Chapter 36: Liberated

And just like that, it was over.

In truth it happened so fast, Keri could barely keep up. Jasmine's bodysuit and armor seemed to help her glide through the air, while her partner barreled through the crowd like a oncoming hurricane. Everyone panicked, dodging aside, as the duo swiftly made their way to the float that Keri was restrained to, and with weapons of potent energy, shattered the very air they breathed.

Dreadful specters rose to meet them, and Keri was horrified to find that one of the shadows was her own! Meat and claws met steel and fire, and all the while, Keri found herself unable to move. She felt the energy sapped from her bones, and a pale light burning behind her eyes. 

Within minutes, Keri was laying on the ground, milk dripping from her darkened areolas, while time seemed to cascade like a glittering waterfall around her vision. There were screams, and bouts of pain, but within minutes it was all over.

Keri Pryde felt it the moment the Skitter bound to her own submissive form was annihilated, a part of her felt cut out, leaving behind an empty whole in her gut. She felt like a deep stain had poisoned her essence, and it would never be fully washed away.

When next she awoke, Keri found herself in a bed, with a paper-thin blanket covering her naked breasts. The shades were drawn, what little light passed through stung her eyes.

"You're lucky you know. Most who have been so infected are unrecoverable," Jasmine's voice broke through the gloom.

Keri looked up at her. The woman was wearing typical school clothes. One would never imagine her as a Skitter slayer in disguise. 

"You'll be fine," she continued. "Although Julie Cane is still at large."


"Still feeling like a complete slut?" Jasmine inquired.

Keri didn't respond. She couldn't

Jasmine narrowed her eyes. "I'll take that as a yes, don't worry, I'll help oversee your recovery."

"My recovery…"

"You've been directly exposed to a Skitter, and likely conditioned by one for some time. It's going to be awhile before you can function normally again." 

Keri gulped. She could already feel her daily urge for a morning blowjob rising again. "But I feel fine…"

"And that's the problem." Jasmine sighed.

"But where am I?" She looked around the room. It was hard to place it in her mind. It certainly didn't look like the nurses station, or on campus.

"In a very special hospital."

"But—" Keri looked down to her stomach without thinking.

"Yes, we know your pregnant, so far things look good." Jasmine pulled out a chocolate candy bar from a pouch in her school uniform, and swiftly pulled apart its wrapper. 

"Where's Sena?" Keri asked with a dry throat.

"In the room next door. For both of your safety, it's best to keep you both out of contact with one another, or in contact with anyone else, for now. At least until you have control of your senses." Jasmine began munching on the candy bar.

"When can I leave?" Keri asked.

Jasmine paused, a large stick of chocolate in her mouth. She bit down, started chewing, and swallowed before answering. "When I say so."

"When you say so…"

Jasmine approached. "If you so love being a submissive slut, then obey me. You aren't going to leave till I say so. Do you understand?"

"Yes… Ok." Keri breathed.

Jasmine smirked. "Funny, I thought that submissive side of you was forced, or installed, but now I'm starting to think it was always a part of you. Deep down, just waiting to awaken." She looked away. "It's a shame really. I think you looked hotter, when you were a boxing wannabe." 

Jasmine turned away, walking toward the door. "Campus is closed for now; the entire university is under suspicion."

"But my grades…"

"You're really worried about that? Damn we've got some work to do, don't we?" Jasmine looked back at her, still chewing on her candy bar. She shot her a wink before leaving the room.

One month later

Keri Pryde

-> Want to come over and watch porn all night on my new mirror?

It was a stupid flirtatious message, but within a minute there was a response.

Sena Fuller

You got some nice legs. What time do they open? <-

Keri laughed to herself, her heart fluttered.

Keri Pryde

-> Been open all day long!

Sena Fuller

On my way! <-

10 Minutes Later

With campus re-opened, Keri and Sena had been given their own dorm room, which was much appreciated by their former roommates. In a way they were kinda lucky. The university had been shut down in the final days of the semester. Once re-opened, everyone only had to return for final initiations and whatever exams were still ongoing. With their exams over, they finally had a lot of free time. 

"You know, Sake isn't so bad." Sena laid next to her with a red cup in one hand while the other rested on Keri's firm, yet slightly soft, stomach. Keri noticed her girlfriend liked to rub the outlines of her muscle groups. Just before they settled down, Sena had squeezed a trickle of Keri's milk into the cup, letting it mix with the alcohol. It had grown sweeter. "Especially with a little something extra for flavor…" 

Keri leaned forward slightly; her breasts felt like laden heavy water balloons. "Your too good for me…" She teased.

"Oh, how sweet." Sena responded, then took another sip. "Just like your boob juice." 

Keri laughed. "I think they've finally stopped lactating for now."

"They'll be back and leaky in no time," was Sena's swift response.

Sena rubbed the underside of Keri's left breast, as if hoping to encourage another short spurt from its budding pink nub, but nothing more drew from it. Keri didn't protest however, instead she watched happily as Sena rubbed her swollen flesh. 

Sena finished her cup, then suddenly jumped onto Keri so the pair would fall onto the bed sheets. Keri brushed the hair from her face as Sena continued to lick her neck. 

