Project Power

Lucius was visited by the God set and Ralph the next day. Normally he would have been confused by their show of concern, but he understood it now. While these boys were arrogant children from noble families, they also respected the strength and achievements of others.

"One thousand contribution points are needed to become a D-rated guardian. Most of us accumulated over 900 before the mission, but now you sit above us on the ranking list!" Silver complained.

"Ranking List?" Lucius raised an eyebrow.

"What?!" Everyone in the room screamed.

"Bro, don't tell me you don't know something this basic?" Alex facepalmed.

"Come on, you have a fucking phone for a reason! Use it!" Dean growled angrily while Maya held him back.

"Do you even know how much money is in your bank account?" Ralph asked.

"Nope." Lucius shook his head, causing everyone to hurl curses at Lucius.

How can someone be so out of touch with the world? 

His past as a slave does not justify this level of ignorance.

[Have I ever told you how ashamed I feel just being associated with you?] Lyxor asked.

"Okay, Okay… I'll go through all of this right now. Ralph, help me out." Lucius said to calm everyone down 

Under Ralph's guidance, they first went through his account balance which had a staggering sum of three million dollars in it.

"Wait, how does he still have that much money, isn't that the same amount a person would get after getting promoted to a Baron and a Viscount?" Maya asked.

"Don't tell me you don't spend your money at all?" Alex asked with a look of disbelief.

"Well… I have clothes and food, what else do I need?" Lucius responded with a question of his own.


Everyone there facepalmed, completely shocked by the way Lucius thinks.

"Is this guy for real, or is he just messing with us?" Dean asked the others and they all shrugged.

Poor people who find their way into the realm of the elite are usually the most extravagant. They try to show off every little thing they have and usually live above their means, but Lucius is the exact opposite. He didn't seem to have the motivation for anything at all, as long as he had a roof over his head, warm clothes, and food, he was satisfied.

They respected him more for this, but they still found it a bit weird.

They pushed the matter aside, logging into the United States Guardian website and checking the Guardian rankings. Just as expected, Lucius was ranked 200 while Alex was ranked 206, Dean was ranked 209, Silver was ranked 211, Maya was ranked 220 and Ralph was ranked 250.

After enduring a barrage of curses from everyone for gaining an extra one thousand points after getting promoted, the room turned silent and tense as they dove into serious issues.

"What did you find in that underground lab?" Lucius turned to Silver.

He frowned at this question, a bit reluctant to talk about it, especially since he knew of Lucius's background.

"Just tell him." Dean urged. "He will find out eventually, so why hide it?"


Silver sighed heavily and contemplated for a few seconds before speaking.

"Project Power. At least, that's what they called it." He said with a deep frown.

"What is project power?" Lucius asked with a blank expression.

His question made Silver frown and look away, leaving Lucius shocked. This was the first time he had seen Silver act this way, it left him wondering how bad the news was. 

"It's when the genes responsible for a person's special ability are extracted and transferred into someone else." Dean said firmly.

Listening to this, Lucius frowned. He could remember the doctor saying if she succeeded, she would be considered a hero and be respected by the world.

Now he understood what she meant!

Lucius clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, but he suppressed his emotions.

"Who was used for these experiments?" He managed to speak in a leveled tone.

"Children… Slaves." Silver lowered his head.


Lucius's purple aura erupted, throwing Ralph off the bed, while the others retreated instinctively. This was why they didn't want Lucius to know, especially since it had something to do with slaves.

"I should have killed that bitch." Lucius growled, his eyes blazing with purple fury.

'Don't worry, she will get what she deserves. She will be brought down to New York and put to trial for her crimes against humanity!" Maya called out to Lucius in a worried tone.

Slowly, Lucius's face returned to normalcy as he looked at Maya and spoke.

"What happened to the children used for these experiments?" Lucius asked.

"They will be taken into rehabilitation centers and integrated into the society later on." Maya responded quickly.

[Hahaha! Naive fools. There is no way the nobles will let go of an experiment that would secure the power of their lineage.] Lyxor snorted disdainfully.

As long as they can take the powers of the slaves and transfer these abilities to their powerless offspring, they will forever maintain control over society. 

Who the hell would ignore such an opportunity?

'That's okay… I would like to have some alone time." Lucius said in a dispirited voice.

The others could understand the reason for his pain, so they simply agreed, bid him farewell, and left.

[What do you plan to do?] Lyxor asked.

He was certain Lucius wouldn't let this opportunity slide.

'The first thing I will do is kill that bitch.' Lucius shrugged.

[And the Kids?] Lyxor asked.

'They will be a useful addition to the Blackwater family. They have seen the evil side of the country, all I need to do is become their savior, and they will swear allegiance to me.' Lucius grinned cruelly as he gazed at his upgraded status.

[Name: Lucius]

[Race: Hybrid][Human/Xenovian]

[Xenovian ability]

[Devour: When used, the host's Xenovian genes are activated, forcing him to take a form more befitting of the Xenovian lineage. The Devour ability is one-half of the Royal Xenovian lineage, which allows the user to consume anything and everything without fear. By consuming, the user gains nutrients that can be used to hasten his regenerative capabilities. The legendary power of devour also allows the user to permanently gain the unique abilities of anyone consumed. It is said the being with this power is destined to swallow the entire universe.]

[Devoured Abilities]

[Arch Angel: The host gains a pair of devil wings, enabling flight. These wings can be controlled with incredible precision, allowing the host to manipulate each feather as if it were an extension of their own body.]

[Stampede Charge: The host accumulates Aether energy in the atmosphere as he runs and unleashes an outburst of this energy upon collision. The farther he runs, the more Aether energy he is able to accumulate.]

[Human ability]

[Hand of God: The user can absorb the matter of anything, which can be used to reinforce his skin for additional durability and strength. The user can also absorb energy in its purest form, using it to supercharge his cells and gain a temporary burst of power, but such actions may result in a backlash.]