chapter 26

Werewolves are predators, wild and dangerous creatures.They were hidden from the outside world in the shadows of forest and magic.The humans didn't know we exist and most of them believed we were myth. Werewolves were Creatures used to scare the young stubborn children and keep them from going out at night but they truly existed. We always stick together and form a pack. Pack was a wolf family. Each pack territory or border is located far away from human land in the depth of never ending thick and wild forests and so was the starlight pack. With over a hundred werewolves pack, the Starlight pack was known had the second most dreaded and dangerous pack. The blue crystal pack from the eastern region leading the rank. Starlight pack had over 5000 werewolves and easily became the leader of the northern region packs.The acres of land that stretched between the human world and the werewolves territory were uncountable and firmly sealed by supernatural forces. Most humans that were present in the pack today weren't just ordinary humans. They were supernaturals. Mermaids, fairies, centaur, vampires, hellhounds, witches, angels, dragons and so on...but since they weren't werewolves they were called humans. Therefore, Raven was surprised by the news of a normal human dwelling in his territory. It was very disturbing.

He needed to meet that human girl...


 "Home. Sweet home..." Raphael placed his phone on the table before doing that his salsa dancing I really loved. He finally stopped in front of me smiling. He did a pose.

Ashira laughed loudly and fell into a sofa

"When is Jay coming?" I was surprisingly missing that bossy brother of mine.

"Soon.." He was putting the groceries into the refrigerator. "I know am not your favorite brother" He was was wiping the invisible tears on his cheeks.

 I huffed deeply placing a soft pillow on my laps as I rested my head on the headrest. My thoughts were filled with my new school hoping all my classmate will be as friendly as Gina but not as weird as she is...she was actually weirdly funny.

"You can take my phone" Rapheal said and Ashira turned her head to him in the kitchen.

"Seriously?" She couldn't believe Raphael was gonna let her Netflix on his phone.

 "Hmm..." He nods with a raised eyebrow.

 "Thanks Raph.." She threw the pillow on her laps aside and quickly reached for his phone and unlocked it. His password was the easiest one in the entire world, his first name... Yeah his password was Rapheal.

 Shocked right??? I also thought he didn't fit his nature. I mean he was a playboy and could have used something sexy but he actually used his name.


 My Netflix had expired few weeks ago and Jayden refused to subscribe for me. He said I was in my terminal class and needn't any distraction right now. I had no problems with that cos I was more of a novel reader than a movie watcher but lately there was this interesting movie that was the talk in social apps even Hannah that was a loner with all due respect had even watched it.

 The movie was realeased on Netflix and that was not too surprising the only app to watch it, for the first time in weeks I regretted not having subscription.

 I quickly logged into his account, the movie was even the top trending so I needn't have to search for it.

"Here..." Rapheal dumps a bowl of popcorn on my lap and he sits next to me on the sofa...he placed his small head gently on my shoulders fitting perfectly into my neck and take some popcorn from the bowl.

 I kissed his forehead briefly and took some popcorn from the bowl. Enjoying the perfect position were in , the movie making it more comforting.

 Everything happened so was like my life flashed before my very own eyes.. Ashira was taken.


The movie was more interesting than Hannah even was funny and romantic. They were almost done with the second episode and the third one was almost downloaded finish.

 But just as she was about playing the next episode, there was a loud bang and two black-clad men burst in.

"Who are you people?" Raphael's voice thundered.

 He sniffs the air and dropped his jaw at the scent that wafted his nostrils....Royal Guards...The tattoo symbol on their left hand didn't betray his thoughts. Their hand was tattooed with a letter "R"

 Alpha Raven's men....

"Raphael..." Ashira was still hiding behind her brother's back like he could shield her from being seen.

One of the men was approaching me and dragged me from Raph's bad rashly. I struggled and he growled at me loudly making me shriek in fear.

"Ashy..." Raphael walked to me with teary eyes " Calm down....We are coming to get you huh?" He cupped his hands on my cheek,tears streaming down his face.

 Rapheal knew he couldn't fight them off....these men had trained all their entirely life maybe in the forest or even the desert. They were raging beasts ready to leash out any moment. Angering them was definitely not the best thing for his sister, they will only hurt her more and more. They were devoid of any emotions and killed without a second thought.

 "Ra...pha...el." I shrieked,my gaze fixed on his. "Yo..." I glared at my confused brother stuttering in tears....what the fuck was he saying..He was coming to save me...that means he was gonna let them take me away!!!. 

I looked at the black-clad men and then back to Raphael....he was gonna let these terrifying and intimidating unknown men take me!!!.

"I promise...Ashy" He was taking a step backward and i realized the other one was pointing a dagger at me.

Was I been kidnapped???

Jesus Christ!!!

Before I knew what was happening, a needle pierced my skin and I passed out.


Her aura was toostrong and powerful for a werewolf talk less of a normal human...

