
Ryu turned around to look at who it was questioning her. Detective Hyun Hae-Il was astonished. It was her! the chairwoman of the Ryu group he'd met not long time ago. He could only watch her in daze. What was she doing here? "It's you" he said in a slow voice, Ryu Raised her eye brows all dumb founded, "the chairwoman"

"Me? Really?" she said feeling all confused of what he had called her, "I am not the chairwoman, you got the wrong person"

"No, I am sure it was you" he insisted that he was correct, how could she say that she was not? She looks the same as ever if not that elegant like how she appeared on the ball. But Ryu Tae-Ra repeatedly dined that. "Then who are you and what are you doing here?" he asked feeling all so disappointed.

"Introduce, yourself before asking other's" Ryu was felt annoyed being questioned by him because he totally changed his tone after knowing that she wasn't the person he thought she was. "Very well" he said "I am detective Hyun Hae-Il in Violent Crimes division of Gangnam police station"

"Wow, that's awesome you're from Gangnam" she clapped her hands like a child watching a magic show and was happy to know about him, on the other hand Hyun Hae-Il felt as if he was mocked, "likewise I am Ryu Tae-Ra in special investigation division of Seoul central district. It is wonderful to meet you, Mr. Hyun"

Her name was the same as the chairwoman, that can't be possible or is she still lying to keep her identity a secret. But there is no way that a chairwoman would wear such clothes and be a detective at the same time. He was till staring at her clothes, which was a white cargo pants with a matching white jacket and black sneakers, a blue colored Bluetooth headphone around her neck.

And besides, her rank is much higher than his, and in special division from central district? She must be a waste he thought, because people with higher ranks usually buy their ranks and not achieve them through hard work. This thought made him feel more disgusted.

"Why would the central district send for an investigation? That is unlike of them"

"Don't throw your frustrations at me. I am just following orders here" Ryu Tae-Ra was offended; "I got what I wanted anyway" she shrugged and yawed after. "When did you arrive?" he asked her, "well five minutes ago" she replied to him. Hyun Hae-Il was irritated by even looking at her, how can she, even write proper report when she's been here not even for full ten minutes.

"Hell, you should just leave" Hyun Hae-Il was very disappointed at her. Ryu was shocked by how rude he treating her right now. This man is one with double face. "kay, but you know even though you have such an enticing face and body, your heart is worst then a dog's shit" Ryu Tae-Ra smirked devilishly and turned away. Hyun Hae-Il was frozen in his place and could not think of anything at all. She was one hell of a woman. Maybe he underestimated her.

Ryu Tae-Ra's another good hobby was to put people in their places and that was what she did with the rude detective earlier. The man deserved more she thought feeling angry as she went out of the house. A detective from the outside noticed and her who she was?

"I am detective Ryu Tae-Ra from central district of Seoul"

"Nice to meet you detective" he shook her hand "I was informed that a SID investigator would come. I was waiting to welcome you outside but it seems that I have missed that opportunity" he laughed holding her hand.

"That is alright detective Nam, at least you are kind to me here" she said sighing in relief

"Why? Did anybody treat you badly here? Tell me who it was? I will discipline them myself"

"That's good to hear" she smiled at him

Hyun Hae-Il came out of the house right at that moment to catch up with her. When their eyes met each other, Ryu gave out a wicked smile at him.

"He did" she pointed at him.

Detective Nam was furious at Hyun Hae-Il for disrespecting Ryu Tae-Ra. He was Hyun's team leader and whom he respected more than his chief. Hyun listened to his every nagging and complaints which was basically, every day. Ryu Tae-Ra was enjoying the sight of him getting scolded.

A young teenager caught the sleeve of Ryu's jacket. She turned around and saw that the girl was shaking in fear. Ryu slowly took the girl's hand in hers and held it with both her hands. She kneeled down to look at the young girl properly. It was as if the girl was traumatized about something.

"Tell me"

"Please help me"

"I ask you again, tell me"

"Please help me, please. My friend is in trouble because of me. I am sick and tired of this"

"Where are they?" Ryu's eye widened, as looked at the crying girl.

"She is an S-grade detective whom you could ever hear about and only wish you meet in your dreams" detective Nam said furiously "you are going to ruin our reputation in front of her"

Hyun Hae-Il never expected that she was of so much importance and that she had great reputation, what bad luck he had. He had judged her without knowing her. Now he was angry at himself.

Ryu got up and turned her head to her left and called out to detective Hyun Hae-Il, "aye, rude boy" she called him, "are you calling me?" he asked annoyingly.

"Who else is so rude here other than yourself?" she asked rolling her eyes, "anyway there is no time I will be busy now, so take care of her for me"

Detective Hyun and detective Nam saw the girl on the ground and understood right away what was situation she was in. detective Nam quickly took the girl away and asked Hyun Hae-Il to follow the new detective.

"There is no need for that" said Ryu Tae-Ra "I will send you the location once I arrived and saved the hostage"

"How can you fight so many people at once?" he asked.

