First Cultivation Lesson

Six long weeks passed before Anji was finally given the green light to learn cultivation. Although Zhao Mingfeng and Bai Dajin could teach Anji the basics, Yan Ping was determined to let nobody near her precious student.

"You will learn cultivation from me daily. Do not remove your soul bracelet unless I allow you to do so. We will start with the theory you've learned from the Doctrine of the Mean. Before you start, let's revise the safety measures."

Yan Ping and Anji began their first lesson by borrowing the secluded hut with soundproofing barriers. It was nothing like Anji thought it would be. According to her older sister, Ruiting learned the basics of cultivation in a meditation hall with the help of herbal incense to sense the flow of qi. Most students will be given access to the sect's cultivation chambers for one year to increase their cultivation core level by gathering the dense spiritual energy that naturally exists.