Chapter 109 Tell them Mike, tell them what we are doing to you right now **

**WARNING Its recommended you don't read this chapter at work ;)**

"June why are you not answering us? I know you're trying to make me beg for the information, I am your mother after all how would I not know." June's mother spoke up on the phone. 

"Of course you would know Karen, your exactly like your daughter in this regard." Council leader Samantha scoffed. 

"Oh, what's this? I don't remember you complaining the last time we had sex together Sam?" Karen replied Making Michael slightly surprised as he looked at the phone. 

He soon noticed however that no one else was surprised, so this must be a well-known fact. 

"And why would I complain? That useless husband of mine is shit in bed you know that. God I should have married a man who could satisfy me." Sam complained. 

"That's why I never married, no man was good enough to satisfy or tame me, even though many have tried." Karen replied. 

"Umm ladies I am not sure this is something I should be listening to." Michael suddenly said catching both women off guard. 

"Who are you and why are you with my daughter?" Kane asked suspiciously. 

"I'm Michael and I am currently staying with those you call 'The Four Queens of Balance." Michael replied. 

There was silence for a few moments from the phone and in this time, Jane was still grinding on Michael's cock. 

While Sarah and Gracie had both started to alternate between nibbling his ear and kissing his neck. 

For some reason he just noticed Alexia has moved his hand to one of her breasts while she was now kissing Alex. 

"Err girls is this really the time when two important people are on the phone?" Michael asked but the girls just ignored him and continued teasing him. 

"What do you mean Michael? What are they up to?" Samantha suddenly asked. 

"I'm afraid I can't really answer that." Michael replied hesitantly. 

"And why not?" Sam asked again. 

"Yes, tell us what my daughter and her friends are up to since there not talking to us." Karen spoke up. 

"I'm really not sure I should say it's kind of…. Intimate." Michael answered. 

"Intimate? Is my daughter currently engaged in something sexual with you?" Karen suddenly asked in a rather strange voice that Michael could not identify. 

Suddenly Sarah's mouth stopped nibbling his ear and said in a voice loud enough for Karen and Sam to hear. 

"Tell them Mike, tell them what we are doing to you right now." 

"Are you sure?" Michael asked confused. 

"Go ahead they already know about our Polyamory relationship; in fact, they know very well if you get my hint." Gracie suddenly said in a seductive voice. 

"Seriously?" Michael asked shocked. 

"Yes, we are fully aware that all eight of them are in a sexually romantic relationship together." Sam confirmed. 

"In fact, there are several more people who have joined their sexual activities in the past, including the two off us." Karen answered. 

"Wait wait wait wait wait." Michael said now totally confused. 

"What is going on here? Is this society off yours all women or something?" 

"Not at all Mike" Sarah replied 

"There are many men in the society it's just that it's always been more of a matriarchal society, after all it was founded by the original wives of 'The One King' and it's in our doctrine that no man will have any substantial level of power except 'The One King'." Sarah finished before she decided that she wanted to taste Michael and bit him a little. 

"Ah Sarah where did that come from." Michael asked. 

"What did she do?" Karen suddenly asked and Michael was so surprised by Sarah's actions he answered without thinking. 

"She bit my neck." 

"Hoo really? Interesting, as far as I'm aware Sarah only does that for people she wants to mark as her own." Karen pointed out. 

"Indeed, I don't think I have heard her doing that to any men before only women like us." Sam added. 

"What are the other girls doing now Michael?" Karen asked again. 

"Are you sure this is where you want the topic? After all you were shouting only a bit ago about some Kaleisha?" Michael asked. 

"We will get back to you apparently seeing Kaleisha later, I was already horny from my husband not being able to satisfy me when we had sex before this call, now I want you and the girls to help me as I satisfy myself." Samantha announced. 

"Why not come over and we can satisfy each other as he explains what they're all up to Sam?" Karen suggested. 

"Hmm that's a good idea, all right I am coming over, but it will take a few minutes to throw some clothes on and get to you, so you get an explanation for this Kaleisha business while I listen in." Sam suggested. 

"Damn if I knew this would happen, I would not have offered, now I have to wait to be satisfied also." Karen moaned before asking. 

"So, Michael, was it?" 

"That's correct, girls can you stop for a minute I am trying to have a conversation." Michael answered before asking. 

Sarah stopped kissing Michael's neck again before turning to Mike and saying. 

"Nope, if you're going to take us all as lovers Mike you're going to need to learn to multitask, there will be times where some of us are having a conversation while others will be sucking you off or riding you." 

After saying this she leaned in, and kissed Michael as Karen said. 

"What's this? Sarah did you just announce this Michael as the lover of all four of you." 

Sarah broke the kiss and licked her lips before responding. 

"I did and seeing as your daughter is currently fingering herself on full display in front of Michael while looking at him lustfully, as Gwen sucks her breast and Sophie is kissing her, I don't think it will just be us four for long." 

After which Sarah went back to kissing Michael's neck. 

Meanwhile Alexia who was getting hornier lifted her t-shirt above her breasts so Michael could play with them directly while Alexia started rubbing Alex's pussy through her trousers and both women started to moan with pleasure. 

Hearing Alexia and Alex moan Jane lost some of her control and kissed Michael deeply before removing her t-shirt and pulling her bra down below her ample breasts, so they appeared right before Michael's eyes.