*C91 - Dimensional Anomaly.

'Inner dialogue/thoughts'

"Normal dialogue"


[Diary entries]

(Word Count: 2,164)

~ With Pepper, in Tony Stark's personal workshop ~

"Tony you can't be serious!"

It had been a few hours since Pepper had rushed to Tony's mansion, and to say that she was shocked and panicked would have been an understatement. Along the way, she had broken more than a few traffic laws. But as her eyes fell at Tony's dishevelled state, she found no regret in her decision to speed through the almost empty streets.

JARVIS had briefed her on what had transpired, yet she was still struggling to accept the reality of the situation. Although Tony's life was no longer in danger thanks to the first miniature Arc Reactor that she had gifted him instead of throwing away, that would soon change.

"I've never been more serious about anything in my life." Tony answered.

"YOU!" Pepper's voice rose in frustration, but even as anger boiled within her, she forced herself to remain calm. She knew that losing her temper would only serve to push Tony further toward his reckless plan – if she could even call it that. If she wanted to stop him, she needed to reason with him.

"Anthony Edward Stark." She started, slowly pacing towards Tony with a firm gaze. "My night started with a joyous and celebratory occasion, which then took a turn for the worse ever since I got that phone call from JARVIS and rushed my way here. To save YOU!"

She emphasized the final word, stopping just in front of Tony. For once, he had the presence of mind to look embarrassed and guilty for what he had put her through, and for what he was about to do.

"Pepper, look, I nev-"

"Shut it." She cut him off. "I found you dying in your workshop, helped SAVE YOU, and now all you want to do is put yourself in danger again when you're in NO CONDITION TO DO ANYTHING!"

She knew she needed to remain calm. She knew it damn well. But it was hard to do so when the person she cared so much about showed no regard for his own safety and health, and for how his actions would affect those around him.

"Do you even have any idea as to where Stane could be at now? What are you going to do when your own power source runs out?! Were you even thinking about what would happen to the company if you had died earlier?! If you were to die fighting Stane?!" She paused, her voice beginning to tremble. "What would happen to me if you. . .?"

Although she whispered her last question, in the silence of his workshop, Tony could clearly hear what she had said. And although he felt a pang of guilt, he had already made up his mind. He opened his mouth to respond, but before he could speak, Pepper yelled, her emotions finally overflowing.


"YOU'RE RIGHT!" Tony snapped, surprising both Pepper and himself.

"You're right. . ." He repeated in a calmer tone. "I am being selfish. When I was held a prisoner, there was a man with me. A Doctor. He helped kept me alive. We built a suit of armour to escape. But in our escape, I watched him die. He sacrificed his life, so that I could live mine. . ."

Pepper remained silent, internally shocked that Tony had finally spoken up about his time as a captive.

"I created this whole mess when I built that suit of armour to escape in Afghanistan. And instead of disposing of it properly, I had just left it out there in the open desert, believing that no one would ever find it. And if someone ever did, then they would never be able to use it because it requires a power source that only I know how to create.

And now? Stane has both. I will not allow him to use that armour and destroy whatever is in his way. I have to stop him. I am the only one who can. So yes. I am being selfish. But I owe it to those lives he would destroy. To Yinsen."

As Tony finished speaking, a mechanical voice sounded out, "Pardon my intrusion sir, but I've just detected a large energy surge underneath the main headquarters."

Feeling a sense of foreboding, Tony hesitantly asked, "How much energy?"

"Enough to power a suit, sir."

Tony narrowed his eyes. "Guess I know where to find him now. JARVIS, prepare the Mark III."

As he was about to turn away from Pepper to begin preparations to face Stane, Pepper reached out and grabbed his arm. "Tony, I. . ."

However, she swallowed her words when she saw the look of determination in his eyes. 'There's no stopping him now. . . In that case.'

"You make him regret for letting me allow you to carry out this reckless plan of yours." She finally said, which caused a smirk to find its' way onto Tony's lips.

"You got it."

~ Later, with Luke ~

♬♪ "Those clouds don't scare me they can't disguise." ♬♪

Luke was currently taking a stroll along a park as he sang a familiar tune.

♬♪ "This magic that's happened right before my eyes." ♬♪

Luke was the only inhabitant of the park as it was late into the night. But he did not let the silence affect his mood as he took in the beautiful scenery of nature around him.

♬♪ "Soon, Mr. Moon will be shining bright. So the best day ever can last all night. Yeah, the best day ever's gonna last all night now!" ♬♪

He stopped himself, before running towards a flock of birds minding their own business nearby a pond.

♬♪ "It's the best day ever (best day ever). It's the best day ever (best day ever). It's the best day ever (best day ever). It's the best day ever (best day ever)." ♬♪

As the birds flew away from his sudden appearance, Luke couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of his new life. He is a transmigrated person, granted powers beyond his wildest imagination through the assistance of a system which protected him from unwanted attention, he's able to create a new story and breathe it into life through a simulation, and he's finally officially in a budding relationship with one of the hottest woman in the Marvel world.

'Yeah, I'm living the life of millions of degenerate weebheads.' He mused, smiling to himself. 

However, this newfound happiness was short-lived thanks to the sudden explosion he heard going off in the distance, followed by rising smoke in the air.

