Chapter 10: Mother-in-Law, Father-in-Law

...In the morning, they all went for a group tour of the capital along with Eli and her grandma. Someone even willing (with payment) to carry grandma Anise on a wheelchair because she can't walk too long of a distance.So, they all went into the newly implemented magic bus. They went to few places. The Beasts Beastiaries (a zoo) where they see many captured wild beasts and monsters. Augustus Magic Centre where it displays and shows history of magic, spells, and magic artifacts. From ancient times and its development history and theories. The magic bus is some kind of magic artifact as well. They rest for the evening.Fay took the chance to bring Wain to get a new sword at the forge.Clang! Clang!The dwarves are hitting the metal blade non-stop. The human sale assistant welcomes them to their workshop."Hello. We are looking for a longsword".'I will use flame enchantment on it. The gold tier one'. Wain added to Fay's sentence.The sale assistant thought for a moment. To withstand gold tier flame enchantment, alloys with high heat and high magic conductivity is important.Enchantments onto weapons are definitely a popular fighting style. It's just unfortunate they don't have premade one for longsword – they do have fire one for a normal sword."We have 1 but it's a medium sword. You can ask Mr Odi if you want to custom made them".They nodded and went to Mr Odi. Wain explained the specifications.He only nodded."I will need to use fire stones and verrum-athenium alloys. If you have the materials, I can cut the cost. I have the materials in stock though".Wain and Fay definitely don't have them."It would take 3 days and 12 gold coins".Wain is speechless. He doesn't have enough money…His tail and ears visibly drop."Ah. I see. Can I take a look at other longswords?".Wain ended up not buying anything. He had a thought to reforge his old sword. But it's just better to buy a new one entirely. He put aside the longsword issue for later.At night they all went to the Entertainment district. It's like a fun fair. There're stalls selling food but the mini games are what's important.There's an archery range and shooting them the target give them prize. They all went there first.Wain wanted to get that large Cockatrice plushie for Fay. He aims and shoots at the target but everything misses! Fay just smiled silly.'Wain. Let me get them for you.'.Elvis feels it's time for him to shine. Who else but him that could get them through this easy game?He holds the bow...?The damn bow feels so wrong in his hand. It's too flexible. It felt fragile. And it's too light.He touched the quiver.???It also felt wrong. Its too rigid, and weight like nothing and its crooked. And the feather behind isn't aligned properly.He pulled the string.?????The string felt so damn weak and stretched too much.This is a scam!!!!He shoots and obviously misses. This is an insult to archery! Elvis wants to scold the store owner but held himself back."Ohhh. I missed the time I hunt beasts in the forest'. Grandma anise suddenly spoke."Grandma let's tryyy".'Oh grandma is too old to play this-'."No no it's just a game"Grandma stood up from her rented wheelchair.She readied her bow and arrow.She took a deep breath. Straightened her back. Her posture is like of an elven marksman. Her eyes sharp locking in the target. Even Elvis was shocked.She set her eyes on the smallest targets. With her steady breath, she released the arrow and hit it perfectly!Bullseyes!'Ouch. My back hurts'. Grandma massage her own back after straightening her posture like that."Grandma you amazing!".'Ouh. Bows carved in the village back when I was young is really bad. I had to practice a lot back then. I was the best hunter in the village once too. Huh...'. Grandma Anise remembered her younger days.Elvis has his pride hurt. This old woman beat him in archery. He wants to hide his face.The store owner of course has no complaints since it's fair and square. The giant Cockatrice plushie is won. Eli happily takes it of course.They went around the fair and play a few games here and there....The tour went on for 3 days straight going to various places.On the third day in the evening, they went to the shopping district. It's the last thing in their programme. It's very busy with stalls and shops and people walking around.Wain saw a jewellery store and went there. He looked at the necklaces and rings, with various colourful jewels.He saw a simple ring with a polished sapphire gem on it. He remembers Fay's blue eyes and thinks it suits him well.But he held back. A ring