Blue Death

In the year 2060, the sky lit up with blue light, stunning the entire world. The clouds were turned blue, and even the sun rays became non-existent as blue rays poured down on the world. These blue rays were oddly comforting and with it came a pleasant feeling that no one could explain, even drugs couldn't make a man feel this good.

 People gathered around with their cameras pointed toward the sky, taking pictures, while some were recording the incident. As expected, some humans were superstitious and hid away from the safety of their homes, some were religious and called it the end of the world, some sunbathed under this comforting light while others decided this was the best time for outdoor sex.

Scientists were confused about the recent development since there was no prior warning of this event. While they worked their butts off to understand what was going on and what it meant for the human race, many religious leaders took the opportunity to make bogus prophecies, some even claiming this was the heavens trying to communicate with them.

Reactions and opinions concerning the strange event varied across the world, but barely twenty minutes later everything changed. Cats began hissing, dogs barking aggressively, and all animals reacting violently to the change. 

Pet owners were violently attacked by their once harmless pets, zookeepers were slaughtered by the caged animals that strangely gained enough strength to break out of their confinements. Rats poured out into the streets in swarms, attacking everything on their part, barely leaving behind the bones of their victims as they went on what could only be referred to as a carnivorous rampage.

Birds attacked in masses, bomb-diving and slaughtering anything they could kill. Defenseless kids were their main target, and even the protection of their homes was not enough. With overwhelming numbers, windows were shattered, making homes a bloody crime scene in mere minutes.

Gun owners in the United States and other parts of the world were at their happiest, as business was booming in the chaos, but even their newfound joy was short-lived.


The clouds tore open as numerous blue meteorites descended from the heavens, their quantity so much it was impossible to see anything else above, regardless of the country or continent one resided. These blue comets were engulfed in dazzling blue flames which seemed to be the source of all the blue lights earlier, but this left many scientists with one question.

How did these strange meteorites get so close to Earth without being spotted? 

Unless they were warped into existence, it should be impossible!

Unfortunately, this was not the time to ask questions, it was the time to survive.

The chaos began the moment the first meteor hit the earth, and soon the entire was bombarded, turning earth into a place that would make Hell look attractive.

Earth was bombarded back into the Stone Age!

Over three billion human lives were lost at that moment, with another one billion dying weeks later due to their fatal injuries sustained. Somehow, the world leaders and high-profile people survived the attack as if they were expecting it, this was suspicious but no one paid attention to this, they all focused on mourning the death of their loved ones.

The event of that day was termed the Day of the Blue Death. It was an event that the remnants of the human race would never forget. However, this tragic event birthed more problems and a few benefits as well.

The blue meteors that struck the earth brought with it a strange blue mineral known as Aetherium. Upon impact, blue fumes from the comet mixed with the atmosphere, spreading all over the world, and this caused by the mutation of animals and humans alike.

The mutation was more potent on animals, creating creatures more dangerous and deadly like never before. Beasts residing in crash sights of these comets were exposed to even more radiation from the Aetherium pack comet, mutating further into things that made the word Beast sound cute.

Amongst humans, the mutation was mild for most humans. They gained a bit more physical abilities, but nothing too special, but for a few the mutation of their genes changed them in ways no one could ever imagine.

Their genes were awakened by the mutation, allowing these special humans to gain unique abilities. In this dangerous times when beasts roamed the world, these awakened humans were desperately needed to protect the human race. 

The Aetherium resource turned out to be a good power source, this discovery lead to the rapid growth in Earth's technology at a pace never seen before. Ten years of progress was something which would have been achieved in two to three centuries without the presence of this valuable resources.

One would think the struggle for resources would begin, but the opposite happened. The resource was in abundance, and the most important thing at the moment was the survival of the human race. With the aid of this new resources, rebuilding what was lost and creating even something better was much easier.

The human population had drastically reduced, controlling the population was far more efficient, and soon a new social order was installed. One that was only beneficial to the strong and wealthy, but was hell for the common man.

The tragic event was the opportunity the world leaders needed to throw the tern "Human rights" into the trash. They created a system of government that operated with force and propaganda. Slavery was reintroduced, and the noble system was revived!

While humanity advanced technologically, it degraded in the social aspect of life.

The world became shit!