The match

The next morning, i and Gift woke up early, my body was still adjusting to the new time zone, I could barely get any sleep at night, I guess I kept thinking about the hunters trying to capture me again.

I and Gift were led to the dining room after we had freshened up, we saw other students already having breakfast, thane wasn't there, and i wondered why.

I got a good look at the dining table, it was sooo long and wide, as though a thousand students could comfortably have breakfast on it

I and Gift went to the serving table and dished our meals then went back to the dining table to eat.

We sat down and began to eat

Halfway into our meals ,i heard a voice in my head,

It said "Attention all students of eleftheria, your presence is required in hall room 6A Now!"

it looked like the other students Heard it too because everyone began to stand up and exit the hall hurriedly,

Did you hear that? I asked the girl who sat besides me, she was struggling to round up her meal so as to join the other students leaving

Master thane just sent a telepathic message to all the students, I suggest you finish up hurriedly and join them... the girl replied me, her mouth stuffed with bread.

I looked over at gift and it seemed she had Heard it too, so I grabbed her hand and we followed the students who were exiting the dining hall since we didn't know our way around yet.

We saw master Thane in the school's main hall, where dozens of other students were already gathered.

"Welcome to your first day at Eleftheria," master Thane said while standing on the big podium at the edge of the large hall, besides him was the strange woman from last night, his voice was amplified by a microphone. "You are about to embark on an incredible journey. One that will push you to your limits, and beyond."

"Before you are paths that will test you, but if you prove yourselves, they will also lead you to a power beyond anything you've ever imagined," he said, his voice strong and firm.

"Today!, "you will begin training. But first, you must understand that power without discipline is like a wildfire dangerous and unpredictable. A gift can often be a curse, give someone wings and they may fly too close to the sun, what you do here will shape not just your future, but the future of the world itself."

The hunters are no joke, they've hunted our people for years, they've killed our parents and ancestors in brutally unimaginable ways all in the bid to extract our powers, they've extracted so much power from our people such that the souls of our departed one's can no longer rest in peace .

It is your duty to save them, we will teach you control, balance, and respect for the gift that you possess."

I nodded in agreement to everything he said, I could already feel my powers stirring within me, eager to be unleashed. i looked around and realized I wasn't the only one feeling what I was feeling.

The room was dead silent, the only sound I could hear was the thud of anxious hearts, I didn't know how but I could hear every single heart beat from every single student, it was so loud and distracting but I found a way to handle it

We were all Led to the training arena which was already set, and students with different powers couldn't wait to unleash their powers in it.

The air in the arena was thick with anticipation as all the students began to take their places. My eyes darted from one to the next, recognizing some of the faces from master Thanes speech.

The first challenge, master thane said, is to subdue an opponent using only their powers.

Arlie and Elaine

You're up first, master thane said with a strong voice

I was so surprised he asked me to go first, I mean so many others had been here before me, maybe they Just wanted to see what the new girls got.

I walked into the arena and so did Elaine, her heart was beating gently, it felt like she was very confident, I could also feel her powers, they felt cold and strong


I didn't understand that feeling

I was so lost in thought I almost forgot there was a girl Infront of me ready to unleash her powers on me.

Before I knew it Elaine began to throw Sharp little bits of ice at me.

I began to loose ground's while struggling to dodge her blast's, her ice kept coming without giving me even a second to regain my Stance

I could feel the stares of the students on us, increasing my anxiousness every second

I closed my eyes, blocking out the sounds of the arena, and breathed in deeply. I tried to imagine my power as a warm, glowing light within my chest, radiating outwards.

I opened my eyes, and Found myself encased in a protective layer of red-hot energy, Elaine's ice kept melting away before it could touch me.

Before you know it Elaine slipped and fell hard on the ground hitting her head hard again the arena floor due to the melted ice

"Impressive!" Master thane shouted from the sidelines,

The other students in the arena looked in amazement.

I felt my confidence growing with my victory and I walked out of the arena and so did Elaine,

Soren and Maine

Master thane called out and both guys walked to the arena

Maine stands at one corner of the arena with his hands balled into fists, I looked in bewilderment as the strange tattoo symbols on his skin began to move.

Soren who was at the other end of the arena began to walk towards him, his eyes gleamed with predatory hunger.

As the bell sounds,

Maine unleashed a wave of telekinetic force, that threw Soren backwards. But Soren recovered quickly, transforming into a massive eagle before he could fall on the floor.

He launched himself towards maine, seeking an opening to strike. Maine summoned a shield of psychic energy, deflecting soren's furious attacks.

Just as maine begins to get tired, Soren shifted back into his human form and charges towards maine with a loud cry,

But maine, blasted him backwards with a huge surge of telekinetic force.

All the students began to murmur at the ongoing match, talking about Maine and siren's power being equally matched.

They continued for several minutes, neither opponent giving ground. Finally, soren, sensing an opportunity, transformed into a massive lion and charged unexpectedly towards maine with his teeth bared.

He landed a fierce punch to his jaw that sends him reeling backwards.

Maine began to stumble, and Soren seized the opportunity to pin him to the ground while choking him till he became unconscious.

Soren let go and breath a long sigh of relief

There was a long silence in the hall then suddenly the crowd began to roar in applause for the just concluded match.