
Short chapter today, but the next ones will be longer! Furthermore, if you could review the work, it would greatly encourage me to write!


"Actually José, we need to talk. I have a proposal for you." Seeing how José who was previously excited had calmed down and had his completely technical attention on him trying to guess what he was going to say, Arthur continued to speak.

"Here's the thing, Beyoncé and I agreed to record a feat." With that sentence, José focused even more on him, trying to see any sign of a lie.

"I wrote the song and will produce it and she wants to start recording right away. However, for that to happen I need an agent. What do you think about being my agent?" At that moment, the Puerto Rican was taken completely by surprise and found himself caught up in some thoughts.

Seeing this moment of hesitation Arthur soon continues to argue.

"You need to take risks if you want to move up in life, José! You haven't grown much in the industry in the last 10 years and that won't change now. With me you will have 8% of what I raise with music, shows, advertising and others, With me you will reach the top José.

He continued thinking for a few more minutes until he finally let out a sigh, cried out and walked towards Arthur.

" You're right, let's go with this Arthur. " He said extending his hand to Arthur.

Ace quickly spoke and accepted the opening of hand.

"My percentage is a little low, but I don't think you're willing to negotiate. I'm going to ask for a mission today, but I'm going to make sure your music is published under the PD contract through a friend, I'm going to reduce their rate to 20% on the profits too. Plus, I think the best we can currently get on his collaboration with Beyoncé is a half-and-half split of the profits.

"Okay, I was already expecting something like this. You can even give up between 5% and 10% of the profits so that we have the right to distribute the song online, the same goes for "Yeah". Let's keep the online distribution rights as much as possible , we will do it ourselves initially."

"You're the boss."

Arthur felt his old phone vibrating in his pocket at that moment, looking at the screen he saw that it was an unknown number, he quickly excused himself and left the room.

" Hello! " He started the conversation as soon as he answered.

" Hello! It's Beyoncé here. I'm calling you because I'm going to Columbia right now with my agent, he's going to discuss the contractual issue with his agent while we record, okay? Can you go there now?" Initially her voice had a slight hesitation when speaking to him, perhaps due to the situation last night.

"Actually, I'm already here with my agent. I'm waiting for you in my studio room."

"Okay, bye then."

Arthur entered the room again, smiling.

"You have 10 minutes to resign, she's already on her way here. Tomorrow we should record too, so bring the agent contract too for me to negotiate."

José was sitting on the sofa with a smile on his face, but hearing Ace's words he frowned, spoke up and walked quickly towards the door.

" Fuck you man! I'm already regretting it. " Walking past Arthur he left these words.

As soon as José left, Ace started working on the song's beat, preparing the instrumental. After 20 minutes, Beyoncé entered the room announcing that her agent was already talking to his, so the two focused on producing the song.

At the beginning, their relationship still had some strangeness, but as time went by it got better, as today Arthur was still doing the instrumental part of the song. Beyoncé stayed there more as a kind of companion, talking to Ace and preventing him from he fell into boredom while producing the songs.

With him finishing the beat around 00:00, a completely impressive pace they ended the day for today. Prioritizing being in the best possible state for vocal recording the next day.