is... Too much. The moment he died back then he already had set his feelings for Fay.But still...It's very heavy when he thinks about it. He calculates how much time he had known Fay. Is it too fast? He felt nervous just thinking about it. He felt like, he's afraid to rush things to proposing today. He's not ready. His parents haven't even meet him.He stopped looking at the ring and went to the bracelet section. He's taking a safer gift.He saw a very beautiful one. The bracelet had beautiful carved markings on its body, probably carved by hand by a master craftsman. And three small gleaming sapphire gemstones arranged in pattern like stigma of a flower. It's very beautiful."How about this one?".'Its only 69 silver coins', smiled the sales assistant.Wain thinks carefully. He initially only had 10 gold coins. And he used 5 for a new spell. He still had 5 gold coins and compared to magic artifacts and equipment; cosmetic items are cheaper.The party had subjugated gold ranked beast only once so far because the risk is too high - and so the party aren't really that rich because they play it safe. Except Fay who had soloed 2 gold tiered ones within months.But then he now calculates how much a house cost in Angis. It's really only 20 gold coins above for a simple small house and a land. The down-payment should be 4 gold or something. It can be paid over the years though so he really could move into a proper house with Fay already with his earnings each month.It's just that everyone started from the bottom and the inn becomes their default home. He wants to live in a single house with Fay someday. Just him and Fay. He starts to imagine how life would be. It's probably the same except there's more privacy and they don't have to keep quiet at night. But if he wants to have children someday, he definitely needs a house for himself.But he never asked Fay… would he want to settle and be with him for life? Would he want to raise a child with him? His mind went through so much things in few seconds.He is having some relationship crisis in his head just from seeing a ring.He returned to reality purchases the bracelet."I will take it".The sales assistant packs them in a neat box.Wain found everyone is hanging out and resting at the square. Fay is sucking on some candied fruit of sort.He sat next to Fay."Fay...".'Yes?'.Wain, somehow feeling nervous, opened the box. He took out an elegant bracelet adorned with 3 sapphires.Fay is stunned. He doesn't know how to describe his feelings. He felt, like he had everything he had wished and wanted at that moment. He can only look at Wain, and only him.Wain holds his hand, and slide it on."It fits", Wain smiled as his ears twitched a bit. The size is just right. Although the bracelet size is for a woman's wrist, it fit Fay's small hand perfectly.'Wain....'. Fay felt touched.Anyone can see it's an expensive gift. Although it can't be compared to spells and their equipment made from even more expensive and useful material - but for a cosmetic item with no practical use, it is an expensive gift. Anyone can see a craftsman meticulously carved the silver bracelet designs."I love it...". Fay didn't look at the bracelet anymore. But at Wain.Because truly, his heart is moved because it's him."Woohoo!!!". Trevor interrupted Fay heartfelt moment. He cheered and clapped for them both. The other members also noticed the occasion and just smiled at them.Fay had a blush form on his cheeks.He leaned in and kissed him. Amber and Lisa felt in aww.They start to wonder when can they fall in love like that. Even Elvis feels like he should find a girlfriend soon. As for Trevor, he too thinks the same.Trevor did like Fay actually. Having a crush on him unexpectedly on some random day because Fay decides to give him a little massage as he got beaten up badly by a Blue Armoured Bear tanking its attacks.His soft hand touching his back never left his memory. He even imagines a scene where Fay went to massage him each time after he got beaten up. His heart even had its desire to ask Fay if he could massage him again, also seducing him at the same times. But time passes and, he had to keep his feelings to himself.If he's not mistaken, Wain and Fay haven't dated properly yet that time. He wonders if he had taken a first move, officially, he would have been there. He's aware he's too many steps too late. Not to mention Fay and Wain had already slept on the very first day of the meeting. And then, he really doesn't want to ruin his years of friendship with Wain.He's not a jerk. He can only keep his feelings hidden.It really