It's been weeks since taehyung and JK met, the both were growing closer and, to the extent they started kissing and *cough*, you know what I mean, and jimin was head over heels for yoongi, today JK was going to introduce taehyung to his hyungs.

        "Jimin hyung are you going coming with me?, I want to introduce taehyung to the others" JK told jimin,"what?, are you out of your mind JK?" Jimin asked,"relax,then won't know he's a demon" JK said sitting down beside jimin "JK you've gone nuts, what in the name of heaven were you thinking, you want to bring a demon into heaven, everyone will notice" jimin said glaring at JK.

        "Hyung calm down, he's a demon of deception, you don't even know that he has wings, and he let you see his horn because I was there" JK said "what!?!?,he has wings?!?!" Jimin asked surprised,"ohh that's right, you can't see his wings except you're a demon or a powerful angel,or His mate" JK said giggling,"come on hyung" JK whined "no JK I'm not going", jimin said looking away from JK,"yoongi hyung will be there", JK said with a devilish smirk, jimin's head turned to look at JK,"how did you even learn how to do that?", jimin asked getting up and pulling JK with him,"let's go before someone comes looking for us" JK said giggling.

        "Taehyung!?" JK called,"Hi angel" taehyung said appearing behind JK and jimin, JK giggles and gives taehyung a peck on the lips, which the demon turned into a deep kiss, holding JK tighter by the waist, making their chest press against each other. "Ugh you guys make me sick",jimin said making a disgusted face, JK broke the kiss, and pointed somewhere,"yoongi is sleeping there" JK said and turned back to taehyung "right?", JK asked, and taehyung nods saying,"yes angel he's there, you're getting better with the spells angel", taehyung said kissing JK's neck.

        "SPELLS!?!?, JK ARE YOU CRAZY!?!?, WHAT IF THE HIGHER UPS FIND OUT!?!?"Jimin yelled angrily, before he quickly closed his mouth with his hand, he's an angel of love and care, it's not in his nature to be angry,"ohh my heavens, what did I just do??" jimin asked,"whoever it is that just woke me up, I'm gonna break your fingers so bad that no one in the heavens or hell will be able to fix it!!" yoongi coming out of the darkness.

        "Ohh it's you" yoongi said with a little blush on his pale skin, it's like he and JK were competing on who's more pale "yoongi" jimin went to hug the said person, forgetting what he was doing before,"come I wanna show you something" jimin said pulling yoongi with him.

        "Taehyung" JK called Playing with the elder's wings, "I want you to meet my hyungs", JK said with a pout,"ofc angel, but why are you pouting", taehyung asked nuzzling into JK's neck,"I'm scared, what if someone notices that you're a demon", JK said pouting more,"seriously?, baby I'm the demon of deception, only you can see through me,half of the demons in hell don't even know I have wings", taehyung said kissing JK's neck.

        "And Done" taehyung said taking a step back, making JK pout "what?, I see no difference" JK said "JK where's taehyung" jimin asked coming out of the darkness with a blush on his face and his lips slightly swollen and red, the same goes for yoongi who was walking behind jimin,"did you guys 🌝👌🏾👈🏾" JK asked making jimin and yoongi go beet red shaming ripe tomatoes.

       "Ohh My heavens, taehyung what have you done to my poor innocent JK" jimin asked eyes looking everywhere but JK's face,"as a matter of fact, where is taehyung, and who is he,are we caught, did the higher ups send him" Jimin asked pointing at taehyung,"what do you mean?, taehyung is right there" JK said pointing at taehyung,"I told you angel, only you can see through me" taehyung said going to hug JK.

                    TIME SKIP

        "JK you're here" hobi said smiling at JK and jimin,"ahh hobi hyung please stop smiling, you smile is burning my face, HOSEOK AKA hobi was an angel of sun and hope,"brat" hobi said hitting JK's shoulder lightly, which made the younger laugh, "Jimin" hobi said going to hug the said angel,"oh who is this?" Hobi asked hugging taehyung,"that's taehyung, ugh he's my mate" JK said scratching his head nervously.

                    TIME SKIP

       The meeting went well, and taehyung met all of JK's hyung, taehyung had left leaving JK and his hyungs, namjoon an angel of knowledge and wisdom, dragged JK to a quieter place, where jin wasn't telling some lame dad jokes and cackling like a witch,"JK who was that thing you brought here?" Namjoon asked,"hyung what do you mean thing?" JK asked confused,"JK you know what I'm talking about, even if you both decide to fool anyone, you can't fool me, now tell me, what was that thing you brought in here" namjoon said glaring at JK.

        "Who or what is taehyung?" Namjoon asked,"hyung he's an angel', JK lied,"holy heavens, what has he done to you JK" namjoon asked holding JK's hand,"he has done nothing to me hyung" JK said angrily snatching his hand away from namjoon's hold,"so what?, he's a demon, what's so bad about loving a demon" JK asked glaring at namjoon "holy heavens, JK he's not just any demon, he's the most powerful demon, do you know what you're saying, when the higher ups find out, they're gonna destroy the both of you"namjoon yelled angrily.

        "I'm not going to let anything happen to my younger brother all in the name of love, I'm telling the higher ups", namjoon said flying out through the open window, JK went to where everyone was gathered,"where is namjoon?" Jin asked,"he went to do something, I have to go now, bye"JK said rushing out, JK got to his chamber and immediately summoned taehyung with the spell taehyung taught him.

        "What is it-" taehyung was cut off by JK's sudden hug,"what's wrong angel?" Taehyung asked "it's namjoon, it's namjoon hyung, he's going to tell the higher ups about us", JK said crying,"calm down angel, nothing is going to happen"taehyung said rubbing invisible circles on JK's back, come on.

        JK and taehyung were now in her with an army of demons,both male and female,"today my brothers and sisters, I'm here to announce that the heavens are planning to destroy me, because of my relationship with JK, but fear not,if anything is to happen to me, JK will be in charge", taehyung said earning a pinch from JK,"you're the ruler of hell and you didn't tell me?", JK asked pinching taehyung again,"ouch I thought you knew" taehyung replied,"no I didn't and nothing is going to happen to you,so stop saying shit like that" JK said pinching taehyung again.

         The crowd of demons were murmuring and some were giggling at the cute couple, Jimin was on the verge of tears, while yoongi held him close to his chest, whispering sweet nothings into his ear to make him stop crying.

A/N: this shit is kinda boring NGL,it sounded pretty cool in my head 😭😭😭😭.

Anyways please vote and comment, the book is coming to an end.

And guys please any BTS povs you see on tiktok can you please tag me, cause that's what inspires me to write short fanfic like this.

mY tiktok is: @gabriel_11_5

And if you wanna join an army GC on Whatsapp, DM me on Whatsapp +2348126179772.
