Chapter 23: Making Love

Keri just wanted an orgasm; a real, intense, and unrelenting orgasm that would redefine her very understanding of sexual pleasure. She wanted the feeling of a man spreading her loins, invading her womanhood, and spewing hot semen deep inside her womb. She could just imagine it, even picture it. Her legs were shaking, and she couldn't stop sweating about it.

Julie had given her permission to wear more to cover her chest and body, she even gave her some very sexy workout clothes for her enjoyment. Tight, form fitting, and breathable, it was a spandex bodysuit with much of her cleavage exposed, but not openly swinging in the air. It was a 'going away' present, so to speak. Having her nipples covered certainly was an improvement, but they had already started lactating through the fabric. Keri missed the feeling of freedom when her breasts hanged openly in the crisp cool air, but a bit of modesty never hurt.

Perhaps my new… Soon-to-be boyfriend, would like that? Or maybe he would want me all to himself.

Keri had tried to get as much information about the President of the House of Contact as was possible, but so far come up light. Axel Burns was his name, and apparently, he valued his privacy.

She was scheduled to meet with him at the House of Contact on Friday. That gave her three days to think it over, and fully appreciate her predicament. She started spending more time in the gym and servicing the glory holes in all the men's locker rooms. Sena was often there, helping her the best she could to relieve her other appetites. 

Today Keri started early, burning out all her frustration and anxiety. Halfway through her routine, Brutus Abernathy showed up, and Keri decided to do something she shouldn't do. Knowingly go against an order.

She would blame Julie later, for turning her into such a masochist. How could you show me such wondrous things, and expect me to remain celibate? 

To her shame, Keri had sought out the guy who raped her in the classroom. She wasn't trying to get justice… She wanted to see if she could bait him to do it again. When she learned of his sudden, and tragic, demise it unnerved her deeply, but not for long.

For days Keri tried to forget that violent passion. Her hands weren't doing it for her anymore, and neither were Sena's. No, she wanted the real thing, and she didn't care anymore. Part of her hoped she could wait until her new 'soon-to-be' boyfriend would give her the attention she deserved, but seeing Brutus there, ripe and ready to go, betrayed her senses.

She let her attentions known, and he was shocked—but happy—to oblige. Keri then guided him to the locker room showers and let him take her right then and there.

With strong hands he parted her legs wide, exposing her wet lips to the sweaty air. "I see foreplay isn't necessary?" He teased. He wasn't wrong, Keri was already soaking wet.

Keri's breathing increased, she was practically panting. She watched in stunned fascination as his muscular appendage glided to the entrance of her twitching lips. 

Why does my body want this so much? She didn't understand why her body responded so readily for him. She had knots in her stomach, and desire sweating from her pores. 

She shut her eyes as she felt his tip brush against her loins, kissing her gently. Then she felt a burning pressure as something foreign started to spread her open. It slid in much easier than she thought it would. He pinned her legs to help stop her from squirming, and Keri felt his burning spear pushing into her moist cove. 

The pain from last time was gone, in its place was something far more intense. This time it only took mere moments for her body to begin spasming, convulsing with pleasure.

This is so fucking hot! That was all she could think about as she felt him digging into her stomach. She could feel him pulsing, spreading her walls apart! 

The pressure paused for a few moments, enough time for her to catch her breath. Keri was panting and sweating as curtains of warm water rained upon her skin. A pool of water collected between her breasts, and it splashed as Brutus pressed himself tighter against her.

"That's just the tip Keri, are you ready for the real deal?" His voice was brimming with excitement. 

Only the tip! Keri looked down to see for herself. 

His giant shaft was barely lodged into her fertile crevice, his thick bulbous tip had spread her wider than she thought possible. Slowly, he began pushing deeper and the building foreign pressure became unbearable. 

Keri shot a high-pitched squeal, as he inched himself deeper. Her fingernails clawed into his back as she felt his shaft beginning to explore her womanhood.

God, he's going to kill me! 

Suddenly he paused again, this time Keri was hyperventilating. 

"Should I stop?" He asked. "I'm almost halfway there, you're so damn tight it's amazing." 

Only half! Not even half! She bit her lip, feeling him intimately. How much further could he go! How was this possible! 

"It's Ok… I can take it." Keri answered meekly. 

The pain was fleeting, compared to the surge of pleasure. Her inner walls gripped him so tightly that she could trace every vein leading from the base of his shaft to the mushroomed cap. She could even feel how his manhood arched a little to the left so that it could easily target her g-spot perfectly. It was almost as if his phallus was made especially for her. They were somehow perfectly compatible. 

He nodded with smile and pushed further. 

For a moment, she feared he would skewer her very cervix! 

He's going too far! Keri gagged as she felt him nestle firmly against the base of her very womb!

It was such a strange sensation, one that challenged her senses in all the wrong ways. She couldn't control it, but she was gripping him tighter, her inner muscle was competing against his widening girth in a bitter struggle. 

"Does it feel good?" Brutus asked, nearly bottoming out. His manhood was certainly impressive; with only an inch to go, he had filled her completely.