stays there and never grows more thankfully, since Fay had only Wain in his eyes. If Fay had, even once, cast a glance at him he's afraid he wouldn't hold himself back. But that's only in his imagination - because Fay never looks at him the same way he looked at Wain.Still, he's sure if he found himself a girlfriend he could just move on. It's just that there's no one so far. He's still happy for them both still.Fay too had a surprise gift for Wain.He didn't expect Wain to give him a gift first. He feels the bracelet in his hands and felt touched at the gesture.They ride their bus back to the inn. The programmes by the touring agent are finished. They decide to take one more day just to chill."Wain, come follow me".'Where to?"."Just follow me".Fay smiled and went out of their room.Wain just followed him around, walking along the streets.Fay finally stops at the dwarf's blacksmith.Fay went to Mr Odi."Mr Odi, is it finished?".'Yes yes. Its finished since yesterday evening'.Mr Odi took a sheathed longsword from a corner. He took out the blade. It is azure in colour, with tinges of black. The edges of the longsword look really sharp and polished. The long handle is a fire-resistant alloy handle wrapped with fire lizard leather.He sheaths the sword back and give it to Fay. He smiled a little because he knew it's a gift for that wolf beastman over there. Of course he put a little more effort into it and even finished it earlier than expected just because he felt like it."Fay…".Wain can't express how he felt. It's a sword he not only wanted, but needed. And he can't afford it. Compared to the bracelet he bought Fay; the value of the sword far exceeds them."I…".He really felt heavy to accept such a gift.'Wain. Here, it's yours'. Fay pushed the large heavy longsword to Wain."Fay… its too expensive for me to take…".Fay is a bit stunned hearing it. He thought, Wain would be happy to accept it.'I… I just want to get you something. Take it. It's yours'.Wain reluctantly takes it from Fay's hand."I will pay you back later". He doesn't know why he said that word. He knows its wrong to say such things after receiving it.'N-no- It's a gift'. Fay felt worse hearing his response. Is it too expensive that he felt reluctant?Fay went to hug Wain.'I feel happy to give them to you. Please, accept them'. Fay looks at Wain with his round eyes.In a sense, his gift is the way he expresses his feelings. Wain rejecting his gift does imply his feelings being rejected.But do note that Fay buying the sword for Wain is equivalent to buying a car for someone in terms of value. Of course, Fay never thought in that perspective."Thank you". Wain had to accept them. Fay had bought it for him. It's rude and unreasonable to pay him back even.And the value of sword does imply how much love Fay had for him. What makes it heavy is more because Wain realised how much Fay deeply loved him, even the sword that would take all his life savings is given freely.It's as if, the gift is Fay's expression to say 'I love you, and only you. I will stay with you forever'.He felt like tears would come out of his eyes. Out of feeling touched. Is he that special in his eyes?They went back to the inn with the new longsword. Wain is still blank after receiving such a gift. He felt speechless.He sheathed the blade. It's beautiful. He touched the blade with his hand and felt how cold the blade is. It implies the heat conductivity is very good. The handle is comfortable and the weight is just right in his hand.Fay is reading a magazine on his bed, minding his business.Wain keeps looking at him.He almost forgot he wanted to bring Fay to meet his parents. But after receiving the gift he suddenly felt like he was not ready.But he had to decide. Will he live with him until his death?Fay noticed the gaze."Yes?". Maybe Wain wants to have a hot time?'Fay… Umm… I am visiting my parents tomorrow'."Ohh! I forgot your parents live around here".Wain scratched his neck out of nervousness.'Ummm… I want them to meet you too'.Fay felt a bit speechless.Meet him?It implies advancing the relationship. Fay wasn't sure if he's ready to meet his parents. What if they don't like him? He has anxiety about his parents' reaction to him being with Wain. Because he's a guy technically even if his soul was not.But still, Fay gathers his courage. One day he had to do this anyway."I would love to meet them". Fay affirms himself. Even if they don't like him, he will make them like him.Wain nodded.They didn't do any activity this night. Perhaps they are both nervous.Everyone does what they want to do on their free