Chapter 24

 His aura was intimidating and anyone in his right mind could sense that he was furious and surprisingly nervous or.... confused

 Confused...Yeah that was the right word.

Damn! it felt so hard to say.

 He really did fit into the position of an Alpha. He possessed all the qualities needed in a pack leader. Cold... bloodthirsty... intimidating... unyielding...ruthless well to be fair Raven wasn't as cruel as this until the tragedic incident. The death of Chloe pricked his heart leaving a deep scar that could never heal thus unleashing the demon out of him.

"Alpha or Raven...?" Simon asked in a playful tone. His misbehaviour wanted to soften my gaze but he failed.

"Your Highness..?" Jeremy chuckled at the choice of address. He placed his right hand on his chest and took a deep bow.

They really did have incredible choice of sarcasm. I ignored their teases, trying not too transfer the aggression to them.

"Whatever! Can you guys just get your butt in the fucking seats!" I growled in a commanding tone. Alpha tone.

"Raven then..." Simon shrugged and grabbed the seat closest to me.

"Can I get a sandwich?" Jeremy placed his hands on the red button that was used to summon a maid, ready to press it the moment he gets Raven's approval.

 Raven didn't even spare him a glance and pretended like he didn't hear his request. Well... maybe he didn't so he needed to try his luck again.

 "A sandwich please.." Jeremy asked hesitantly with, again, that playful smile on his face that annoyed Raven the most.

 Raven glared at him with anger, liting up his cigarette and coldly dragging it. He exhaled a puff of smoke not removing his burning gaze from his Gamma.

 "Fine..." Jeremy scoffed his disappointment.

 "What's up?" Simon knew from the look on his Alpha's face that this had to do with the pack security. The pack security was the most important and serious task for an Alpha.

 Raven glanced at Simon with pride. His beta was all he wanted and wished for, serious and dedicated unlike his Gamma...playful and willful.

 "Hmph.." Jeremy scoffed at Raven's thoughts.

 "That's your fault Alpha. My service is actually not needed for now" Jeremy retorted in defence of his misbehaviour.

 Well...his Gamma was absolutely right. The Gamma was the third-in-command in a pack and his duties were all realated to the Luna... Guarding and ensuring the Luna was safe and comfortable.

 Raven's mate was not yet found and the probability of him being mated was very small if not impossible. 

"A human is in the pack..." 

Simon and Jeremy exchanged confused glances. What was wrong about a human being in the pack? There were lot of humans in the pack already so what made this one special.

 "She doesn't have the seal..."He said breaking the silence and clearing his aides minds.

"She wants you to get one for her right?" My beta asked. of course, he always thought according to plan.

 I nodded as my reply.

"No..but her brothes are from this pack". Raven dropped the stick of cigarette in the Ash tray. "They came visiting.." He chirped in crossing his arms on his chest.

"Oh!" Simon exclaimed.

 "So..?" Jeremy still didn't get why there were having a meeting over a human that didn't have that necklace and whose brother came visiting. Was this why the Alpha interrupted his intimate time with his mate...

Haaa!! Moon Goddess!!!

Raven wondered how this dumbbell became his Gamma... oh!! Yeah he remembers now...Jeremy had an amazing speed and that was really gonna be useful in finding the Luna on times of danger and keeping her safe.

 "Jerry..." Simon pursed his lips and nodded at his dumb friend in pity. " Raven just said her brothers are werewolves while she's human" He said picking the words one after the other hoping his friend will understand.

 "Oh...oh!" Jeremy was nodding slowly like he picked his lost pieces but his friends could swear he didn't understand a tiny bit. His father was known to be the wisest werewolf in the history of the northern packs but here was his only son...*Sigh* 

poor being...he only got his father good looks.

 Raven stared at Jeremy hoping to see a smile in his eyes but he was dead serious like he didn't understand. His Gamma could be a drama king sometimes most times actually...he was grateful someone admitted he understood and luckily it was his beta.

 "Was that even possible?" Simon asked reclining deeply into the chair, two of his fingers rubbing the side of his head.

 "Yup.." Jeremy smiled and winked "One of her parent must be human and not just an average one" His eyes flickered...turning to dark black for a minute before returning back to their normal colour...forest green. He looked frighteningly beautiful welcoming the cunning smile that filled his face making him look pure as an angel.

 Raven just smirked...his Gamma understood all along, he even guessed exactly what he was thinking. Jeremy's father was the minister of defence, current Gamma and the pack elder, he was the most respected and feared warrior in the starlight pack so it didn't come as a shock to Raven when Jeremy thought faster and smarter than Simon...Not just an average human...

 Alpha Raven knew very well what kind of human his Gamma was talking about....their most dreaded and feared enemy...the werewolves were always panicked at their prescence. Their attack felt like cruel death crawling up their face.

