S-Rated Potential

"Doesn't that mean he can undergo the Biogenic process without any risk of degeneration?" Sergeant Skull said with expectant eyes.

Bruce Ainsworth rubbed his chin with a thoughtful expression before shooting Lucius a glance before speaking.

"Yes… It may sound crazy, but this kid may be the only human capable of undergoing the Biogenic process with close to zero risk of becoming a Deviant." 

"Yes!" Sergeant Skull screamed and jumped like a man who had won a lottery, while Doctor Bruce paced around with a thoughtful expression.

'What is Biogenic?'

Since no one was talking to him, Lucius decided to ask the voice.

[Biogenic is the process of undergoing a second mutation.]

Lucius was stunned by this response but also confused.

'Why would anyone want to mutate themselves a second time?' He asked.

[At first, abilities get stronger with constant use. As your proficiency rises, the ability grows stronger as well. That's why guardians are able to go up the ratings as time passes.] The voice explained.

[However, there is a time when the ability potential is spent and hits a dead end. Most guardians are unwilling to live this way, especially those not satisfied with their social standing. They expose their genes to a staggering quantity of Aetherium and forcefully mutate a second time, evolving their powers to a higher form as well. However, this comes with a high chance of turning the person into a Deviant, most times even pushing them into a state of madness]

'Wow…' Lucius was taken aback by these revelations.

From the way he was treated, he was already stunned that a potential guardian was given that much recognition, and talk more of an actual guardian. This made him wonder why people would risk everything just for greater status when people were living in the dangerous parts of the country being preyed on by beasts and living in the worst conditions ever recorded in human history.

[Greed… Ambition... Men are driven by these two things, and most times they are willing to die for it.]

'Hmph' Lucius snorted disdainfully.

He wasn't going to be a hypocrite and call them stupid because he understood the insatiable nature of humans. When comfort becomes the norm, comfort becomes dissatisfying and when luxury is attained the excitement lasts for a short while before dying out. At that point, comfort and luxury would seem the same in the eyes of the man.

"S rating…" Doctor Bruce said, and a strange silence followed.

Sergeant Skull couldn't believe his ears, while Lucius didn't really care too much about the ratings.

"As a potential S-rated guardian with no family, you will be granted the title of Honorary Baron and a last name." Doctor Bruce said with a smile.

"Blackwater. Lucius Blackwater." Lucius said without hesitation, leaving the two adults stunned.

"Blackwater. A nice name… I can see you already prepared for this before coming here." Doctor Bruce said while using his iPad to record Lucius' information.

"That was my family's last name before they were stripped of their last name and forced into slavery because they lacked the potential to be useful to humanity." Lucius said those words with a straight face, but the entire room fell silent. 

Doctor Bruce stood rooted to the spot, unsure of how to respond to this. If Lucius had shown anger, he could easily say the boy harbored resentment for the government. But Lucius spoke with a straight face, which made it seem like he was talking about random people and not his family.

"I believe Doctor Bruce has a lot to do now, so we cannot waste any more of his time. I will take him to his new home and handle his registration for the Guardian Academy.

He dragged Lucius out of the room and hurriedly headed for the elevator. As soon as they reached the ground floor he quickly made for the exit and only stopped speed walking when they were out of the building.

"Are you crazy?" Sergeant Skull asked furiously as they entered the jeep.

"Is that a rhetorical question, or am I meant to answer?" Lucius asked with a raised eyebrow.

The calmness in his tone shattered the rage building up in Sergeant Skull, and he let out a defeated sigh.

'I think this kid is Apathetic' Sergeant Skull facepalmed.

He sat up and tried to wear a fake smile before speaking again.

"Listen to me, there are people you don't want to mess with, and the Ainsworth family is one of them." He said with a forced smile.

"What's so special about them?" Lucius asked.

"As you just realized, the ancient nobility system has been revived in society, and at the very top is the Royal family of America. Beneath them are the four Duke-level families, which are popularly known as the Big Four. The Ainsworth family are a part of the big four!" Sergeant Skull practically yelled out the last part.

"Okay… so?" Lucius asked with a straight face.

Sergeant Skull crumbled in the car, mentally drained. He has never felt so helpless. If it wasn't for Lucius' status as a potential S-rated guardian, he wouldn't even bother.


At that moment, his phone rang, and the sergeant nervously pulled it out. However, as soon as he saw the contents of the message, a bright smile bloomed on his face.

'It seems the heavens are on my side today!' Sergeant Skull jubilated inwardly. 

He was expecting Doctor Bruce to be offended by Lucius's actions, but not only did the man offer to send people who would lead them to his new residence, but he also agreed to personally recommend Lucius to the academy of guardians.

The last part of the text message was what got the young sergeant excited.

'I will see to it, that you get a well-deserved promotion for the services you have rendered to your country today.'

While he was celebrating, Lucius just sat in silence and looked out the window. The first step to getting his revenge on the country was to gain status and understand everything he needed to know about the country. 

While he learns more about the inner workings of America, he will keep his trump card hidden.

His Devour ability will be the downfall of this country.