An Opportunity

"Why is your room empty?" Ralph asked, swinging his short legs from the edge of the bed.

He had a shallow cut above his eyelids, which smeared a good part of his face with blood.

"Firstly, don't get blood on my sheets, and to answer your question. My room is not empty, I have a bed and a reading desk." Lucius said, frowning within the dressing room.

Ralph opened his mouth, eager to argue with Lucius, but he quickly remembered his partner was from outside the city. A king-sized bed and a reading desk are plenty if you think about it.

"So did you bring me in here just to ignore me?" Ralph asked with a frustrated look. "Get the emergency first aid kit and help me out."


The door to the dressing room opened and Lucius walked out shirtless, revealing his lean but well-detailed muscles.

"Emergency first aid kit?" Lucius asked with a look of shock.

"Don't tell me you didn't even notice the box with the cross sign on the wall with the word emergency written under it!" Ralph yelled as he pointed to the wall next to the entrance door.

Lucius turned and looked at it with genuine shock in his eyes, his lips parted and he said a single word.


[Once again, I feel embarrassed to be associated with you.] Lyxor said.

'I am too focused on important things to bother with this. I have high-speed regeneration, what the hell do I need a first aid kit for?' Lucius responded.

[Good point.] Lyxor couldn't help but agree.

"Ooh?" Ralph felt like pulling out his hair.

On the battlefield, Lucius seemed like a flawless individual destined for greatness, but outside the battlefield, he seemed clueless.

"In my defense, I have only lived here for a day, you can't expect me to know where everything is kept." Lucius defended himself.


Ralph facepalmed, silently wishing Lucius could hear his silly excuses.

"Bro, this is not a mansion… You know what, never mind. I give up." Ralph, looking frustrated, raised his hands in surrender and got off the bed to get the first aid kit.

Lucius just shrugged and walked into the bathroom. Soon the sound of water pouring down from the shower could be heard while Ralph stood in front of the mirror and treated his wound.

"Hey, Lucius…" Ralph muttered halfheartedly in a low tone.

"Yeah?" Lucius's response from the shower even though his voice was low stunned him.

"Wait, you can hear me?" Ralph was in shock.

"I can hear better, see farther, smell better, feel better…"

"Don't you know the word humility? You don't have to rub it all on my face." Ralph cut him off with a frustrated look.

How can one person be blessed with all this power, especially since he was just another slave four days ago.

"What did you want to tell me?" Lucius asked from the comfort of his bathroom.

Ralph seemed to hesitate a bit before regaining his composure and spoke.

"You shouldn't help me anymore when I'm getting bullied." Ralph said in a low tone.


The door to the bathroom opened a bit, revealing Lucius's blazing purple eyes, staring at Ralph blankly. Seeing this, Ralph shuddered in fear, he had to confess that Lucius was strange and had a scary personality. 

"Why?" Lucius asked in a tone void of all emotions.

"Well… The thing is, these people are just henchmen for someone really dangerous and influential. My dad crossed their family a couple of times, that's what led to our current situation." Ralph explained. "You do not have anyone backing you up in government, and you are just a simple noble, they may cause trouble for you if you keep interfering." 

[This kid has a good heart.] Lyxor commented.

"Give me the name of the student sending his henchmen after you." Lucius said after a brief silence.

"Did you not hear what I just said?" Ralph complained, but his words were met with coldness in Lucius's eyes.

"Give me, a name…" Lucius repeated, but this time he sounded impatient.

"Okay, okay, okay… He is a member of the God set. They say he has the potential to become the next Ss-rated hero, and he excels at both support and offense…" Lucius's annoyed voice cut off Ralph.

"I don't give two fucks if he punched a hole in the sun. Give me a fucking name." 

"Dean Hall, S rated potential." Ralph answered immediately.

"I see…" Lucius mumbled as he closed the door.

There was silence until Lucius was done bathing and changing clothes. He wore a white pajama with bluebird designs littered all over it.

"Let's get some food." Lucius said, and Ralph's gloomy face lit up brightly

The two went down to the empty cafeteria and Lucius got lots of steak and chicken, while Ralph just combined everything he could get his hands on.

'There is always so much food left after students eat, and the next day they prepare something new. What happens to the leftovers?" Lucius asked as he picked up a chicken wing and tossed it into his mouth.

"I don't really know." Ralph's eyes shone with realization. He had been in the academy for a month before Lucius's arrival, but never noticed this.

"That reminds me, do you have a hero costume?" Ralph asked.

"No, why do you ask?" Lucius put down his bottle of water with a visible expression of confusion.

"Every Wednesday to Friday, students are sent out to different guardian agencies for internship classes. This is to help us build connections before graduation, and the practical aspect also helps improve our skill and knowledge." Ralph explained.

"That's pretty good." Lucius confessed. 

[This is a good opportunity.] Lyxor said.

'Yeah, It's a good chance for me to gain knowledge of the system and start putting things in place.' Lucius agreed.

[Your focus should be on gaining more abilities and strengthening yourself. Even with knowledge of the system, you can't do anything if you are weak.]