Chapter 6- No divorce! Here's my sincerity

Once all the maids were dismissed by Mr. Cheng, I suspected that he wanted to discuss something important.

...and I didn't have a good feeling about this.

And the moment he put the divorce paper on the table I knew this matter might turn ugly in no time.

A part of me was somehow feeling happy...maybe it was the remnants of Xiao Mei's soul that wanted to escape the clutches of Mr. Cheng. However, I couldn't follow that stupid girl's instincts.

I lifted my eyes from the papers before fixing them at Mr. Cheng.

"Can we talk for a moment...somewhere private?" I pleaded without any emotion flashing across my face.

Even though all the maids were told to retire back to their rooms, I didn't want to discuss our marriage life like this, in the dining space.

Mr. Cheng nodded before he asked, "Let's then head to the guest room?" Hearing his suggestion, I narrowed my eyes and rebuked instantly.

"Am I not allowed in your room?" Seeing me frown, for no good reason, Mr. Cheng was a little taken aback and I couldn't blame him.

Given my past behavior, he was being considered to not invite me to his room. And since I also had forbidden him from entering my room, the guest room seemed the most appropriate choice.

Regardless, I just didn't think much before asking and getting up from my seat before heading toward Mr. Cheng's room without looking at whether the man was following or not.

I didn't even carry the documents since they didn't have any importance for me.

...however, it was not the same for Mr. Cheng, as he arrived near me to unlock his room door with his other hand holding the papers.

That irked me.

"Are you really that excited about the divorce?" Hearing my query, he once again, paused but I didn't, as I walked inside his room with heavy steps.

Whether I was acting to show my reluctance against divorce or I really was actually pissed off about the divorce remained unclear.

What I was certain about was the fact that I didn't want a well-settled family to break, because of me.

I know that pain and I wouldn't do anything to inflict that same distress on others.

Mr. Cheng's room was as simple as I imagined, with a king-sized bed opposite the door. A bookshelf at the side, with a four-bracket wardrobe beside it. A study table where the books and stationery were neatly placed.

Even though Mr. Cheng doesn't allow any servant to enter his room, this place seems well-maintained and clean.

'As expected of Mr. Cheng...I guess...'

Throwing away my needless thoughts, I occupied the chair Mr. Cheng offered before I saw the man occupying the edge of his bed; facing me.

So this was the moment of truth.

Crossing my arm on my chest (it felt odd a little now that I no longer was flat) before I asked Mr. Cheng,

"I am assuming that you proposed this divorce for my happiness, right?"

Mr. Cheng was a professional businessman so coming out of his confusion and providing me with an answer didn't seem like a feat he couldn't achieve,

"This marriage is not beneficial for both of us, that's why it's better to end things here."

Hearing his blunt statement, with the addition of words like 'beneficial,' and all, any girl would have misunderstood what his intention remained behind proposing the divorce.

However, I know that this man deeply cares for Xiao Mei. Maybe because I was in the same boat as him some time ago, that was why I could understand him so vividly. Regardless, I was not going to end things just because they were no longer 'beneficial'.

"But I don't want to end this marriage, Mr. Cheng. What should we do now, then?"

Hearing my reply, Mr. Cheng frowned before asking,

"Didn't you repeatedly ask me to divorce you past these months? If you are concerned about your father's-"

I shook my head at that with a heavy sigh leaving my lips before I got up from my seat.

Sitting just inches beside him, I looked at the man with utmost sincerity before uttering my intention,

"I am breaking up with Wang Lin. Not because I had a fight with him or anything but because I want to give our relationship a chance."

Hearing my words, a look of disbelief flashed across his eyes, which soon morphed into doubt and uncertainty.

"You don't need to, Xiao Mei. I promise, no repercussion-"

Before Mr. Cheng could follow up with his assurance that I wouldn't get affected by this annulment or such, I closed my eyes and pressed my lips against his, bringing a sudden halt to his words.

I didn't feel anything but a strange sensation kissing the man, but if it helps in my argument, then so be it.

The kiss(more like my lips pressed against his) continued for some more seconds before I detached myself from the man and hurriedly spoke my bidding words,

"I hope this shows my sincerity in this relationship. So please, don't bring those divorce papers...ever again." And with that, I dashed away from his room with my face, unnaturally heated up.

Once I rushed back into my room, I slid down the floor with my back pressed against the door, as realization soon began to dawn upon me...

'The fuck did I just do...' Covering my face behind my palms I reprimanded myself for my rash action...

...however, somehow it didn't feel too bad shutting up my husband....


A/N:- Work of fiction, so I don't tend to add much realism into it. Drop a comment.