"If I am going, its means it's overkill" she said confidently "so don't worry" she smiled at him. Hyun just thought that she was bluffing about her strength so he didn't bother to argue any further. Detective Ryu searched sideways in the road because she didn't want so many people to see what she was about to do. "Roar" she said in the sky. And in her car' trunk, a black motorbike started itself, the bike jumped out as soon as the trunk had opened.

"Oh" Rhee Kwan exclaimed by the bike jump out of the car, as he was sitting on the balcony of cafe "something must have happened" he said.

"Yes?" the waitress asked

"Oh its nothing" he said smiling at her, "can I get a large glass of chocolate milk with marshmallows in it"

"Sure thing, young sir" she smiled at him and left into the kitchen.

"Why is it taking so much time?" Ryu impatiently waited for her bike. "What are you waiting for?" Detective Hyun aske, "my bike" Ryu immediately answered him, "oh detective, keep this for me" she threw her phone at him and he barely caught it "hey don't you dare drop my phone"

"You threw it"

"For you to catch"

Detective saw that the phone had GPS location on it, the point was right in front of him. The tracker was on detective Ryu.

"Vroom, vroom" came her bike with such speed, "on time" she said. Detective Hyun noticed that the bike had no driver on it, "it's coming on its own"

"Good notice, rude boy" she said, "it has self-driving system on it and voice activated" Ryu was very proud of the motor bike. It cost a fortune to buy this. She could have easily bought ten fifty story apartment with that money.

"Wow that's really incredible, and stop calling me 'rude boy" he said. "Step back" said Ryu, the bike came closer "it's not stopping" said Hyun.

"It's okay. I will ride on while it's on the move"

"You crazy"

"Not at all"

When the bike almost passed by Ryu, that second she grabbed on to the bike handle and jumped on the motorbike and sat. Hyun Hae-Il was speechless. How can human being be this much brave and fearless at the same time? This was insane. She deserved the S-Rank tittle.

Ryu was pleased to see him out of words and amazed at the same time. She took out the translucent red glasses from her pocket, and wore that instead of a helmet.

Ryu reached the location the teenage girl had mentioned, it was in a clubbing house in some alley. Drunken people on the ground, some were making out hear the doorway. It was disgusting to watch. But for Ryu Tae-Ra it wasn't something new. She made her inside and looked around the rooms. Disco lights, loud music and lots of alcohols, the place of cover with smoke which create a foggy view to it.

People inside were gangsters, thugs and prostitutes to please their lusty desires. Ryu opened the door of one of the rooms and saw that two people were making love.

"What do you think you are doing?" the man shouted. Ryu sighed at the sight and shut the door very hard. When will she find that girl? This place is terrifying for her. Ryu found some thugs in the corner having fun with a prostitute.

"Yo", she said smiling "do you where I can get the one who fucks young teens?"

"Who the hell are you?" the man asked

"I want to spend the evening with him", Ryu smiled creepily "you know with my body. Even though I am wearing covered clothes, my body is actually hot and curvy" her eyes turned to upside down crescent moon.

The men nodded to each other with approval. Ryu Tae-Ra had hit the jackpot because these men where the underlings of that man she was looking for. They directly took her to the front his room. Sound of a young girl calling of help could be herd. She was the one Ryu was searching for.

"I won't need you all anymore" she said standing behind them. All the men turned towards however, they dead in seconds. Ryu, with her had already slashed their throats, with her black dagger in her hand.

Ryu Tae-Ra smashed the door, open. It was such repulsive scene inside the room.

The girl was stripped of her clothes and was forced to be under the man. She had bruises all over her body and was trembling like a leaf on the tree.

"Who the hell are you?" shouted the half-naked man.

"Girl" Ryu called her while ignoring the naked man, "you know what I did, right?" she asked her "want me to save you?"

"Are you ignoring me?" shouted the man in anger.

The teenage girl slowly nodded and Ryu gave out slight smirk. She walked toward the man.

"Do you know who I am?" said the man, Ryu was silent the man continued to talk, "my men will be here any minute"

Ryu grabbed the man's hair with her right and he screamed. Then came in his so-called men inside the room, there were many of them. She slowly turned her head to the side, which was death stare, a warning.

"What are you standing there? Kill this bitch now" the man gave the order. Even if they were terrified of her, they had to follow their boss's orders. Thus, they took one step forward. Ryu immediately cut one of the hands of the man, without even giving it a second thought. The man screamed in pain. She was a monster.

"One more move and you all go to hell with him" she said with no emotions in her eyes and face.

"You little runt"

Ryu threw their boss at them by his hair. She went back to the teenager on the bed.

"What is your name?" she asked her with a pleasant smile.