 "Please, tell me you smell it too..." Jeremy asked Simon after gently placing the unconscious girl on the bed in the corner room of Raven's chamber. They were still very suprised that he didn't order her to be thrown into his earthly hell and that did calm Jeremy a bit. The poor human girl stll had little hope of mercy. But definitely no hope of freedom, no human ever stepped into Raven's chamber and saw the daylight. It was always a goodbye to peaceful and loving life but welcome to a deadly and hateful life. It was a tragic experience he still hated his Alpha for but he just had to obey. Raven was gonna be the next Alpha and being in his bad books wasn't the best thing for him now. Jeremy's eyes swept across the human body.

"I don't smell a wolf but I definitely don't smell a human either" He inhaled the intoxicating smell she exuded and continued "All I smell his something like an Alpha's scent"

"Raven..." Simon eyes locked with his friend's "She smells just like Raven" He glanced back to the unconscious girl and he could swear she was beautiful. With her eyes tightly closed she looked like a sleeping beauty...a fairy that mistakenly dropped into the werewolf world. She was breathtaking as her hair scattered around the bedsheet like seaweed in water...

 "Alisha..." Jeremy stared intently at his cunning beta, a smug look on his creamy face.

"Sapphire..." Simon glared at him and hit his ribcage with his elbow as they both chuckled at the way they both reminded themselves of their mate.

 "Guys..." Raven mind-linked his friends immediately he got back from the council meeting. He knew his trusted warriors had brought the human girl. Vincent had just mind-linked of a smooth arrival.

 Vincent and Antonio were his most dreaded aides...he used them only has his last resort and in important orders just like this one. They were formerly rogues that bowed their loyalty to him. He knew it wasn't proper but he trusted them than his best friends when it came to pack issues. There was only the subjects and boss relationship between them while his best friends were involved in all part of his life including his darkest secrets.

 Simon and Jeremy walked out of the room, the bodyguard at the door closing the door behind them.

 "Keep an eye on her..." Simon ordered in his beta tone.

 The bodyguard pledged his readiness bowing deeply to his superior.

"Then..." The duo walked to the sitting room and met the coldly demeanor Alpha. He was standing in the room, staring intently at the portrait on his wall...his eyes were dark and pain, anger, fear, revenge swirled in his dark abyss-like eyes. His trembling hand was on the first one while his burning gaze was on the second portrait.

 Jeremy quickly walked to him as soon as he saw him walking to a couch.

 "Do you really have to do this?"

 "Shut the fuck up!" Simon fearfully mindlinked his friend.

 Raven stopped in his tracks.

 Wow!!The least question I'd want to hear was this yet he'd just asked it ...Gamma...

He just ignored him and sat on the couch.

"I want to be alone" Raven said but they knew it was an order, he used the Alpha tone on them letting them know it was a command. He lit up a cigarette and dragged it in...He was intimidating and his eyes still fixed on the second portrait were dangerously red.

 Simon sighed. Of course, he understood how Raven felt now.

 He just nodded and walked to Jeremy.

 "Let's go home..." He said with his left hand placed on his gamma's back.

 "Can you let the poor girl go! She didn't do nothing!" Jeremy said almost in a yell.

 Raven closed his eyes tight. The smoke drifting past his face a loud and mad growl coming from his chest, too intense that he felt Simon take a step back, knees shaken.His wolf was fighting to take control. Ramiel wanted blood on the floor...his gamma's fucking blood.

"Jerry...". Simon whispered.

He wasn't ready to lose his friend right now and Jeremy's action was definitely beckons on death... Cruel death!!!.

 Jeremy fell silent for a moment walking to the door with Simon , he suddenly stopped in his tracks. 

Turning his face to Raven he spoke softly. "Chloe is gone forever Raven. Hurting innocent people won't change that fact'.

Raven body trembled quickly from anger. Not this time, Jeremy. Not this fucking time.

 With an icy expression, I growled at Jeremy. My eyes darkened and Ramiel is taking over. My fangs elongated ,sweat seeped down my face blurring my vision and anger built inside me.

He was cold and murderous, extremely vicious and bloodthirsty. "If you want to die, I will grant your wish!"

At this moment, his hands clenched into fists his, his knuckles turning white, and an endless rage erupted in his chest.

"Chloe is..." Jeremy couldn't finish his words because Raven suddenly moved with inhuman speed to him.

"Raven!" Simon shouted.

Ramiel grabbed his gamma's neck and held him up, his feet floating in the air. Jeremy winced as he gasped for air, he only gripped his neck tighter. Blood was flowing down his hands... Jeremy's blood but Ramiel didn't care, he wasn't like Raven that took special liking to these friends of his. He wanted just one thing... Jeremy's body, his dead body.

 He tightened his grip on his neck, dugging his fangs into his neck twisting his own head, the blood making taps sound on the terrazzo floor.

 Ramiel's deep black eyes narrowed codly.

 It had been a long time since anyone had dared to mess with him!