
Silence prevailed again In the entire sect as the desciples look at each other with bewilderment it's obvious that this news can't be concealed and soon the news of the Wushuang sect and the outer elder being a saint will spread causing shock throughout the lands, as for the four ancestors well the 3 of them were now distancing themselfs from the holy sword palace ancestor

Soon an entire day passed the levels of excitement rose to a new level the news traveled faster than ever as people from all walks of life traveled to Wushuang mountains the cities on the border are prospering from the influx of so many people this wasn't even all of them only nascent souls and higher that were close by there were still cultivators on the way without high cultivation

Infront of one of the northern Wushuang gates 2 old men a middle aged woman and a young woman were seen standing infront of the sect gate these were the four ancestors they decided to stay in the yaoichi sect and set off together early morning now they are here waiting as soon as the middle age lady was about to talk the thick fog resided from the gate revealing 5 figures 4 wearing black robes with a token saying "guard" on it and one wearing a dark blue robe with a "deacon" token leading them when the ancestors saw these people theyre pupils shrunk the one with a deacon token was stronger than all of them being at the peak of void refining while the four guards were peak purple mansion "void refining can only be a deacon and purple mansions can only be sect guards" this sentence revolved around theyre minds this instant as they finally saw the horror of the Wushuang sect "if a saint can only be an outer sect elder what cultivation is required to be an inner sect elder" just thinking about it made them numb

"Your the ancestors called by the sect master?" Asked the deacon as the ancestors cupped they're hands "yes senior" this man was higher cultivation than them they don't dare to look down on the deacon status "good follow me" said the deacon as the 4 ancestors finally stepped through the sect gate it was like they entered a new word the fairy mist filled the place with such strong and abundant spiritual Qi it was certainly almost 100x stronger than the spiritual Qi of theyre sects "only elders are allowed to fly in the sect do you want to take a teleportation formation or do you want a tour?" Asked the deacon as the 4 of them looked at each other seeing the endless curiosity in each others eyes they knew they're own answers as all of them wanted a tour

During the tour although they moved relitively fast fast enough to cross a continent in 30 minutes they're brain still captured everything leaving them stunned from the sect facilities to the outer sect desciple palaces to even the beasts they met on the way greatly shocked them an outer sect desciple will have living conditions thousands of times better then them with facilities capable of making immortals in theyre minds now they were envious of future outer sect desciples and even wished to be one "maybe I can hand over the sect to my desciple and become a deacon" thought the ancestors collectively this immortal holy land in theyre minds was too much to pass up on it was like showing them an immortal cultivation technique