(17) new gacha event! jotaro and star platinum comes forth! part 1

So here's the big day! Jotaro will now meet his doppelgänger and Jonah will finally have star platinum as a stand.

(Should Jonah be allowed access to star platinum since Jotaro and jonah are the same person kinda?)

But with that out of the way,onto the chapter!


*ring* *ring*

I wake up to the sound of my alarm,and I look at the window and see the sun rising up and rosaria using me as a body pillow.

"Good grief" I say with a small smile as I Jimmy myself out of her embrace and replacing myself with a pillow.

As I head to the showers DIO manifested with Bruno."So anything new I should know?" I ask them as I can tell they had news.

"Well as you said yugi won against Mai and Kaiba won against mako tsunami." DIO said while ogling my body and seeing the star mark on my neck.

"Well did lil bomber pick up on any enemies?" I ask Bruno who shook his head no before speaking about another subject.

"Jonah,what does rosaria's crime syndicate do?" He asks me as I can understand where he was going.

"If you're wondering if she deals in drugs,she told me they primarily serve protection and rarely get jobs for the hitmen." I tell him and I see him relax as I get out the tub.

[ding! Host has a special gacha event!]

"System." I mutter to myself as I notice rosaria still asleep and watch the system manifest and see a notification in the form of a mail slot in my system.

[you have made it to the finals and because of that you get to have a special gacha event! For the next two days you will be able to summon with a higher chance of summoning the following!]

(Funny valentine and d4c love train)

(Jotaro kujo and star platinum)

(Jordio joestar and November rain)

(Dragona joestar and smooth operators)

[the gacha will automatically end when you get one of these pairs,will you begin with the free 10+1 summon?]

Reading the notification I freeze as I read the first and second one,the idea of having d4c love train excited me but the idea of having jotaro was even better in my eyes.

"System use my free 10+1 summons" I mentally say and watch as I get 4 commons,4 uncommons and…4 rares?

"Uh system that's 12,did you make a mistake?" I ask the system as it sends me a response.

[it seems you got an extra glitch summon,I'll need to take 200 DP from you to let you keep it.]

[will you spend 200 DP ? Y/N]

"Yeah I'll pay." I say to the system as I was getting a gut feeling I'll get someone I like,and I watch as the extra summon manifests and I see it was a rare summon and out comes a man with a turtleneck crop top cashmere sweater and hat with tiger striped leather pants with a thick belt and with a pair of boots to bring it all together.

I see Bruno freeze as he sees the man and after a few seconds shouts his name.


Mista who had his eyes closed opened them at the sound of his name and sees Bruno,I can see Mista tear up before shouting out Bruno's last name.

"Buccarati?! How are you alive?! I saw you perish with the others! Wait does that mean I'm dead too?!!" Mista says panicking.

"Pull yourself together Mista!! You aren't dead were in a new world!" Bruno say before pointing at me,"he is the one who gave us the chance to meet up again!"

I hold my hand out and begin to introduce myself to Mista,"a pleasure to meet you Mista,im Jonah kamijo,a highschool student and that woman is my lover rosaria vertinelli of the vertinelli crime family." I say to him pointing to the still sleeping rosaria.

After he bows his head at the still sleeping rosaria I explain how I died saving a goddess and how I gained a system that allows me to summon stand users and other things to use as cards.

After I finish explaining Mista begins to speak.

"Was I the fourth of my team to come?" He asks as I chuckle in response,"actually Mista you're the third member of your original team to come here,first was nerancha and them Bruno" I explain and he breathes a sigh of relief.

"But you were the fourth rare summon amongst twelve summons I got which hold 4 rares,4 uncommons and 4 commons." I say to him and after a few second he didn't respond until I noticed his eyes were blank.

"He passed out?" I say to myself as I look at the haul I got.


stand user-guido Mista

stand-six bullets

Mista's revolver (equip spell)

Miracle shots (quick play spell)


Four bullets(trap)

QuickDraw shots(quick play spell)

Hungry bullets! (Quick play spell)

Mista's determination! (Quick play spell)


Jar of greed

Jar of greed

Roulette spider

Magician of faith

As I look at my haul I notice most of them were Mista related,'huh…fate must have brought him to me.' I think to myself as I see another notification.

[you have gained too many cards for one deck,will now create a second deck slot…deck slot created,now storing extra cards.]

I watch as the mess of cards in my inventory go into a slot that looks like a trunk and I click on it and see it's organized from monster to trap.

'Well this will be handy' I think to myself as I begin my first binge summoning ever.


Well folks Mista has joined the party and Jonah gets to make a second deck! But question is should I allow rosaria to have a stand deck as well like how she gets shared skills from Jonah?

But the bigger question is what should Mista's card effect be? I'm thinking something like he gains his original atk by rolling a die and if he rolls a 4 Jonah takes 3000 points of damage while six bullets have to roll a die to reduce the atk of my opponent's monster but if I roll a 4 my opponent's atk doubles.

But what do you guys think,what should their effects be.

(Mista's card effect)

(Six bullets card effect)

And with that I hope you all are safe and see you next week! Peace😁✌️