Why do you like black?

"Hahahaha!" Lilith laughed out loud, shaking her head sideways.

"This feels good." She mumbled.

Standing behind Lilith, Dracula lent his hand to the swing, the force of his gentle push sending Lilith soaring into the air.

She held the swing chain at each end, making sure that she wouldn't fly out of her seat.

Lilith's laughter echoed through the quiet of the night, the childlike joy in her voice a testament to the innocence of the moment.

The more Dracula pushes the swing of Lilith, the more Lilith's hair dances with the cold wind of the night.

"I love the sound of your laugh." Dracula complimented.

Lilith smiles, shifting her gaze towards her back as she stares at Dracula. "Are you sure you love just the sound of my laugh or do you love me instead?" Lilith teased.

"Love you?" Dracula question his brows arched. "Don't get too ahead of yourself okay." He whispered, prompting Lilith to hiss.