time the next day.Fay and Wain went to ride a carriage to the outer part of the capital. It's the residential area for the common people.They soon reach a humble beached-coloured house made of bricks. It has a modern touch to it.Wain knocks on the door.After some time, a buff looking middle-aged wolfman with dark and a bit grey hair opened the door."Wain! Why you didn't send us any letter before visiting? Come in come in".He noticed the small build human next to his son."And this is…?".'Ah… he's my…'.'Friend'.Wain had accidentally blurted that kind of word. He felt stupid and horrible."Oh. Come in come in". Hein spoke welcoming him in.Fay didn't take it to the heart. He knows Wain felt nervous. Even he felt like he would have said the same.A slightly shorter but quite buff middle-aged wolf woman come to greet Wain."Wain! You never send us any letter. How is it living in Angis now? Are your party members here as well?".'I don't have much time to write letter to you mom. We went on an escort mission and we just take a vacation while we are here'."Oh, did it go well?".'Uh. yes.' Wain don't want to worry his parents that he is close to death.Kiana finally sees the small human seemingly hiding behind Wain."And this is…?".Before Wain can formulate the right word to say-"HAAA!!! Honey!!! Wain brought back a wife!!!".Kiana jumped in excitement and hold Fay's hand."Oh, such a pretty girl. Why, what's your name".'I-I am Fay'. Fay felt nervous. Wain's mom already jumped straight to wife.'Ehem. You are making him feel nervous.'. Hein tried to calm his wife down."Sorry. Sorry. Wait. You are… a man?". Kiana looks at Fay carefully, he's too pretty to be a man. But his short hair and flat chest is an indicator.'-Yes?'."Oh". Kiana replied with a simple oh. Fay can't interpret her emotion. He's getting nervous."Come sit down. I will make some tea".Kiana went to make tea while Wain went to freely take out biscuits from a jar on the table. Hein already sat on the table with them, but continue to read the newspaper.He passed the biscuit to Fay. Fay reluctantly takes a bite. He tasted smoked meat in them. It's a traditional biscuit of the beastmen.Kiana served the tea and sit down with them."Are you staying here for the night? We haven't cleaned your room".'Ah- no. We would leave tomorrow'."Ouh… leaving so fast. Mother feels so lonely… why not stay longer".'You have dad there', countered Wain.Hein didn't respond."Alright then". Kiana's ear flopped down a little."Umm Fay, right?".'How is Wain over there. Did he do fine by himself?' He doesn't get injured much, did he?'."Ah, -miss. Wain is fine. He's really strong. And he guided me a lot too".Kiana nodded. He looked at his son, who seems nervous.Now the main topic finally comes."Mom".Kiana perked her ears. She already expected it."Fay is my- b-boyfriend".Fay don't even know where to put his eyes.'I see'. Kiana smiled.If Fay is a muscly man like his husband, she would be devastated. But seeing how pretty and fair Fay is, she can accept it openly.'As long you are happy, we would give you our blessing. Don't worry!'. It's not entirely accurate, but of course you can't satisfy everyone and why mention something that didn't happen or existed. Thankfully they can accept Fay as he is.Hein put his newspaper down. He also nodded.Even Hein would have been devastated if Fay is some burly bulky man, although given his quiet stoic personality, he wouldn't mention it. Because for him it's Wain's life and he shouldn't make any decision for Wain. But of course, he doesn't want his son to be…topped… by another man. Even if that's the case, he wouldn't make a comment even if he would feel like he had failed raising a son. But Fay is given a complete pass because he can guess the dynamic."Thank you, mom.". Wain can only smile at the reply.'Thank you, miss". Fay also said his thanks."Don't call me miss. Call me mom. You are with my son naturally I am your mother".'Umm… yes, m-mom(?)'