Chapter 121 A favour

Dee: Heh fucking Andy Chambers still claiming credit for other people's work, well he only paid me to design the algorithm, he didn't pay me not to tell his boss, guess he never expected me to have contact with them, short sighted idiot. 

Dee: The head of R and D at Silver Software Research and Development Andy Chambers contacted me because apparently, they were having trouble designing a security software that met the standards of their bosses. 

Dee: In the end I created the base algorithm for their top-level security software they provide for all level high level officials in any country. 

Dee: From what I hear everyone from The British Prime Minister to the president of the United States uses it and even your new friends The Four Queens it seems. 


"Well shit that fucking Chambers is so fired." Sarah said as she took back her phone from Michael and switch to another contact's message history and sent a message using her own sim. 


Sarah: Emma informs Diamond Security's Jack Philips to do a full investigation of the head of R and D at Silver Software Research and Development Andy Chambers specifically into the creation of the core algorithm on Quantum. 

Emma: Of course, Miss Michaels right away. 


"So, Sarah you going to tell us?" Gracie asked again. 

 "Apparently Mike's friend Dee is the actual creator of the core algorithm used in Quantum and Andy Chambers just paid her to make it before claiming credit." 

 "Ohh really? I'm assuming you have already ordered an investigation?" Gracie replied. 

 "Yeah, already got Emma to get Jack Philips onto this." 

 "Still, it seems this Dee is everything she claims to be and more." Jane commented before turning to Michael. 

 "It seems you helped us again Mike even if indirectly." 

 "I did nothing it was Dee who informed you." Michael answered 

 "True, however you're the one who kind of introduced us though we have not spoken yet." Jane answered. 

 Michael just nodded and took back Sarah's phone she was now offering him. 


Dee: So anyway, I hacked into that bitch's phone easy because her security was shit and I was sifting through her files. 

Dee: It turns out she has a lot of sensitive information on there that I doubt she is supposed to have, and I mean A LOT. 

Dee: Prime example of this is her new friend Joseph Danders, as I was going through her files, new ones appeared just prior to her time of arrest. 

Dee: This MPs name is all over most of them and some of them are highly classified, where talking military secrets and Cobra meeting information level classified. 

Mike: Cobra? 

Dee Cobra stands for Cabinet Office Briefing Rooms; you have probably heard it mentioned on the news before. 

Dee: Basically, if there is a regional or national threat such as a terrorist threat or a war starts overseas that can have major implications to the UK they hold Cobra meetings. 

Mike: Oh, shit so she had blackmail material on that MP. 

Dee: Not just him, by the looks at it she holds blackmail material on several different powerful officials from world powers. 

Dee: And from her phones records she has sent a copy of all these documents to her manager Barry White. 

Mike: Well shit. 

Dee: Yup I will send you over a copy of all the information I have on this soon, btw is Lexi there as I have the information she requested regarding Jake Daniels. 

Mike: One sec. 


Mike looked over towards Alexia before saying. 

"Dee has the information on Jake Daniels if you still want it?" 

"Sure, just have her send it with whatever she is sending you to Sarah's phone." 

Michael was about to reply when Sarah stopped him. 

"Mike wait." She said waiting Michael looked at her curiously. 

"Ask Dee how much she wants for a copy of all the information she found on Michelle Rodriguez phone." 

The other girls looked at Sarah confused, as far as they knew Michael was getting that info for free. 

"Dee found way more than just the dirt on Michelle Rodriguez." Sarah began to explain what Dee had just told Michael. 

"Well, this is interesting, not only did we confirm the reason Danders ordered her release, but we have also learned she has acquired confidential documents for numerous countries." Sarah spoke up after hearing the details. 

"This information could be useful to us in various ways in the future, I agree with Sarah's idea to try to purchase it." 

"Mike if you would please." Sarah said to which Michael nodded and messaged Dee. 


Mike: Alexia says to send it over with the Michelle Rodriguez to me now though there is something else they wanted me to ask you. 

Dee: Let me guess they want to buy a copy of all the information I found on her phone. 


"Ohhh she is good." Sarah said impressed 


Mike: How much? 

Dee: hmm 

Dee: A favour. 

Mike: Excuse me? 

Dee: I will send all the information over to you if The Four Queens agree to owe me a favour in the future. 

Dee: Having the four most powerful and richest women in the world owe me a favor is worth more than money. 


Michael looked up and saw the thoughtful expression on Sarah's face before he asked. 

"What do you think?" 

"Hmm I think Dee just made a cleaver move and she just earned my respect." Sarah replied. 

"Hoo what did she do? Earning your respect is not so easy." Alexia asked. 

"Instead of wanting money she wants us 'The Four Queens' to owe her a favour." 

"Ohhh smart move." Alexia replied as Gracie and Jane nodded in agreement. 

"Michael, I must say you have an interesting friend there." Sam suddenly said before continuing. 

"Instead of just asking for money which most people would do, your friend asked for something that is essentially priceless, a favour from 'The Four Queens' is something no world leader would refuse." 

"So, I take it you agree to Dee's cost?" Michael asked. 

"Wait." Jane suddenly said grabbing everyone's attention.