Guardian Contribution Point System


Wails of the facility alarm rang loudly, drawing everyone's attention and defusing the tension in the arena. While the white energy disintegrated, the energy flowing into Dean, Lucius's earth armor began falling apart.

"What's going on? Dean asked with furrowed eyebrows, but Lucius simply shrugged while wearing a confused frown.

"The mutant beast horde is attacking." Moon's voice drew everyone's attention. "But only a small portion. The base is safe." 

His words defused the tension, but Lucius's frown only deepened.

"What about the miners and families living outside the walls of this facility, what happens to them?" Lucius asked.

His words shifted everyone's attention to Moon, who was frozen byLucius's unexpected question. From the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the screen of Silver's phone, whose stream was still on. 

"Unfortunately, the facility doesn't have enough room to accommodate that many people. And opening the gates to perform a rescue mission will only endanger the base and the country's resources." Moon said in a rigid tone.

I see… The life of a child is worth less than your little crystals. That makes perfect sense." Lucius said in a disgusted tone and walked away.

Lucius already knew he lacked the means to force the agency to save the people here. What he did have was the power to influence the people of the world and make them sympathize with the human population outside the walls of New York. 

Silver was a popular member of the upper echelon of society, which meant that people of different social classes from different parts of the world would be tuned in. Even if the Prime Protector's agency didn't want to waste resources on a rescue mission, the country would force them to do so just to save face.

Just when he had taken his tenth step, he could hear someone's phone ringing. Snow picked up the call with a frown and just as Lucius predicted, the agency would try its best to save their appearance.

"Yes sir, I will put together a team and deal with the situation." Moon said with a nod before putting the phone away.

His indifferent gaze fell on Lucius before shifting to the other students present. 

"We have been ordered to push the monsters back and save the civilians residing within our region. You all have twenty minutes to get ready!" 

As soon as he was done speaking, he walked away, leaving Lucius with a frown.

[That guardian is dangerous. Be careful in this operation, I suspect they will try to get rid of you.]

'The Government wants to keep me alive, but not everyone sees things the same way. I have gone against the Hall family which he is affiliated with, and humiliated Dean both verbally and physically. Now, I have harmed the image of his agency, I would be surprised if they don't try to get rid of me tonight.' Lucius agreed.

[You seem too excited for someone who may be executed tonight.] Lyxor chuckled.

'While you see the possibility of me getting killed, I see the possibility of using the Devour power to gain the ability of the sorry bastard they may send my way. It's all about perspective.' Lucius grinned.

He turned around and began walking away, but Silver ran past him, whispering something audible only to him.

"I know you want to thank me for keeping the stream going, but I don't need your thanks. You owe me one." Sliver's voice rang in his head as he dashed past him.

Others ran past him as well, leaving Lucius standing there with a frown.

[Each time you come in contact with this boy, people like Moon look less threatening.]

'The problem is I can't guess his intentions. He is like a book filled with blank pages.' Lucius complained.

"Come on, Lucius! We have to get ready." Ralph was already soaked in sweat as he ran past Lucius.


After a few minutes, they were in their suite, changing into their hero costumes. Lucius wore a sleeveless black hoody with black trousers and black boots.

"The others seemed excited about this operation, what's up?" Lucius asked Ralph, trying to fit his plump body into his costume.

"The guardian world is run by a contribution point system. Even an S-rated potential ranked student like you would need to gather enough points to reach the D ratings, before clawing your way to the top." Ralph explained.

"Doesn't that mean guardians with weak abilities can work their way to the top?" Lucius asked.

"Well, the thing is the higher you're rating as a guardian the more dangerous the task you are given, and the better the point reward. Weaker guardians know their limit and choose not to go up the ratings, instead, they use their points for other things." Ralph shrugged.

"Wait, for other things?" Lucius was stunned. "Like what?" 

"Points can be exchanged for lots of money, properties… There are rare items, usually available to only the upper echelon of society but can be purchased with points. It's an entirely new currency limited to guardians." Ralph said proudly while Lucius pondered.

 He could remember students saying the God set would acquire enough points to officially become D-rated guardians from this internship program. It meant they must have been involved in a lot of hero work since the beginning of the session to have accumulated so much in just one month.

By this time, Ralph was done dressing and with an excited look on his face, he spoke.

"Let's go save the world!" Ralph said, running towards the door, but Lucius grabbed him by the cape, stopping him.

"What?" Ralph turned and saw a stern look on Lucius's face.

"We are not saving the world. In fact, this is you saving your family. Give it everything, even if it costs your life." Lucius said coldly as he let go of his cape. 

"I didn't have the opportunity to save my family, but you have that chance. Don't mess it up." Lucius added as he walked out of the room.

Hearing this, Ralph froze and was lost in shock. Lucius had never spoken about his family before, but now he understood why Lucius was helping him. The excitement on his face was replaced with resolve, and his plump palms curled into a strong fist.

"I will not fail… Not this time!" Ralph said with a stern look.