. That felt weird for Fay.Wain too had a complaint. That felt a bit unnatural. Maybe mother is fine. But mom???'Oh, by the way how did you guys meet', Kiana went to chat.Fay did tell them about himself. He is half-honest about how he run away from his home to escape. And changed his name."You aren't… some illegitimate prince of the Empire or something right? Or… some assassin family…". Kiana does have a worry.Hein raised his eyebrows because he felt his wife is too silly. Kiana doesn't want her son to be involved in some bloody thing. His abnormally pretty face, and his mysterious background makes her imagination runs wild. It's a no no if that's the case."Ah- no no. I just had it hard back in my home. It won't trouble Wain I promise".Kiana nodded. It's a bit too mysterious. But he can't force Fay to tell them about his true origin. Even she and her husband ran away from to escape from Beastia because of the conflict between tribes back then.Hein barely speaks and only focused on the newspaper. But that's just his personality.Hein finally noticed the new longsword Wain had. He can guess it's very expensive. His son must have been a Gold Rank adventurer and in a Gold Rank party for sometimes at least.He wonders why he changed his sword."Wain. Your new sword looks great. Can I have a look?".Wain is nervous. He hopes his dad don't mention it.Hein open the sheath. He noticed the azure colour and the black tinges. It's the standard for conducting even more powerful fire element. He nodded at his choice of sword. It's even better than the one he passed to him."If you don't use the previous sword anymore, give it back to me. I have a lot of memory with them".'Ah. I don't bring them with me. Maybe next time'. Wain lied through his teeth. Fay side eyed Wain. The sword is GONE. There's no next time.Hein just nodded.Anyways, it went well."Fay, take care of Wain for me okay? Tell us if you guys need anything".'Yes m-mom'. Fay can only give a wry smile. He also wonders if he should talk to Wain's father as well. But even Wain himself barely said anything to his dad unless Hein start the conversation. It's just how they are.Kiana went to give them 2 jars of homemade biscuits to bring back."You should visit us more often", Kiana complained to Wain.They bid their farewell. They both let out a breath of relief. Wain parents can accept him to be with him. He felt glad.He remembers in his previous world, with Ryo. Everything was… bitter. From his own parents, to Ryo's parents, to Ryo himself. Everything was depressing, and complicated. He remembered being sent a text from Ryo's mom blaming him for turning his son gay or something.It's truly crazy back then. He gave up really. He gave up on trying to make things work. He had dreams of Ryo always ending up killing himself no matter what he did. He had a dream where, things did work out. He doesn't remember what is his exact wish, but he had fragments where Ryo end up cheating on him with a woman still. He tried to treat it as a dream. But he knows that… had happened. He doesn't know what happened next though. (Since he Witched out. And Fay never realised this fact)."Fay?".Fay finally awakened from his day dreaming.He looked at Wain. He loved him. He loved him a lot. And he wanted things to stay this way. He just, want to be with him.Tears already pooled under his eyelids."Fay… what's wrong?".'Ah… nothing…'.He wiped his little tears away."I am just, happy it works out".Wain went to hug Fay tight. He's not sure what went through his mind. But it doesn't matter. He's there with him.They went to ride a carriage back to the main district of the capital. They get themselves some food and take an evening nap. The rest of their vacation time is really just spent on finding food around.The next morning comes. They wished they could have spent more time on vacation. But regardless, money does not fall from the tree. They need to work just because they are living."Umm… We don't have to get a carriage to get back. I can send everyone back". Fay volunteered. Because no one had mentioned it to him, he said it himself.They all ride a carriage to some deserted road and walked into the trees for few minutes.Fay transformed into his magic form and opened up a spatial crack. He sent Eli and her grandma back first, and then the rest of the party back to their rooms in Angis.It's a nice vacation really.Wain looked at Fay in his magic form. The white hair matches his clear and light skin and sapphire eyes. He went to kiss Fay. He takes a closer look at Fay's outfit. How do you take them off???"Can you take them off?", asked Wain.Fay blushed a little. He's not sure. He never tried. And probably no magical girl ever tried.Kyubey who had always been sitting on his head casually made a reply."You can. By default, each time you transform the magical outfit would be constructed from magic, increasing your strength and performance. You can remove the magic from parts of your outfit to take them off".Fay tried to use his consciousness to take back portion of magic from the plate covering his chest.It disappears with particles of light, leaving on a skin-tight chainmail behind it."Oh… I can…".…Click.Wain locked the door behind them...