Shan Inn

They all journeyed through the small villages that led to the Isle. The isle was a five-day journey from the nearest village but Liling couldn't help but notice the air thick with something strong. Shufen, Zixin and Eun.

It was understandable. The trio had once served in the military together but Eun had betrayed them by leaving them behind in an heated battle to fend for themselves. He never apologized and they never saw him again until he joined the league of five.

"Do we really have to travel with him?" Zixin said as his annoyance blossomed, breaking the silence that lingered on in the air, save for the constant neighing of the horses as they rode through the hilly paths.

Eun turned back to reveal sets of pearly dentition as he gave them his best smile, unfazed by the fuming duo that constantly glared daggers at him.

"Like it or not, you're stuck with me. I don't know why, it is not even my doing. The maps paired us and not me."

"Really? Then maybe we should stop at the next town we enter and have your team go before ours." Shufen chipped in with a clipped tone.

Laughter rumbled through his chest at his words, then he did a quick maneuver of the horse so he could stand beside Liling who continued to stare off into space until he cleared his throat beside her.


"Eun!" she yelped, startled.

He responded with a chuckle, reaching out to help brush the bits of her hair that kept getting stuck to her face. Tucking it behind her ear while he watched an healthy shade of scarlet spread across her cheeks.

"What is it, Li? You seem pretty distracted."

She nodded, "I am. I'm afraid I'll let the team down. I can't use qi anymore. I don't think I am worthy to continue on with the team, they think I still can but I can't. I can't feel my qi." she replied as-a-matter-of-fact.

"Because of what happened a year ago? With the little girl from the tavern?"

Her eyes widened when he mentioned the little girl at the tavern. A year ago, they had went on with their duties of finding the seal when they were being attacked by wraiths at a tavern they had spent the night.

The little girl had been unfortunate to have come out at the moment when a wraith had come in her direction. Liling summoned her qi but instead of hitting the wraith, it somehow managed to get the poor girl to take the hit and her qi, killed an innocent life.

She blinked at the tears that had begun to form under her eyelashes, swallowing hard when she felt a lump form in her throat.

"I killed her!" she rasped under her breath.

Eun's brows creased, the playful demeanor in his face replaced by a serious one, he tutted, sucking his teeth.

"It isn't your fault. I know you think it is and you blame yourself for her death but it isn't your fault. Do not let the little girl's death be in vain by giving your purpose up. The team five is mostly made up of gods, demi gods or demons and you're the only human to make the team. The guardians saw potential in you when they chose you, do not let them down."

Then, as fast as it was gone, his smile returned and he kicked his feet against the horse to make it go faster, leaving her behind in a turmoil of thoughts. Her qi jad been stagnant for too long and she needed something to help reawaken her inner energy but nothing was working.

It was almost sunset when they reached the town of Shan. They were beginning to see the Valley of the Isle from afar. Deciding to call it a day, they stopped at the first inn they had come across, unmounting themselves from their horses and attaching its reins to a pole just outside the inn.

Shufen reached for her hands, pulling her to walk beside him as they made their way inside. She also couldn't help but notice something flash on Eun's eyes when he held her hands.

They pulled the inn doors open, stepping in and watching weary eyes stare at them from every direction as they made their way to the inn keeper, settling themselves on the stool.

"Welcome to Shan Inn! What can we do you for?" the inn keeper's eyes shifted from theirs to the rest of the team already seated at a table, scrutinizing them.

"Ten mugs of beer, warm blankets and rooms to sleep." Shufen ordered, clicking his fingers agitatedly against the island.

He flashed them a crooked smile, "We're out of inns and can only spare five for your entourage."

Eun retorted a response, sighing when he raked his fingers through his hair. "We'll take it. Make us something to eat too, I hear the town of Shan is famous for their spicy grilled fish."

"That will be fifty yin."

He arched a brow at Shufen and he scoffed, plopping his hands into the pouch he had strapped to his waist, bringing out some copper coins, he pushed them across the inn keeper before leading Liling to the nearest table.

"Keep the change."

The old man nodded delightedly before disappearing through a door and in the next thirty minutes, some ladies returned with trays containing their meals. They pushed the tray over to each of them with the keys to the rooms.

Liling smiled when the delicious aroma wafted into her nostrils she inhaled, letting out a pleased sound before reaching for her hair and tying it in a messy bun.

She chuckled as she watched Zixin and Ha-Neul trying to get the attention of the ladies that had brought over their food, then the innkeeper moved closer to them.

"You're not from here, right?"

Eun nodded his head in response, watching the innkeeper's smile falter when his eyes glued themselves on Liling.

"Your scar," he spoke this time with a thick Shan accent. "How did you get it?"

Her hand darted forward and she subconsciously rubbed at the brownish-red welt that ran down her neck to her back, it had healed but had somehow left a reddish scar which never faded.

"I do not know, but my foster parents said it was from a fall, when I was little."

He swallowed then hurriedly moves away from her but she shrugged, oblivious to the trembling innkeeper.