Saint city

With the rewards so far Wushuang is more and more complete looks like a sect that has survived countless years

[Sect Architecture: Mission Hall]

[Function: Randomly generate event tasks of various difficulties based on Celestial Secrets, intelligently deduce the Sect contribution value system, and adjust task rewards.]

[Introduction: It is best to use it with Sect store, so that disciples can exchange their contribution points for cultivation resources.]

[Sect Construction: Sect store]

[Function: The business guild will intelligently deduce the Sect contribution value required for disciples to purchase Spiritual herbs, elixir, Medicine Pill, Martial Skill, Cultivation Technique to purchase time to enter the secret realm, etc.]

[Introduction: It is best to use it together with the mission hall.]

This mission hall, together with the Sect store, once completed, can form a system that abandons Spirit Stones and uses Sect contribution as currency from within Wushuang! Disciples want to obtain Sect contribution value, they have to complete various tasks for Sect, contribute to Sect, and then get contribution value, exchange various practice resources from Sect store, so as to form a virtuous circle inside Sect .

Just thinking of this almost made su bai laugh in happiness with this he could truly say the sect is complete what's left is accumulate heritage for 100 years although he knew why the system stopped him from leaving the continent it doesn't warrant the system blocking information from him when he tries to dig deep so he doesn't know what's out there could be hordes of demons or nothing it's all possible so his tasks is to accumulate heritage to face all the challenges

He set up all the Sect buildings, and then set up the Talent star test stone, the ladder to the sky, and some secret realms. Then the 4 elders and others were informed about the usage of the test stone and the ladder to the sky, once all this was done with the flick of his hand the Saint city flew out of Wushuang and suspended in the sky with a thought the magnificent city expanding to over 4 million miles in size as it stationed itself around Wushuang like a ring this scene was ofcourse almost like an apocalypse for the billions camping near Wushuang luckily they got teleported out before the city came down luckily su bai already arranged the man power wuya taiyang took charge of the city with the help of 4 deacons who oversaw the 4 directions of north, south ,west and east "I have to say the heirs of these clans are trained since young as future clan leaders so they're business sense is very good" said su bai clearly happy with wuyas work so far

"Ancestor is this Wushuang city? It's so big I heard from some that it stretches all around Wushuang" said ye fan clearly shocked by the huge white and gold walls before ancestor ye could talk a mechanical voice sounded from the side a pulled with blazing eyes said "100 low grade spirit stones for entry, your entry only lasts 3 days either pay the entry fee again or buy permanent residency" ye fan looked at the Clanky puppet not knowing that wuya was curiously looking at him through the puppet she felt a powerful spiritual energy from him before it was cut off which interested her but interest is only interest she knows if there's a soul that can shield from her senses it's either the same level as her or higher cultivation so she will report to the sect master to make sure it's not wise to make enemies out of powerful souls without knowing they're purpose