Morality Has No Place On The Battlefield

The next day, Lucius tightened the laces on his running shoes and adjusted the brim of his face cap, making sure it was low enough to obscure most of his face. He pulled the hood of his large sweater up, concealing his features further. Dressed in inconspicuous running shorts, he looked like just another jogger enjoying the crisp morning air. 

As he ran through the bustling city streets, he kept a vigilant eye on his surroundings, making mental notes of the locations of CCTV cameras. His route was carefully planned, avoiding areas with heavy surveillance. After about one hour, he slowed his pace, his heart rate steady, and his breathing controlled. He approached a small, unassuming shop tucked away in an alley,

 "Mysterious Masks & More."

Lucius paused outside the shop, pretending to stretch as he scoped out the entrance. He noted the position of a camera above the door and the angle it covered. Satisfied that he could slip inside with minimal exposure, he pushed the door open and entered.

The shop was dimly lit, the air filled with the faint scent of incense. Masks of all shapes, sizes, and colors adorned the walls, each one a work of art. 

Lucius moved with deliberate slowness, his eyes scanning the room for more cameras. He spotted one in the corner, its lens aimed towards the counter but leaving blind spots near the back of the shop.

He walked towards the back, pretending to browse, but his eyes were drawn to a display case featuring an array of fox masks. The first one caught his attention immediately. 

It was a black and red fox mask, the colors blending seamlessly together in a mesmerizing pattern. The eyes were almond-shaped, giving the mask an air of mystery and cunning. Intricate red designs adorned the black base, highlighting the mask's sharp features.

Next, he admired a white and gold fox mask. It was elegant and regal, with a pristine white base accented by delicate gold leaf detailing. The eyes of this mask were slightly wider, evoking a sense of wisdom and grace. The gold traced the contours of the mask, creating an almost ethereal glow.

Lastly, his gaze fell upon a black and purple devil mask. This mask was more menacing, with sharp angles and an open mouth area, revealing the wearer's lips. The purple accents contrasted strikingly with the deep black, giving it a dark, almost sinister beauty. The eyes were narrow and piercing, and small, sculpted horns added to its intimidating appearance. Lucius could feel the intensity of its presence, perfect for instilling fear.

After ensuring he had not attracted any unwanted attention, Lucius approached the counter. The shopkeeper, an elderly man with sharp eyes and a knowing smile, greeted him.

"Beautiful choices," the shopkeeper said, his voice raspy but kind.

Lucius nodded, keeping his head low. 

"I'd like to buy these three."

The shopkeeper's eyes twinkled as he carefully wrapped each mask in delicate tissue paper and placed them in a plain brown bag. 

"Cash only." he said, ringing up the total on an old-fashioned register.

Lucius reached into his pocket, pulling out a small wad of cash. He counted out the bills meticulously, ensuring he handed over the exact amount. The shopkeeper took the money, his fingers brushing against Lucius's gloved hand, and then handed over the bag with the masks.

"Enjoy," the shopkeeper said with a knowing nod.

Lucius nodded back, taking the bag and slipping out of the shop with the same caution he had entered. He resumed his jog, taking a different path home while remaining cautious.


The day had turned into night, and the streets were now quiet. The shop owner, an elderly man named Mr. Peterson, locked up his shop with a sigh. It had been a long day, but business had been good. He looked up at the sky, the stars partially obscured by the city's light pollution.

Suddenly, Mr. Peterson noticed something unusual, his CCTV cameras above the shop's entrance were destroyed, wires hanging limply. 

He froze, his heart pounding. At that moment, he heard a rustle and turned to see a figure stepping out of the shadows.

It was Lucius, still wearing his face cap pulled low, concealing most of his features. The dim light from a distant street lamp cast eerie shadows on his face. Mr. Peterson's eyes widened in alarm.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" Mr. Peterson stammered, his voice trembling.

Lucius remained silent, his expression unreadable beneath the brim of his cap. He moved with unsettling calmness, stepping closer to Mr. Peterson. The elderly man took a step back, glancing around in desperation, but the alley was deserted.

"Answer me! What do you want?" Mr. Peterson demanded, his voice rising in panic.


Before he could react, Lucius lunged forward, his movements swift and precise. The glint of a knife flashed in the dim light, and Mr. Peterson gasped in shock and pain as the blade plunged into his abdomen.

"Why?" Mr Peterson gasped in pain as he staggered, clutching at the wound, his eyes wide with fear and confusion.

Lucius pulled the knife out and watched as Mr. Peterson collapsed to the ground, blood pooling around him. His breaths came in ragged gasps, and he tried to speak, but no words came out.

Lucius knelt down, his face expressionless, and began rifling through the man's bag. He found a wallet and took all the money inside, shoving it into his pocket.

[I understand you are trying to cover your tracks but why are you taking his money?] Lyxor asked.

'To make it seem like a normal robbery. He has no status, so the police would jump at any explanation just to close the case early. There is no justice for the weak.' Lucius sighed in his heart.

Standing up, Lucius turned his attention to the shop's entrance. He broke the lock with a single, powerful twist of his hand and slipped inside, closing the door quietly behind him. The familiar scent of incense greeted him, but he ignored it, moving with purpose toward the back of the shop where the security room was located.

Inside the small, cluttered room, the CCTV monitors flickered with the day's footage. Lucius approached the terminal and began systematically deleting the recordings from that day, erasing any trace of his earlier visit. With a final keystroke, the footage was gone. He turned to the security system itself, his eyes narrowing.




With a series of powerful, controlled punches, Lucius destroyed the system. The screens shattered, sparks flew, and the once-active monitors fell into darkness. He stepped back, surveying his handiwork with grim satisfaction.

On his way out, Lucius paused at the register. He opened it and took all the cash inside, stuffing it into his pocket. The shop was now eerily quiet, the only sound was his own breathing.

As he stepped back into the alley, he cast a final glance at Mr. Peterson's still body, then disappeared into the night, the shadows swallowing him whole. 

'I will do whatever it takes to win. Morality has no place on the battlefield.' Lucius kept telling himself as he escaped under the cover of the night.