"Hey babe," Keri tried to resist the tickling sensation, "what do you say to calling a boy over?"

Sena paused, then leaned on top of her. "Why?"

"Because I could use a hard dick right about now. How about you?" Keri whispered in her ear. She then proceeded to kiss Sena's neckline, and then roll her over, to get access to the rest of her body.

"Ooh la la!" Sena moaned as Keri began exploring her, not stopping until her tongue reached Sena's quivering folds.

Initiation Day

Keri walked into the same antechamber she had met the president earlier, when she was ordered to be (now deceased) Fynn Burns' boyfriend. Candles were strewn on either side of the vast chamber. All the sisters were lined up on either side wearing sorority colors. Each and every pawn was marched down the aisle wearing a white robe and were naked underneath.

Keri was among the last. When she approached the sisters at the head of the line she was met with congratulatory cheers. 

A strong scent of oranges mixed with the smoke, creating an eerie vibe as the President gave one last set of orders for them all. 

"One last test," The president's voice boomed against the marble walls.

One-by-one each of the pawns approached the Presidents court, where a dark robed sister would pull the sash keeping their white robe together. Disrobed, the pawn would be presented with a small vile of semen, a final toast for their yearly accomplishments. They were each responsible for collecting the semen the day before. Keri had no troubles, in fact, she had the pick of the litter, so to speak. 

After a month of de-programming, she no longer threw herself on her knees whenever a man wanted sex. So, she took her time, choosing just who she wanted to acquire her sample from. Naturally, her cravings almost always came back to Brutus, who was happy to be there for her. Of all the people she had met all year long, he was the only one not to judge her, even when she was at her worst. That, and he had a certain appendage that just played her like a fiddle. That earned him a kind of friendship that Keri could only describe as 'closer than friends, but not quite lovers'. While Sena was her, unofficial-official girlfriend, there were something about Brutus that made her swoon. Keri had already made it her mission to find a way to incorporate him in her trysts with Sena. A threesome would certainly make things even more enticing. 

By the time Keri reached the precipice, and was handed her glass, she quickly swallowed its contents. It was refrigerated for only a few hours, but that was enough to damage its fresh flavor. She noted to herself to enjoy a fresh serving later.

Fully disrobed, her toned body seemed to impress the president immensely, even with the slight mutton top beginning to form. 

"Keri Pryde, we hereby promote you to the rank of peon." The president's words were spoken with awe. "Your responsibilities and duties as a pawn are now invalid. Please proceed to the next room to receive your new rank."

Keri didn't know what the president meant by that but obeyed without question. Sena was right behind her, followed by all the others. She proceeded to the adjoining chamber; the line of older sisters were clapping as she strode on by. Once she walked through the solid oak doorway, Keri was overwhelmed with the scent of cleaning products. The air was at least ten degrees colder, making her entire body shudder and her skin form goosebumps. 

The room was a long column filled with a single line of padded incline chairs. The walls were decorated by marble statues of beautiful men and women, along with several phallus shaped objects. The former pawns were then instructed to take a seat in one of the chairs. 

"Come sit here please sister," an older sister motioned for Keri to assume the position. As soon as Keri took one step forward, a scream echoed. That's when Keri realized they were all being given nipple piercings.

Keri just rolled her eyes. Not like it really matters now. One could tell by her own jewelry and tattoos, that this really didn't matter to her.

Keri walked to one of the chairs, then sat down. "So, you going to replace these?" She asked, while playing with one of the dangling jewels linked to her right nipple.

The older sister smiled. "Relax, I'm going to remove all the bad tattoos." She took out a special tool from a plastic box. Keri was relieved to see that; She couldn't wait to be rid of all the stupid tally marks that Fynn put on her back. She didn't mind some of the others though. "And…" She continued. "If you want, I can give you some newer, fresher ink. Would you like that?" 

Keri smiled. "You know… I wouldn't mind a tattoo that I actually got to pick out. Truth be told, I already have a design in mind."

"Do you, now?"

"Yep, I can describe it too you." Keri felt excited.

The older sister leaned in. "Please do, let's get you started!"

About two hours later… Or three…

Once she stepped out of the room, Keri found herself in a locker room. Unlike the typical locker rooms at the gym, this one had multiple rows of elaborate gowns and stunning outfits. Newly minted jeans, designer skirts and dresses, along with incredibly expensive undergarments were all arranged for them in pristine packaging or hanging by decorative hangers. Even the backpacks, satchels, and purses were custom designed for each of them! 

Keri walked over to an open locker with her name on it etched in gold. Several packages were stored just for her, along with more clothes than she could carry. There were lots of maternal wear, along with stuff she would never be able to afford by herself. She reached out for the Henley sweater, felt the fabric, and withdrew it from the hanger. Just as she was putting it on, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her from behind. They carefully avoided her chest, instead squeezing her waist.

Sena whispered in her ear. "We finally did it, they can't boss us around anymore! And now you are all mine."

Keri chuckled at that. She looked back at Sena's beautiful face and could see the gleam in her eyes.

All to yourself huh? Keri thought to herself, amused. Let's just wait and see about that.