Chapter 4- Need food

Cheng Wei was in distress.

It has been some hours since he left the mansion even though he didn't have any pressing matter to deal with.

The reason why he abandoned his wife when she was injured was because Xiao Mei needed to remain stress-free for the time being, for her treatment. And her greatest source of stress was no one but himself.

That was why he removed himself from the place and planned to return home late at night.

Normally, he gets back when she falls asleep but today, there was a matter he wanted to discuss with her.

'So it has finally come to this huh...' Gazing at the documents resting at the center of his working table, Cheng Wei sighed.


Taking out his phone, he found it was the head maid calling.

With a frown, Cheng Wei picked up, "Aunt Huang? Is everything alright?"

The head maid—Huang Li only called him if there was any urgent matter, which mostly was related to Xiao Mei. That was why, Cheng Wei seemed to be frowning upon receiving the call.

[Madam hasn't left her room since then and all the maids are fearing to deliver the food to her room, in fret that she may end up hurting herself.]

Cheng Wei sighed at that.

It was a common occurrence when Xiao Mei decided to not eat all day to show how much she hated even the food made in the house where he lived. And every time a maid tried to deliver food, Xiao Mei threw the dishes and food away; hurting herself as well, in the process.

Naturally, no maid would take the risk of getting the Madam of the house injured only to face Cheng Wei's wrath.

Cheng Wei was about to say to leave the food at her door when suddenly, he heard a very family voice from the other side of the call,

[Aunt Huang?]

[Ah, Madam! You needed something.]

Cheng Wei perked his ears as it seemed Xiao Mei had walked downstairs and approached the head maid.

There was a small pause as it seemed Aunt Huang was walking toward his wife,

[ there anything to eat?]

Cheng Wei's brows elevated hearing the hesitant voice of Xiao Mei, which explicitly told that she was embarrassed asking for food.

Considering how Aunt Huang remained silent at that, she also must be taken aback by Xiao Mei's approach.

[Yes, of course! Just give me some minutes, and I will serve the dinner instantly, Madam.]

The cheerfulness in Aunt Huang's voice signified how elated she was for her Madam to ask for food for the first time. The maid's maternal instincts must have kicked in to carry such fondness in her voice.

Cheng Wei's heart warmed up, as he found a smile making its way to his face.

However, the enthusiasm of Aunt Huang was met with rejection,

[Ah, no, don't. Please serve me something light for now. I will wait for Mr. Cheng to have the way, when does he return?]

That day, Cheng Wei left his office just at seven.


[Xiao Mei's POV:]

After taking a nap in the afternoon, I was woken up by my grumbling stomach.

I had only eaten porridge early in the morning and after that, I just scrolled through my phone and dozed off without realizing it.

Normally, I should have gotten my food delivered to my room, but I guess, my past behavior toward the servants of the house must have made them reluctant to serve me.

In the end, I changed my clothes and after wearing a normal t-shirt over leggings(which was way too uncomfortable for someone who usually wears loose joggers), I walked out of the room.

Once again, the wide area of the mansion made me astonished. The wall painting hanging on the wall, the chandeliers, the decorative antiques...all of them were imported and original.

Even the carpet on the stairs seemed so soft that I feared to stain it if I would be careless in the future.

Walking down, I followed my instincts and advanced toward the dining space where I found a woman in her late forties, talking over the phone.

She was the head maid for the house whose name I heard from Mr. Cheng to be Aunt Hunag. Naturally, I didn't know her full name but asking the person herself seemed a little awkward.

After I asked for some snacks, two maids brought me several confections and black coffee.

My mood elevated instantly since I liked bitter beverages with sweet things.

"Is there anything else, Madam wants?"

Hearing Aunt Huang's call, I turned to look at her...only to be met with her brilliant smile.

I was dazzled with that expression, and in a hurry just shook my head.

I know it was a bit inappropriate, coming from a young lady of a high-class family, but I couldn't get accustomed to myself just within two days.

Aunt Huang and even some maids were peeking from the kitchen, I could sense which made me a little apprehensive.

However, the first sweet rested over my tongue, I found my shoulders relaxing and my mind completely turning numb.

It was so good~

The shortcake I ate had just the perfect filling of chocolate and vanilla essence. The bread was soft and the icing over the cake was brilliantly arranged.

Ah, I might just fall in love with this thing.

I was enjoying my cake while taking sips of my coffee, when suddenly I heard the heavy footsteps approaching me from left.

Tilting my head, I found the familiar face of a handsome man approaching me,

"Welcome home, Mr. Cheng." Since my mood was a little too good, I subconsciously flashed a bright smile with the greetings.

...however, I didn't know the reaction from the man would be such dramatic.


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