Chapter 111 We need to show this him the charms off an older women**

**WARNING Its recommended you don't read this chapter at work ;)**

Michael, whose lips were still being devoured by Jane, finally found release to breath but only because Jane released him as she wanted to know the answer. 

After a few moments of getting his breath Michael replied. 

"That's a strange question, why would I not?" 

The girls were slightly surprised before Gracie answered. 

"It's a known fact that most men don't like licking a woman's pussy even though they want their cock sucked." 

"Gracie's right." Jane said before continuing. 

"When I was seeing that dickhead Jack Daniels, he always begged me to use my mouth and suck him off even though he flatly refused to lick me out." 

"We regularly go down on each other in our relationship of course, however only Jane and Gwen have ever had someone else lick them out." Gracie continued since Jane suddenly stole Michael's lips again. 

"Jane with one of her one-night stands but compared to us he was crap apparently." 

"Gwen on the other hand can get it whenever she wants because of her unique situation." 

Michael freed himself from Jane's lips again before looking in her eyes, caressing her cheek and saying. 

"Jane calm down, I'm not going anywhere. We have plenty of time and I promise to give you plenty of kisses in the future." 

After saying this he kissed her forehead, making her smile and bury her face in his neck. 

Michael turned to Gracie; he was about to reply but before he could. 

"Seriously? Did that just happen?" Gracie asked, shocked. 

"It did." Alexia agreed with just as much surprise which Sarah looked on with wide eyes. 

"What? What happened?" Came Karen's Curious voice. 

The three girls looked at each other before Alexia replied. 

"Jane just calmed down and started snuggling Mikes neck after only one sentence and a kiss on the forehead." 

There Was silence from the phone for a few moments before Karen answered again. 

"You're kidding, right? This is Jane we are talking about." 

"She's not, Jane is currently cuddling up to Michael's neck with her eyes closed and a happy smile." Sarah replied. 

"What? How?" Karen asked confused. 

"Still trying to figure that out, it's not like he suddenly stopped her being horny because her pussy is still grinding against his crotch even now." Gracie informed them. 

There was silence from the phone until. 

"Hey Karen, I'm here what did I miss?" Sam suddenly popped up saying. 

"About time, now strip bitch I'm horny, also what do you mean what did you miss? I thought you were listening to the call?" Karen demanded 

"I was but I had to pass some people on the way, and I don't think we want them knowing about Michael just yet, so I ended the call on my end." 

"Hmm guess that makes sense, come here and get your reward while I explain." Karen said before continuing. 

"It seems this Michael guy is more impressive than we thought." 

"Mmm yes Karen that's what I mmm have mmm been missing mmm." 

"What's so mm impressive about mmm him? mm finger me right mmm there." 

"Apparently he just calmed Jane down with one sentence and now she is snuggling up to his neck while still horny and grinding his cock with her pussy." Karen informed as Sam was making moans that came through the phone. 

"Wha mmm what? Mmm is that even mmm possible? Mmm it's Karen where mmm talking about mmm." 

"Err do you ladies want some privacy now that you're being intimate?" Michael suddenly asked as things were getting a bit strange. 

"Don't be silly Michael, if you're going to be in a relationship with the girls, you need to learn to get used to this." Karen replied before continuing. 

"After all chances are you will see us having sex with your lovers in the future." 

"Excuse me? Is that actually likely to happen?" Michael asked in surprise. 

"It will, unless you tell us you don't want it to Mike." Alexia suddenly spoke and took his finger which was now wet out of her mouth. 

"Alexia mmm what do you mmm mean? You would mmm abandon us for mmmm this man? Mmm" Sam asked with difficulty through her moans. 

"If Michael does not wish us to be with others outside our group, then yes." Alexia started to explain. 

"When we gave him the choice of becoming our Fifth, we only mentioned being in a polyamory relationship with the four of us hence why we call it our fifth." 

"That's also why he has a vote on whether to allow the shadows into our relationship, as for other women that's something we need to discuss in the future as he needs our permission just as we need his from now on." 

Except for moans coming from all the women currently receiving pleasure, there was silence for a time. 

"It seems there serious Sam, seems in the future we need to show this Michael the charms off an older woman if we still want our girls and maybe him." Karen eventually said. 

"Want me?" Michael asked, surprised. 

Before Karen could reply, Gracie spoke first. 

"Forget about them Mike there just horny and in need of a good fuck, now how about we go back to the part about you going down on us." 

"Cheeky little bitch, of course we need a good fuck, no man here can satisfy a real woman and it's been years since we traveled the world." Karen complained. 

"Mmm Karen stop talking and put that tongue in my mmm wet dirty mmm pussy mmmm." Sam suddenly complained before. 

"OHHH FUCK mmmm yes that's it ohhh right there oohhhh Karen mmmm yes." 

"See what did I tell you." Gracie as she brought Michaels free and to grope her breasts. 

"Mmm now about your answer Mike." 

"As I said, I have no problem going down on any off you girls, though I am now curious about Gwen's situation." Michael replied. 

Gwen who was still feasting on June's pussy stopped to look back at Michael with a perverted smile before saying with a wink. 

"I bet you are, well if you want to know then let the four of us shadows join your relationship." After which she went back to June's pussy getting another much louder moan of pleasure from her.