Chapter 22

"Alpha prince" Blaine bowed respectfully.

 Raven raised his hand in acknowledgement.

"The messenger said it was a wrong house" Blaine knew he was asking for death but he really hoped the ruthless alpha will let him find his mate first.

 Raven eyes darkened."Was it the wrong house?"

Blaine's brow twitched. This seemed he wanted to play tricks with him.

Raven took a drag on his cigarette and remained silent for a moment. He got up from his chair and walked gracefully to the window, calculating his steps with the smoke drifting past his face.

"Alpha prince?" Blaine looked at Raven.

"Call the messenger", Raven put out his cigarette and walked back.

Blaine was shocked to hear this. The Aplha prince wants to meet with a messenger?

 Royal messengers weren't allowed into any chamber. They received and delivered messages in the Royal hall, but now the Alpha prince demands his presence in his room!

 After suppressing his shock, Blaine sighed and bowed slightly. "Immediately Alpha".

 "Awwwn, my little sis is as cute as a button".

My eyes collided with Raphael's. He was looking at me with a teasing look in his sky blue eyes that was full of its usual animated life Then he breathed a heavy and dull sigh. "It's a pity you don't have a boyfriend". I quickly averted my eyes from him.

 I knew he could be a drama king and more...

 Rapheal smiled and continued, "You aren't gonna be single forever, are you?" Jayden hit him on his arm and told him to stop teasing me.

 "My princess is so good looking that she needs an extremely handsome guy to date, isn't it?" He winked at me and I swear I was like a beetroot.

 "Hello beautiful, is there something wrong with your eyesight?" I blinked my eyes and brought my hands to check my eyes when Raphael said, "... cos your eyes are so beautiful they may affect your sight"

I smiled shyly, blushing hard as I tried to hide my face that was already as red as a tomato.


 They were making me feel embarrassed and I felt my head swelling. Jayden served dinner so I started going towards the dinning room.

 "I can set you up on a blind date Ashy"

 "Let her eat in peace Rapheal" Jayden said with a slightly furrowed brows.

 "Whatever!" He rolled his eyes at Jayden.

 "Ashira, You and Rapheal need to do some shopping"

 "Groceries shopping?"


 I nod..picking the last slice of omelette

Tomorrow was Sunday and I really needed to get somethings for my resumption at the new school.

 Yeah...that reminds me I needed to ask about the school I was gonna be attending.

"Erm.. Raph, which school did you enroll me?"The name of an organization gave an inkling on what to expect...well that was my opinion.

"Starlight pack, book nerd" Raphael was saying with a cute pout.

"I just love studying"

"Welll...that is what a nerd does, isn't it?" He turned his gaze to Jayden.

Jayden just sent me a soft smile "Ignore this dummy princess"


I rolled my eyes at him and went up the stairs.

"Don't roll your eyes at me missy...or I'll pluck 'em out". Raphael was yelling behind me.

I scoffed and yelled back "You wish" I hurried to my room and locked my door.


The door opens and a young blonde haired messenger entered with fear and panic written all over his face... The Alpha prince...

"Alpha!" He gave him a respectful bow.

Raven responded with a sound."Hmm".

"Speak!" Blaine ordered.

 "I-I got-t to the house an-d...dd".He said, trying to control his shaky voice, he was damn scared.

"Don't hesitate!" Raven said, lighting up a cigarette.

 "...a human, I met a human" The messenger nods quickly "She said it wasn't Adam's house"

 "Human!" Raven said gritting his teeth in hatred as he said the word.

 "You are dismissed!" Blaine ordered.

 The messenger got up and rushed out.

"Human?" Raven growls loudly. Ramiel was angry and agitated.

 A new family was in his pack and he didn't know about it. His father didn't call him for any meeting of sort and they were humans!.

 And whoever trespassed my territory is brave enough to do so. No one dared to set foot in my land unannounced or without my consent unless they wish to be dead.

 Lately, Human's are having death wishes. They never stop coming, intruding his privacy.

 After a moment of silence, Raven exhaled smoke and said, "Find out about them!"

Adam... that was what interested him in the case. That name sounded so familiar in his memory and now there was a human girl in his supposed house.

 He needed to fix this puzzle.

 "You know what to do". Smoke drifted oasy Raven's pitch-black eyes, and there was no emotion in his cold indifference.

 Blaine sighed, "Alpha, what if she had the seal of immunity...?"

 "She didn't get it from me". Raven's eyes were as dark as the god of the night "No need for mercy".

 Blaine was shocked, "I see. But she might be Adam's sister!"

"Then investigate immediately fool!"Raven's eyes were resolute.

"But Alpha prince..." Blaine knew how much hatred Raven had for humans." Are you really going to continue this human slavery?"

 The man's eyes in the smoke suddenly narrowed and there was bloodthirsty look in them, "What did you say?" His tone was brief and his voice low it was chilling!.

"I dare not.Blaine immediately bowed, realizing he had said too much. "I just feel like it won't be good to meet a human"

Raven lips curved slightly, "Blaine, You worry too much for a man!"

 Blaine fell silent. If the Alpha prince wanted to add another human to his earthly hell then, there was nothing he could!

 "Alpha" Blaine was embarrassed and smiled apologetically.

 Raven stood up, no expression can be read in his eyes. This kind of sight from him screams how dangerous and terrifying he can be.

"Apologies!" Blaine was still bowing deeply.

 Raven responded with a sound and went to take a shower.

"Well then, you should rest early", Blaine said as he retreated.