Chapter 20

In his chamber's living room, Raven lit a cigarette and coldly addressed the chief Royal guard on duty...The bald average height man was trembling terribly as he was being questioned by the intimidating Alpha prince.

 "Why didn't you send another maid?" He had heard about the visit from a kitchen maid.

 Words were not coming out from his opened mouth.

"Don't make me repeat the same question", he said, his eyes dark and cold under the smoke. Raven's gaze was terrifying, a warning to those that didn't obey him.

 The guard trembled, his wrinkled face stiffening.

"A-alp.ha.."he stuttered "They were Omegas"

 "..And you are?" Raven lifted his ink-black eyes, and one look silenced him.

The man kept opening and closing his mouth without making an articulated sentence. He was also an Omega but a royal guard which made him partly Royal.

Raven narrowed his eyes and reached for his wallet. He threw a black card at him " Four thousand dollars, Get out!".

 "Alpha!" The guard panicked." I am sorry.."

 Raven stared at him coldly, dragging one smoke after the other. "Don't make me repeat myself" Raven's voice grew even deeper.

 The two personal Royal bodyguards at his entrance stood unwavering. They were ready to kill even a fly that wanted to hurt their Alpha.

 Suddenly the door opened and the guard walked out, crying silently with a red eyes and a black card held tightly in his hands.

 The two bodyguards looked at each other and sighed, knowing what had happened to him. He was fired. Raven's voice came from inside, "One of you, come in"

 Eric knew better than to go in, meeting Raven when he was angry was like walking into the lion's den. Blaine was his most trusted bodyguard and as being with him for more than a decade, he knew how well to handle every of his emotions.

 As soon as Blaine entered, he saw Raven's gloomy and frustrated face. He bowed respectfully, "Alpha Prince".

 "Do you know the visitors?" He asked coldly.

 "I think I remember one of them". he replied courteously.

 "You think..." Raven stared at him with his dark, abyss-like eyes as if he would remove his racing heart in the next second.

 Blaine immediately lowered his head. He dared not speak.

 "Listen to me, arrange for a messenger to visit their home" Raven said codly, holding a cigarette between his fingers, his voice calm and low, "Get out".

 "Yes, Alpha".

 Blaine quickly retreated and closed the door. He was gonna thank the moon goddess later for saving his dear life today.

 After Blaine left, Raven exhaled a long puff of smoke. He was restless and curious about the Omegas that dared to visit him. Not that he really minded his visitors rank, as long as they were werewolves he didn't have a problem with that position in the pack but no Omega had ever had the guts or courage to visit him even the Avatars were wary of him.

 Ashira's home....

 Raphael has being restless ever since he came back from wherever they went to. He was fuming with anger and pacing to and fro the living room.

 "Raph, are you okay?" I asked with concern.

 We were all seated in the living room and his pacing was making me feel dizzy and nauseated. I felt like vomiting already. He walked to the yellow sofa tapping his left foot on the tiles slowly, the clicking sounds were even worse than the pacing movements.

 He was just sitting on the chair, his eyes were closed and his head rested on the seat while his hands were placed peacefully on his crossed thighs.

 "Raphael..." I called with the sweetest and softest tone I didn't even know i had but it's either he didn't hear or pretended like he didn't, his eyes were still closed and she sighed.

 "What's up bro?" she tried again, hoping he was gonna loosen up to her.

 Still nothing. She sighed again and looked at Jayden with a furrowed brows, what could be his problem now. Jayden just raised his shoulder and shrugged.

 Silence filled the room...

 "What's for lunch guys?" Ashira asked to ease the tension and it was actually a very good question because she was starving.

 At that, Raphael opened his eyes slowly, looked at her and his sky blue eyes burned into hers, for the first time for as long as she can remember, he looked at her for as long as twenty seconds without smiling. He only nodded later and looked away from her. She let out a low sigh.

 Jayden seemed less concerned to his matter but it burned her, she was really dying to talk to him, hear his voice that sounded like a Canary, listen to his silly jokes and endless banters but he hadn't said a single word since coming in. What must have pissed her sweet brother so much?.

 "Lunch.." Raphael said slowly and scoffed. "You still have an appetite" He was looking at me with disgust and pity like I wasn't suppose to think about my mealtime. I glanced at my pink wristwatch and nod. It was twenty five minutes to two PM... shouldn't I have my lunch?.

 "You don't have appetite?" I asked with a tint of mockery in my voice.


I raised my gaze immediately to Raphael staring wide eyed at him, I threw a pillow brusquely at him...What the fuck was wrong with him "Can you just stop already?" I yelled angrily at him.

 He got up from the sofa and walked out of the door without closing it behind him. Jayden walked up to the door slamming it hard, venting all his anger in the poor wood. Were these two fighting..I glanced suspiciously at Jayden.