How did it feel! It feels like a burning flagpole is being jammed inside me! Keri's head was spinning as she felt him becoming one with her. 

The pleasure was shared between them. Brutus was clearly enjoying himself. "It feels so good, tell me does it feel good to you?" 

"You're… Killing me, big guy," Keri tried to joke back, but her voice was strained, and her lips wouldn't stop twitching. So extreme was the pressure, she imagined her ovaries popping like cherries.

Brutus chuckled at that. "Want me to pull out?"

"Don't you fucking dare," Keri grabbed his face and leaned in for a kiss.

As soon as their lips parted, Brutus used all his core strength to jam his full size into her, and Keri blacked out. It couldn't have been for more than a few seconds, but when she came too, her vision was blurry and her tongue was drooling. She felt her stomach breaking, as if it was being pulled out, each time he partially withdrew only to thrust forward again. 

Her eyes refocused on Brutus's bulky body grinding against hers. Her consciousness hung onto his sweaty musk, and the sounds of his grunting. He was thrusting now, his motions incrementally growing faster. His pelvis slapped against hers; the sound of their soaking flesh impacting one another was barely contained within the shower itself. 

The air around them was suddenly very steamy; Keri's damp skin rubbed into his with each movement. Just as her brain began to rationalize again, he kissed her. His lips were surprisingly gentle unlike his penis drilling into her pussy. 

Pleasure returned to her quickly, followed by something else. Something primal and unrelenting seemed to build from deep within her core. Like a damn bursting, it was as if a tidal wave was born in the depths of her womb, only to surge forth. She cried out with the harshest moan she ever experienced as the strongest climax of her life forced its way to the surface. 

That's it, this is what I wanted! Lights danced before her eyes, as Keri lost control of her hips. Her groin tensed, her back arched, and her abdominal muscles seized. Within her lower lips, firm muscle tightened, grabbing hold of Brutus's shaft so hard it threatened to squeeze him out. 

Sudden euphoria erupted, and the world melted around her.

"Hah, did I make you come? Don't worry I can last a little longer." Where this sudden aggression came from, Keri had no idea, but she certainly didn't want Brutus to stop. He was starting to get carried away, showing her less mercy with each passing second.

He only paused for fleeting moments to catch his breath and suckle her lactating nipples. They were still sensitive, and she recoiled in pain when he latched onto them for too long. At some point the pain in her chest morphed into a form of pleasure as well, enough for her to moan.

Eventually, his motions grew more constant, and with each thrust his reach seemed to penetrate further. How that was even possible she no longer cared. 

Keri could feel him twitching deep inside her. She could actually feel his veins pumping blood faster, and his erection stiffening. Suddenly, a spreading warmth could be felt at the base of her stomach.

Oh God, is this it? She wondered. 

His girth changed. The tip was pushing harder against the seat of her womb, pressing tight against her cervix.

"Crap I can't hold back. I'm coming!" His thrusting intensified; she could feel his heartbeat from the depths of her womb accelerating. 

"Do it, come inside me!" Keri no longer cared about the consequences. He was pressing her against the wall so that her legs were wrapped around his waist, and she was determined to never let him go. She was going to ride this roller coaster of pleasure all the way to its end. 

When she felt his semen exploding within her, it scorched the passageways of her inner walls, and flooded her entirely. The feeling of his rampaging seed spreading within her groin was somehow a much better feeling than when she simply swallowed it. His burning essence made her stomach turn; she imagined billions of his soldiers overwhelming her fertile depths. Already, it felt like her uterus was on fire.

He gave her one last thrust before slouching against her. He kept himself inside her; her legs remained intertwined around him. Neither of them wanted to relieve themselves of each others warmth. 

"Fuck that felt good. I needed that." Brutus was the first to speak. "I hope I wasn't too rough."

Keri released her legs, not entirely sure why they were wrapped around him in the first place, and looked down at his shaft. It felt good, seeing how they were connected so passionately. Meanwhile, she could feel the warmth of his essence continuing to spread. 

"Promise me something…" Keri sighed. "Don't tell anyone we did this. If my sisters found out they would expel me."

Brutus raised a brow in concern. "Seriously? That's ridiculous. Wait, did they order you to not have sex or something?"

"Something like that," Keri wrapped her arms around him. "So please don't tell anyone. Let this be our little secret."

"Sure thing, no problem. And hey," Brutus kissed her on the cheek, "I wouldn't mind doing this again."

"Me too, but that might be a while. Think you can wait?" Keri asked.


When he withdrew his shaft, a thick drool parted from her lips. His semen was easy to spot mixed in with her own lust.

"Looks like we made a mess…" Brutus said. He found that Keri didn't want to let him go. She was now pressing tighter against him and burying her face into his chest. "I guess you are a cuddler after sex. Could've guessed."

"Just let me stay like this for a little while longer, please." Keri smiled, feeling his arms reaching out to hold her exhausted body.

Already, his shaft was starting to harden. With a light flick, it straightened again, and rested against her stomach. The tip was still dripping with cream.