Black Death's Rise To Fame

The long break was over, and it was time to return to the academy. After his encounter that night, Lucius didn't bother showing himself publicly anymore because, in just two appearances, he had managed to put the name 'Black Death" on the lips of every news station in the country.

Not only had he succeeded in killing the children of prominent noble families, but he also made a fool of B-rated guardians involved in the escort mission while also sparing the lives of those he came for.

Many misinterpreted his actions and felt he did this to display the weakness of the United States's guardian association. These people also believed he was a deviant who could steal the ability of others by eating their hearts. His discussion with Silver and display of Angel's wings, Mira's illusion craft, and Andre Dupont's invisibility all in one night backed up his words. 

After rewatching his battle with the B-rated guardians, people also concluded he had the power to absorb energy. That was how he destroyed Shield's Kinetic barrier, which has proven to be impenetrable numerous times in the past.

These revelations made it hard to grade Black Death's strength and made him a very deadly foe.

"A villain with an SS-rated potential." 

Lucius returned to the academy, and Black Death was the name on everyone's lips. The deaths of the God Set's sidekicks and the Ethan Carter seemed to have been forgotten, and the attention was pushed towards their killer. Surprisingly, a fanbase for Black Death was created, and even suspicious figures online were willing to pay a huge sum just to get in contact with him.

He was literally a celebrity and no one knew him.

"Crazy life…" Lucius frowned as he looked out the window.

He was seated at the edge of the class right now and for some reason, other members of the God set including Ralph. Their seating position was attracting the attention of everyone, including Miss Joanne. 

How did they get so close after one mission together? 

What was even more mind-blowing was the fact that Ralph was chatting with the God set as if they were old pals, and they didn't seem to mind.

A D-rated student was friends with the Top S-rated students in the country. 

This was beyond their expectations.

'Fuck my life.' Lucius sighed.

He would have left the class already, but the topic being taught was something he found interesting. He watched as Miss Joanne walked up to the holographic projector displaying a detailed map of various territories, each highlighted in different colors. She cleared her throat, ensuring she had everyone's attention before she began.

"Good morning, everyone. Today, we're going to discuss a crucial topic: territories and their associated danger levels. This knowledge is vital for your survival and success as future guardians."

She tapped the projector, and the map zoomed in on a green-highlighted area. 

"These are Green Territories," she began. "They are populated predominantly by Mutant beasts. These beasts pose minimal to moderate threats. Green Territories are the safest of the danger zones but still require caution. These areas are often used for training novices due to the manageable level of danger."

She flicked to the next section of the map, now highlighted in yellow.

"Next, we have Yellow Territories. These zones contain Wolf-level threats. These beasts pose a potential danger that varies, making these areas unpredictable. You must remain vigilant, as the level of threat can escalate rapidly if you're not prepared."

The map transitioned to areas marked in brown.

"Brown Territories signify Tiger-level threats. Beasts in these zones can threaten large groups and are much more aggressive and dangerous. Venturing into Brown Territories requires experience, strategy, and significant preparation."

The next transition brought up the red-highlighted zones, and the room seemed to grow tense.

"Red Territories are extremely dangerous. They are home to Demon-level threats. Beasts here can endanger entire cities. Missions in these areas are only undertaken by the most skilled and experienced guardians. The risks are immense, but so are the potential rewards."

Finally, the map displayed the black-highlighted areas. The room fell silent, a sense of foreboding filling the air.

"Black Territories," Miss Joanne's voice lowered, emphasizing the gravity, "are the most perilous. Dragon-level threats dwell here. These beasts can devastate multiple cities and are considered apex predators. These territories are rarely visited, and only the most elite guardians are tasked with such missions."

She paused, allowing the information to sink in, and watched students exchange uneasy glances. Her gaze shifted to Lucius and his new group, who seemed more amused than bothered. 

To the future top guardians of America, it was only natural, things like this don't bother them.

"Remember, the more dangerous the territory, the greater the resources. Green Territories may offer basic materials and common resources, but as you move to Yellow, Brown, Red, and finally Black Territories, the resources become exponentially more valuable and rare. These include powerful artifacts, advanced technology that descended alongside the comets, and rare minerals that are essential for our survival and advancement."

'Advanced technologies?' Lucius asked.

[Xenovian technologies, to be exact. As I told you before, the introduction of Blue Meteors to Earth was opposed by my faction which led to a fierce war within your solar system.]

'Since you are here stuck with a human, it's safe to assume you lost.' Lucius chuckled.

[Bastard!] Lyxor cursed.

'Well… That's not far from the truth.' Lucius shrugged. 

'What I find terrifying is the fact remnants of destroyed technology from you guys are priceless to humans. This makes me wonder how advanced and dangerous your race really is.' Lucius frowned at the thought.

[If my people were to attack Earth. We will wipe out humanity and all the inhabitants of this planet in days.] Lyxor said proudly.

'What was the real purpose of the Blue meteors?' Lucius asked sternly.

He refused to believe meteors which could grant humans powers and mutate their genes dropped on them for no reason.

[I apologize but now is not the time to give you an answer to this question.] Lyxor sighed.

Lucius has truly matured a lot from the last time they met, but he still wasn't ready for a lot of secrets which could potentially change his outlook of the world.