 "Hunter..." Simon muttered, all the blood in his face had disappeared leaving him so pale like he had never walked in the sun.

 Raven felt his legs tremble a little at the mention of that word...Hunter..

 He was the next Alpha to rule this Pack and the hunters and few rogues were his first target...he had total control over the humans already.

 Hunters fought and killed a lot of werewolves because they believed they were evil and shouldn't be found in existence. They had taken it upon themselves as their top priority to destroy and torture every werewolf until the world will be free from them...They even had a association that went wood-hunting at night for their kind.

 Werewolves Hunters Association..

In Starlight pack they weren't rogues, the She- wolves who lost their mate were given a task or work to keep them occupied. Some of the trusted ones served the Royal family. This brings a sense of responsibility and gives them a reason to live. Some, if they wanted chose to serve the pack as fighters. Male wolves on the other hand already got roles for the pack the moment there were birth.

 Most of the She-wolves go to their pack, to where their families are. But, it wasn't allowed anymore, a wolf leaving it's pack. Alpha Zion made sure that his wolf stays with his pack. Pack is family.

 Well, he did that because most wolves that left his the pack ended up as traitors. Rogues...

 The name -Anita Stone- still lingers in every werewolf mind. A whisper of -Ani- sent shiver down their spines and her name never left the werewolves lips. Anita was so hellbent on wiping their traces and making them go in extinction. She attacked all the parts of the werewolves regions...north, east, west and south. She was the most powerful and dreaded rogue until three years ago when she and her allies were captured in an attack led by Alpha Raven. He killed most of them merciless but captured the strongest ones and made them go through earthly hell...he wanted them to go through the same painful death as his lost loved ones. Anita was unstoppable when she took over their pack many years ago...making the people suffer and yearn for death. Raven was still very young then but the experience was too traumatic to be forgotten.

 She was the head warrior of the Starlight pack until she stole the priestess' mate which she still up to this moment claims was hers. Her mate was human and the leader of the werewolves hunting association. Normally, a She-wolf could only bear pups for a mate but Anita was known to be a stealer and gave birth to three pups for the hunter...Michael. The priestess had rejected him due to his position and kind, a deed that was recorded in the pack history book. She was honoured till this day for placing her pack's security over her mate bond.

 Anita had betrayed her pack for her mate...her stolen mate. She became a threat to the pack after the death of Michael. An unstoppable best, a rogue... werewolf with the blood of traitors.

 "Maybe she is just a late shifter" Jeremy voiced his thought. He was not really interested in this meeting and he badly craved sandwich right now.

 Raven nodded in disapproval.

 Werewolves latest shifting was sixteen and the messenger had describe the human girl as a girl not less than twenty -five years.It was still disturbing that her brothers were werewolves and they came visiting.


 The Royal Palace guard should visit the temple and thank the Moon Goddess he still had his head on his neck.


Well.. blame Ashira for being a precocious child. She definitely didn't look like a teenager.

"Why didn't they grow up in the pack?" Nick arched a brow, exchanging glances at both of them. His eyes lingering more on Jeremy. It seemed like he knew more on this matter.

 Jeremy raised his shoulders spreading his palm forward to indicate that he had no answer to that question. He placed his hands back gently on the red button.

"Rogues..." Raven eyes darkened in as a swift reaction and anger filled his face.

"Nah..I really don't think so" Jeremy's hand was still on the bell ready to ring anytime he gets his Alpha's approval. "Maybe their mother was part of the She-wolves that lost their mate and went to her family" 

"When the rule wasn't prohibited.." Simon completed his friend's guess.

"Exactly!" Jeremy nods and snapped his fingers at his smart beta.

 Simon looked at Raven asking for his opinion or maybe decision. He really didn't think this case was worth a meeting but Alpha was the ultimate guide and he felt when danger was coming to the pack due to the Alpha blood that runs in his vein. He was far different from a normal wolf in size, power, sharp security thinking...

Raven remained silent with his eyes peacefully closed.

"Alpha...?" Jeremy was impatient.

Raven didn't respond immediately and turned his face to the window. His eyes still tightly shut.

"Bring the Human girl..." He ordered in a low voice.

Simon shifted uncomfortably in his seat and Jeremy also stiffened. Having a human in his chamber only meant one thing. Additional earthly hell being...

"Ra..." Jeremy was cut off by Simon's grip on his hand. Simon shook his head twice and placed a hand on his furious back. He knew very well what Jeremy wanted to do and it wasn't a good idea at least not in this situation. 

 Jeremy always hated the idea of Raven punishing and torturing every human that came his way. The ones with seal of immunity weren't excluded, they were just lucky of not being locked up in that fucking cage.

"Immediately Alpha..." Simon got up after a slight nod and dragged the fuming Jeremy along.