Chapter 18

Warning Readers 🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞

 Simon carried her and laid her gently on Raven's warm and soft bed...perfect for this purpose. He kissed her roughly, wandering his lips to her jaw, her neck while Alisha closed her eyes and moaned. He fell on top off her...placing his hands beside her in the bed to avoid crushing her with his body.

 He quickly broke off the kiss and undressed her. "You are so sexy Alisha" he murmured looking at her naked body, kissing her boobs and playing with her nipples.

 Alisha shuddered in delight as she blushed furiously, seeing it was her first time someone saw her naked... spreading her legs slightly, he stayed between them. He kissed her hotly, passionately, sexly and made Alisha whimper as he pinced her nipples again.

 Alisha felt two of his fingers slinding down her abdomen to her clitoris and she gasped and quickly withdraw from the kiss.she was a Virgin.

 "I am a V-virgin.., you know..." she stuttered with fear and concern.

 "I know" Simon grinned at her sweetly, "That's why you need to trust me. I am not going to hurt you".

 Alisha believed and nodded.

 He dugged his finger into her opening and she moaned and wriggled at the pleasure it brought begging for realease. His mouth moved up to her chest as he sucked and bit her like she was food...Simon removed his hands from my p**ssy and placed his head on my womanhood, she couldn't take it anymore, the orgasm came so hard that she was left breathless.

 He licked my wet juice with his tongue and sent a sexy grin to me "This is just the beginning baby" he winked at me with my juice still on his face and I blushed hard out of embarrassment.

 He took off his shirt and went down to open his zipper as he realeased his already erect organ. He moaned at the pleasure of it not been covered with clothes as he threw his clothing off the bed.

 Alisha gasped at the sight in front of her...he was so big. She watched a lot of romantic movies but she has never ever seen an organ has big, long and wide like this.

 Was this what was going into her small opening???

 Simon chuckled at her uncertainty and spread her legs wider with his.

 "Alisha..." he muttered and before she could answer him, he grabbed her thighs and in one powerful move he shoved right inside her.


 "SIMON!!," pain blinded her eyes for a second and she screamed his name, feeling so full. she held onto his broad shoulders tightly and tears rolled from her eyes down to the bed. The thing inside her was so big, long and overwhelming. 

 "It's hurts.." she whimpered, tears still rolling down uncontrollably.

 " I Know..." Simon said and kissed the tears from her blue eyes." The pain would disappear in a few minutes" he was still waiting inside her and not moving...he wanted her to adjust to the size of his organ to avoid pain.

She breathed painfully and he knew the pain was subsiding...her body had adjusted a little to his long, thick d**ck.

 "Can I come out?" He asked softly.

 She nod.

 He felt something cold and wet inside her and gazed down...blood was rushing out from her virginal...the hymen was broken and he knew pulling out like this was going to be very painful for her...he needed to distract her.

 Simon bent down to kiss the valley of her breasts, then he moved up to her neck and breath passionately on it....he was gonna make her so wet that she wasn't gonna feel pain when he pulls out. He placed his lips on her already swollen lips due to lot of kisses and he slowly started drawing back his cock from her body.

 Alisha gasped in the kiss...he covered her mouth fully to avoid her making any sound. Then he pulled out finally and went in again..he shoved in again once more and pulled back. Her body was gradually accepting his and he finally withdrew from her lips.

 "The pain is gone..." Alisha said holding into him tightly with her eyes closed.

 "Then... Let's go for a ride baby" Simon smiled. He was never the easy-going type, he just had to do that because she was a Virgin and he didn't want to hurt a hair on her head but now she had adapted to him and he was gonna do things the way he liked it.

 Alisha felt liquids dropping on her laps and womanhood leaving a tingling sensation and a lustful feeling inside her has she moaned in pleasure...she opened her eyes to see Simon stroking his long, and hard cock up and down, he groaned, moaned and cursed as he moved faster, closing his eyes tightly in lust.

 She wondered why he was pleasuring himself. Simon opened his eyes slowly...his eyes color had change to pure red like a devil.

 "I want to be so wet, you are gonna love what am about to do" he winked at me seductively, squeezing and rubbing his standing and erect organ. Sticky juice were pouring out of the ball and pleasure filled his face. He placed his hands in her hips and smiled wickedly.

 "I'm full..." Simon whispered and with no restraint and warmth he shoved into her rashly and pulled out, thrusting and fucking her like there was no tomorrow.

 He roared, wrapping her legs around his waist... holding her waists firmly, he carried her from the bed to the. Her tired back on the smooth white painted wall he kept thrusting brutality inside her.

 "P-please" She was on fire but Simon kept going faster and deeper. He sped up 

 "Sweet mate! Hot mate!" he said in a low and sexy voice placing her back on the bed, still thrusting crazily...he placed his hands on her boobs and squeezed them as she moaned in pleasure making Simon overdrive.

 "Mine!Mine!Mine!" he muttered, timing his words with his thrusts.

 She felt him everywhere inside her hitting her womb roughly but she didn't care...she liked it like this. Simon bent down to kiss one side if her neck, licking it softly as his canines elongated.

 "S-simon" She was tired and her body ached badly...she felt bruised and weak but she also felt sated.

 "Pleasure me!" he said domineeringly as he speeded up his pace, pumped faster and faster in his werewolf speed. 

 "Baby" he whispered "I want to bite you"

 I just nodded in approval...I wanted him to do anything to me...I wasn't in control of my body right now...

 Simon shifted the hair covering the left side of her neck and he bit her hard at the base of her neck with his wide canines marking her as his mate forever. Alisha closed her eyes as the pain from the bite spread through her body.

 Then he drew back and removed his canines and started licking that spot until the blood stopped pouring out and it healed leaving a magical brown wolf head tattoo on the spot.

 He roared, pleasure filled his face as he finally cum and shot his seed in her. Triggering Alisha's own orgasm to come he slowly pulled out of her.... embracing and tending to his mate tightly they slept off.

 They were bonded forever.

 The battle of the puss don finish oo😂