"What the? What the hell's going on now-"

'WAIT!' Luke paused, remembering a bit of detail from the birthday celebration earlier. 'Pepper left for an emergency meeting, and it's surely got something to do with Tony and Stane. But, it shouldn't be the big final battle yet. It's too soon, that battle isn't scheduled to happen for minimally another week!'

Unbeknownst to Luke, the many little changes to the timeline had caused the final battle to happen much earlier than it should have.

'Shit, but if it is the final battle, then I cannot miss this! I'm not about to waste this second opportunity by not witnessing that battle personally!'

With his priorities set and his mind made up, Luke began gathering the water in the air to assist him in getting to the scene quicker, when he was stopped by a sudden warning from his system.

[Warning! Detected external malicious dimensional anomaly!

Scanning host! No extra-dimensional entity detected!

Scanning surrounding environment! Extra-dimensional entity detected!

Scanning! Unable to identify!

Attempting to close dimensional anomaly connection!

Error! Unable to determine location of the connection!]

As the system prompts rang out in his mind, Luke's own reflexes and instincts began to flare up as he did a visual scan of his surroundings. Only to find nothing as his system continued to identify the new presence it detected.

'Okay, I may have celebrated being transmigrated into the Marvel Universe a little too soon. I've only been dealing with the low-level grunts and the system shields me from prying eyes. In this false sense of security, I've forgotten about the amount of dangerous Universal-level entity threats that exist, and some way, somehow, one of them might have just found me.'

Although outwardly Luke appeared composed and ready to react, inwardly, there was a part of him that was beginning to panic.

After what felt like hours, the system was finally going to do something, yet it was not something that Luke had expected from his all-powerful system.

[Unable to influence anomaly! Executing fail-safe containment!]


Not receiving an answer from his system, Luke lamented his misfortune as he felt the world around him shifting. Visually, he was still in the park, yet somehow, he felt like his existence was in a separate plane all together.


As Luke was still making sense of his situation, a soft and intrigued voice from behind him had reached his ears. His eyes widened as he recognized the owner of said voice.

"Wanda?" He turned around, only for his eyes to widen even more as he laid his eyes on the person standing before him. There was a certain aura that enveloped the newcomer, an aura that did not feel warm and welcoming as the two other Wanda's he had interacted with previously.

Taking a step back, Luke cautiously spoke, "No. You're not my Wanda. Your whole presence feels much darker. Who are you?"

Multiple water swords formed simultaneously behind Luke, ready to strike if the newcomer moved with so much as a threatening step towards him.

Seeing the display of power before her, Dark Wanda's intrigue only grew further. "So, you have powers too. I must say, the Wanda of this universe sure knows how to pick em'."

Much to his chagrin at her ignoring his question, Dark Wanda began circling Luke while maintaining her distance, not wanting to provoke his ire just yet. She had much curiosity to satisfy before she began her work in earnest.

"Tall, well-built, handsome face, good instincts to detect my presence before I manifested, and paired with a good reaction to the unknown. Hmmm, but that's not all."

Looking more intently at him, Dark Wanda raised a brow. "Oh, what's this? You have something else within you." Looking away from Luke, Dark Wanda's eyes gazed at her surroundings. "It seems there's also a barrier surrounding us and it's actively blocking my powers. Even now as I stand before you, I can't tell what it is. But it's there. Interesting."

[Anomaly identified. System inefficiency detected, preparing to upgrade.]


[Preparation complete. Initiating system upgrade to version 2.0, estimated time of completion: 24 hours. Fail-safe containment will stand down in T-minus 10 minutes.]

Baffled at the second time the system has acted outside it's intended scope, Luke had wanted nothing more than to rage at the pure disrespect he felt coming from the system. Yet the presence of Dark Wanda ahead of him kept him from reacting, in fear of giving away any hint that he was completely vulnerable to her attacks from now on.

"If you're done looking, then how about you start your explanations? Who are you, and what do you want?" Luke spoke, wanting to end the interaction before the timer ran out and the containment disappeared.

"Oh, where are my manners. I'm Wanda. Wanda Django Maximoff. And as you've already guessed, I'm not the Wanda from this universe. But before we get to the serious part, would you like to listen to my story?"

"Like hell I would." As Luke spoke, the water blades surrounding him immediately shot towards Dark Wanda. However, contrary to what he thought would happen, his attack seemed to phase through Dark Wanda, as her figure began fading away.

After a moment, Luke could no longer detect her presence. But while the containment was still active, he reasoned that it'd be better to remain prepared to take action in case she returned within the time limit. With that in mind, Luke resolved to keep his vigilance up.

~ With Dark Wanda ~

Elsewhere, without Luke's knowledge, a third party had interrupted their meeting and had forcibly severed the connection that Dark Wanda held to Luke's reality.

Surprised by the sudden change of events, Dark Wanda felt a surging anger building up within her as she realized that the anchor that she had set had been severed. And she knew that the only person who had the ability to sever said connection, was one who shared her own powers.

"You. . . BITCH!" Dark Wanda snapped as she sent a wave of chaos energy towards the person she sensed behind her.

- End of Chapter 91 -

Next time in *C92 - Wanda Maximoff: The Light and The Dark.

Dark Wanda laughed, a cold, joyless sound. "Hurt them? Oh, no, no, no." She leaned closer, her voice a whisper that echoed through the realm. "I'm going to destroy them. Slowly. Painfully. And I'll make sure you get to have front row seats.

After all, what better way to break you than to let you witness the death of the only person you're tethered to?"