"Mi-Na" she said "Lu Mi-Na"

"Lu Mi-Na, why don't you close your eyes and listen to some nice music" said Ryu smiling at her "here" Ryu put her headphones on the Lu Mi-Na's head with some loud music on and covered her blankets. Lu Mi-Na squeezed her eyes shut, all what she could hope would be for this hellish nightmare would end soon. She had seen how that woman was; she was a 'sweet demon' even with high music from the headphone she could hear them scream in pain and beg for mercy.

It's true she that had already witnessed how that woman fights.

Early that morning,

In the dark alley of her street which was full of thugs and druggies she noticed that the usual thugs that would pester her were nowhere to be found. She found it really unusual but was thankful that she could have at least one of rest from them. As she walked passed the alley, Lu Mi-Na heard some noises.

It was dark so she could only see dark shadows fighting with each other. She did hear some familiar voices which were from those thugs. Which made her feel satisfied because someone was beating them up. Then she that one shadow figure tore the arm of one the thugs. Lu Mi-Na fell to the ground she was frightened. The man screamed a loud and all them stopped where they wore. Even she herself couldn't move due to fear.

"You shouldn't have even looked at me" said the female voice.

That same person came out of the shadows, and reveled herself. She was wearing all white also her face was covered in blood. She was smiling as if she had fun trying to kill that man. Cold sweat ran down her spine. This woman is dangerous.

The woman looked at her and sighed. She kneeled to match Lu Mi-Na's height.

"don't be scared" said the woman , she gave out a sweet smile "here" out of nowhere she took out a red rose and handed to her, "they are bad guys and I am a cop, so I had beat them up a little" the woman explained actions. Lu Mi-Na was relieved but had doubts at the same time.

Nevertheless, she hesitantly took the rose from the strange cop's hand. The woman got up and left into another dark alley. That woman, even if she was a cop or of part of any noble jobs, what she did was monstrous. It was her luck that she was not her enemy.

Within three minutes the screams had all stopped. Mi-Ns felt that someone was approaching her in the bed. She was so scared that she didn't want to even open her eyes. She braced herself for the worst.

"It's me, Mi-Na" Lu Mi-Na heard Ryu's voice and was relieved. When she almost opened her eyes to see, Ryu blocked her view "not yet, don't look, keep them closed" she said with sweet voice "I'll carry you instead and hold this" she gave her rose just like before.

Ryu Tae-Ra carried Mi-Na in her arms and walked out the room. The room was bloody massacre. Ryu's white clothes were covered with blood however, with her every step they'd disappear magically. When they made it outside, detective Hyun Hae-Il had already bought help and was waiting.

"They are inside, rude boy" she came down from the stairs.

The police and the other detectives rushed inside. They found all the members were beaten up badly and tied to each other. They were all unconscious. The police arrested them and pulled them into the cars.

Hyun Hae-Il was amazed that the S-Ranked detective was very capable, as Ryu Tae-Ra single handedly dealt with that terrible gang all by herself. He watched her talking with the girl and taking care of her. Ryu gave her all sorts of snacks and treats, she could find in the near convenient stores. The rescued girl took one bite from each using her one hand only, as she never let go of the rose in her other hand.

It might have been given by someone precious.

"Monster, she is a monster!" shouted the gang leader "the devil itself. That devil tore our bodies to pieces" while he being dragged, his eyes met with Ryu's, suddenly her blank emotionless face gave out an evil smirk. The man trembled even more.

Everyone watched the crazy man being pushed inside the car, the police men took his statements as a made up bluffs of an arrested criminal.

Lu Mi-Na couldn't utter a word of what she was seeing. She had witnessed it with her own eyes that the man's hand was cut off, by a knife. However the man's hand was attached to his body all good as new. Did she imagine it that or did it really happen? No, that definitely happened. The last thing she saw before she had closed her eyes was detective Ryu Tae-Ra smiling at her.

The incident was taken care of; it was time for Ryu Tae-Ra to return. "Are you sure that's all you had to check about 'heart eater', detective Ryu?" asked detective Nam.

"Yes, unfortunately" she said "I was sent here just to check on the progress of the investigation, as there was something peculiar about him which I needed to confirm and due to your help I was able to succeed" she said while shaking his hand.

"Well I am glad that I was of any help to you"

Ryu Tae-Ra got on her bike and put on her protective glass. Just then Hyun Hae-Il came to her, "why are you done so quickly?" he asked feeling arrogant and suspicious; "this case was going on for years now, so how come you say that you are done?"

"I am really done there is nothing much I can do with what I have now" she said smiling at him, "by the way you look like angry kitten, cute" she said


"Bye, bye", she vroomed away with her bike and disappeared in the distance leaving him feel unbelievable.

Detective Nam came to and whispered in Hyun Hae-Il, "Don't lose to her" Hyun Hae-Il jumped at hearing his voice, "she might take all the credit of the work"

"What should I do then?"

"Offer joint investigation to this case" he said leaning backwards, "the least you will get half the credit instead of her taking it all"

"You are right", Hyun Hae-Il said "but sounds like you are trying to take all that instead"

"How can you be so rude? Why would you say that? I was just trying to give you little advice as your senior"
