"H-hahahahaha!!! Yes kill everyone, hahah-haha!!"

Choi Han-Gyu laughed menacingly as he watched everyone lose their humanity and attack each other to survive.

But not everyone was able to do things needed to survive as many people ran from each other and tried to find any place where they could hide or anything that could protect them.

While those who had lost their humanity were charging at others weaker than them and hitting them without any mercy.

"Y- yes that's it_ feel it, this feeling of being free, this feeling of h-hitting flesh the sound of b-bones cracking, it's so good, it's so

S-satisfying...JUST FEEL IT!!!"

Everyone who was attacking each other had a face of sorrow at first but then it started to change as the more they hit each other the more they understood this feeling of pleasure, he was talking about.

Someone once said there is a Monster hidden inside everyone and our humanity and reality are the ones stopping that monster from coming out and spreading Chaos, but now that there is nothing to stop them they can feel the 'Monster' taking over them.

'I have to do something, who should I kill, whom should I attack...' My eyes were looking everywhere trying to find my Target, we didn't have much time left as the flying clock had only '6 minutes' written on it, I had to do something to survive.

"Big Brother..." But suddenly a soft voice came from my behind as I turned around and saw a hammer coming towards my head with full force.


I somehow Dodged the attack as I looked at the attacker and decided to kill him first as he tried to attack me but when I saw her, I stopped.

The person who had charged towards me was a woman probably in her mid-thirties, a tried look was on her face, while I could see a small girl standing behind her, she might be probably six years old looking at her mother with eyes filled with Terror.

After seeing them, I knew what her intentions were, she wanted to hit me hard enough so that, I wouldn't be able to move and then would use her Daughter and force her to kill me so that she could live.

Seeing that I couldn't able to move, I was frozen there as no matter how hard, I tried my body didn't move and I just stood there.

"Please sniff.. sniff..." She spoke with tears flowing out of her eyes as she looked towards me " Die for my daughter!!.."

She screamed and ran towards me trying to kill me but I wasn't able to move, it was as if my body was stuck in that place, I didn't know what to do, my grip on my Spanner started to lose as my body didn't know what to do...

"Ahhh...." As my body started to lose control due to my emotions, I heard a painful scream from the same lady and saw her falling on the ground with blood coming out of her forehead.

"Mother!!" The small girl screamed as I looked at the scene while my whole body was stiff.


Suddenly a small hammer came flying and hit the girl on the head as she also fell beside her mother.

"Aa..Y-you are j-just a t-trash aren't Y-you.." Choi Han-Gyu walked towards me and looked at my eyes with a curious look.

"Y-you are just a-a Little handsome and that's all....b-but you're still trash..." He spoke and then walked away from me towards the girl, who still had some life left inside her body and was trying to move with the last bit of strength left inside her.

"Mother it's Hurt...sniff..sniff.." She was crying while trying her best to move towards her already dead mother's body.

"Ohh...w-what do w-we have here.." Choi walked near the girl and stood on her arm.

"Aaa... please let me go..." She cried while begging the guy to let her live.

"Ohh.. don't worry girl...this pain j-just for a s-short while, I-I will send you to your mother..." He spoke and then lifted his hammer in the air while Aiming towards her skull trying to end her life.


Seeing that scene something inside me broke and my feet broke into a Sprint.

There were plenty of targets present. A trembling college student hurdled on the floor; a middle-aged man hiding next to the disabled seating; an office worker, too absorbed in assaulting the others and not having enough time to look behind.

But I ran past all of them...

[And selected the hardest opponent within this subway car as my target.]

"Euh-huh.... huh?"

Choi Han-Gyu turned around and saw a flying Spanner coming towards him and a big smile came upon his face as he looked towards the person holding that Spanner.

He took an agile step back to evade, then an ultra-sharp survival knife jumped out from his waist. Along with the 'Swish!' noise, Yu Jung-Hyeok dodged the blade with a gap to spare.

"Hahaha...H-hero trying to s-save the D-Day, I see..." He laughed but then his smile turned into a demonic one " B-but he doesn't know t-that, h-he is just a trash..."

Choi Han-Gyu still carried several other tools, and not only that, he owned a homemade explosive, as well. On the other hand, all Yu Jung-Hyeok had was a spanner as thick as a child's arm.

I was angry, my whole body felt like it was on fire, and my heart was beating at a very high speed.

I don't know, why I decided to go after him probably because of that girl or probably because of my gaming scenes, which can feel that he was strong and the best opponent for me.

But I was sure of one thing, I'm not letting this bastard get away alive.

[ 2 Minutes left at the end of the Scenario]

I ran towards the guy, who had a very big smile on his face as if he had got his favorite toy.

"Haa... Y-your very slow..." He spoke with a big grin as he easily dodged, my attacks while using his Knife to inflict Damage on me.


Many cuts started to appear on my body, and no matter what I did, I wasn't able to inflict any damage on him.

[ 1:40 minutes left.]

The time was running out and I was doing everything in my power to inflict any damage on him.


"Aaa..." Suddenly a straight kick hit me on my chest and I fell to the ground with a painful cry.

"Y-you a-are just a trash and n-no Matter, w-what you do you won't be the Hero of this world..." He spoke with a big smile on his face as he looked down at me while holding a sharp knife in his right hand and the bomb on his left.

"N-now Die pest!!.." He spoke as he lifted his right hand in the air to stab me in my head.

" I will always stay near you..." I recalled my previous conversation with my sister and suddenly my body started to flash a golden light and seeing that light everyone turned their attention to me.

[Incarnation 'Yu Jung-Hyeok's' attribute, 'Pro Gamer' is awakening!]
