Chapter Two



"Rori, you don't even know if he is your mate." My mother barks at me. I roll my eyes. She is always nagging at me. Rori markmate's feelings are so strong, you don't want to fall in love and break Nico's heart when you find your true mate. I mock her voice in my head. Sometimes I wonder if she was secretly jealous that I got to attend the homecoming dance and she didn't. She was so wild getting mixed up with bad boys here and there. Dad definitely saved her life. 

"Zare, chill let her find it for herself," my dad smiles gently, grabbing her hand. 

She nods. I see the way my father composes her. Their example of true love set the bar for me without a doubt. My eyes watched them, and it was like I was watching a fairy tail. The way he looks at her after all these years was truly inspiring.

I smile hearing Nico enter the house. He never rang the doorbell there wasn't a reason to. He was family already. My dad said he was the spitting image of Uncle Dev at that age. Dev was wild as a teenager, He played in the band and was heavy on cigar use. 

Nico on the other hand, is smart, cautious, and careful. He is kind of nerdy which is my favorite part. You would be shocked that he isn't Aunt Kiara's son. He is the leader of the Science club. He must take after Riya. Her upbringing is somewhat of a secret considering that she came from a different time period than us, Dev falling in love with part zombie, and all. 

"You look sharp." My father tells him with a grin reaching from ear to ear. My father adores Nico which makes my heart happy. He practically helped raise him. 

"Thanks, Chetan." Nico's voice was shy and quiet yet still had traces of confidence. 

I walk down the staircase, the classic revealing scene. My deep red dress touches each step as I walk. My Curly hair had so much hairspray that my hair felt like it was stuck to my head. Riya still did my hair makeup despite her argument with my mom. Riya feels like my mom doesn't think her son is good enough for her daughter. I don't think that's the case I'm pretty sure it has to do with the whole true mate. The dreaded problem every werewolf has. In my hand, I have a golden flower for Nico to put in his tuxedo pocket. Our school colors were red and gold. 

He smiles when he sees me. "I did not doubt that you were going to look breathtaking."

I feel the color drain from my cheeks. Despite knowing my feelings for him, he can still send butterflies down my spine. 

I smile hearing Dev enter the house. The smell of his tobacco always gives the warning he is here. 

"Nico, remember the rules, no touchy unless you're dancing" I roll my eyes hearing the laughter. I have different plans. 

The dance went wonderfully, and I had an astonishing time. We danced obviously and laughed with friends. Nico gave me a few kisses that were sweeter than honey itself. 

In the vampire cave on sandy shores, I lay on the ground in the cave. Nico's hands touched every ounce of my body, his lips in the race for more places it touched. I love it and I wanted him 

My hand unbuttoned his pants. 

"Rori, not tonight baby."

I feel the water building up in my eyes.

"Why? I want you so bad."

"I want to make sure, we are true markmates. I don't want to hurt you in the end."

"You're starting to sound like my mom."

"Maybe you should listen to her."

That's the last thing Nico said to me that night because I left the cave. I didn't plan for what was going to happen next. I did lose my virginity that night but, to Tala. My mom and I share that trait, I guess. We are both sluts.