." 

"Also, one fifth of each of their shares in 'The Emerald Lake Corporation' and one fifth of their fortunes along with other privileges." 

"Should he fail to pass the test of 'The Council of Balance' and 'The Head Priestess of Balance' he will have the choice to ether stay in the society permanently without leaving or face death." 

"On my titles of Priestess of The Temple of Balance and 'One of The Four Shadows' to 'The Four Queens of Balance' I hereby state that Michael Vandal is the current candidate to be named 'The One King'." 

As June finished her proclamation there was silence both in the room and from the phone. 

"I The Head Priestess of Balance recognize your proclamation" June's mother stated. 

"I the leader of The Council of Balance recognize your proclamation." The other female voice said. 

"I further add to my proclamation and inform 'The Leader of The Council of Balance' and 'The Head Priestess of Balance' that that the one named Michael Vandal has the blessing of Kaleisha to become 'The One King' as witnessed by 'The Four Queens of Balance' and The Four Shadows." 

As June finished her proclamation there was stunned silence from the phone. 

The silence last for a good many seconds before. 

"WHAT!" Council leader Samantha yelled down the phone. 

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WITNESSED KALEISHA BLESS HIM?" June's mother yelled down the phone.