Exchange Program

The next morning, Zhao Mingfeng hosted another meeting for the Rainbow Alliance sect leaders to propose a countermeasure strategy to deal with Liu Yanxia's internal sect issues and the upcoming catastrophe from Yan Ping's vision. Thanks to the initiative from Bai Dajin, who wanted to take in Yihao as a student, Zhao Mingfeng borrowed and expanded on that idea.

"It's not a bad idea," Hong Nian Niang agreed. "Even if the martial arts study exchange program is fake, this gives us more reason to travel to and fro while collecting information and investigating along the way. Usually, pugilists from martial schools have no reason to visit Chang'an. However, with this program, I can expand my business in the capital and create a foothold there."

Having created a similar thing on a smaller scale, Chen Zhong approved the suggestion. Over the years, Chen Tao expanded the Black Tortoise Sect's influence by accepting students from all over and allowing others to commission their skilled disciples as mercenaries. Of course, most of their clients were rich merchants who preferred to hire a smaller group of highly skilled bodyguards than a large entourage. Some clients dealt with the information trade and needed someone reliable to perform the job discreetly. Banks often contacted the Black Tortoise Sect when they had to transfer valuable goods. Although Chen Tao suspected corrupt officials had instructed these transfers, the Black Tortoise Sect only performed its missions without further questioning.

"Chen Tao could assist the Vermillion Bird Sect set up a foothold in the capital. We have a strong mercenary business that is looking to expand. Although many of our clients are petty governor officials, our reliable reputation makes investigating and dabbling in information trading possible. With the martial arts school the Black Tortoise Sect has been operating over the years, we could assist everyone with planning a suitable exchange program curriculum. What does everyone think?"

It was a great solution. Liu Yanxia feared the sect elders would hinder her by opposing opening up their already crumbling sect to outsiders. However, everything should be fine with the Rainbow Alliance's support and solid insistence on this program, which aims to foster stronger inter-alliance bonds.

The only person in the room who was not on board with the idea was Yan Ping.

"The Mystical Qilin Sect will not participate in this program," she declared. "My sect has been secluded in secrecy even before the war against the demonic worshippers. There are less than a hundred disciples, and everyone is busy with their cultivation. Zhao Anji is the only person I'm accepting as a student because that was what my vision suggested. Besides, my sect's cultivation technique is unsuited for most cultivators. We focus less on swordplay and more on finding enlightenment with soul arts."

Nodding in understanding, Zhao Mingfeng did not hold it against Yan Ping. Everyone understood why the mysterious prophet would refuse to involve herself in worldly affairs. It was not her place to change the future. Her role was to relay it to those who seek change. Even in the war against the demonic cultivators, Yan Ping and her disciples stood behind the front line as doctors to treat those who had fallen. They never actively engaged in bloodshed.

After listening to the other leaders toss ideas for the unimplemented training exchange program, Bai Dajin ran out of patience. He didn't care for the other disciples. He was only interested in one boy.

"When does this exchange program start?" he asked. "Is Zhao Yihao going to be one of them?"

Zhao Mingfeng understood the White Tiger sect leader's impatience well. However, finalising the timeline for launching such a huge program was difficult. He would still have to wait until the respective sect leaders sorted out their internal sect matters to make this possible.

"It won't be so soon," the tired Celestial Dragon sect leader sighed. "However, I can send Yihao to you even before the finalisation of the exchange program. If you have time after the meeting, please talk to Yihao in person. He's still recovering from the injury he received yesterday after I lost control of my strength, so he can't come to greet you."

Ah, that's right. Bai Dajin almost forgot how Yihao received a heavy internal injury after Zhao Mingfeng instinctively blocked his internal energy. Not to mention, the spanking he gave that brat in front of everyone was not light. As Yihao's godfather and teacher, Bai Dajin felt that it was his responsibility to take care of his student and nurse him back to health before whisking him away from his family.

"I'll do that. Is there anything else? If not, I'm going to find my student."

Adjourning the meeting early so that the various sect leaders could attend to their private business, Zhao Mingfeng requested that Yan Ping remain.

"I'll show you to Anji today," he guided the blind lady. "She has been waiting for you in the pavilion with her mother since morning."

Following Mingfeng's lead, Yan Ping wondered what the child would be like. Although many things happened at yesterday's banquet, Zhao Anji's presence was overshadowed by everyone else. Ever since the vision, Yan Ping has been curious about this child. She had seen many visions regarding the world, but none related to people unless they were key characters in changing the tides. Zhao Mingfeng was one of those people. However, she only saw a glimpse of his glorious moments fighting the demonic sect leader. People's deaths never really mattered to her. However, Zhao Anji was the first person to appear in her vision dying. It was as if the heavens wanted to save this child. 

But why?